All-time favourite storylines

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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Inspired by @stellasamifan.

What is/are your favourite storyline/s of all-time? I know many of us feel that we're caught in the middle of a lot of humdrummery, but I for one will never truly stop watching altogether because of some great storylines I loved as a youth.

Runner up: Carly's live burial at Vivian's drugged-up hands!
And the winner is...The Kristen/Susan storyline.

Other storylines I greatly enjoyed were the Salem Slasher/Kayla's deafness
John & Marlena's love affair while she was married to Roman, and he was with Rebecca Morrison
Jack & Billie winning Countess Wilhemina in a poker game, and Billie’s rivalry with new mommy Kate
Jonah Carver as a vigilante, protected by his sister-in-law Lexie
Vivian carrying Kate & Victor's baby
Sami's bulimia and kidnapping Belle
Eve's attempts to make it in the "business" with Julie
Steve staying away from Kayla because Jack loved her, and he knew Jack was his brother Billy

and OK, I liked the Cruise of Deception, too.

The Will Horton storyline, if it continues to be carried out as it has been to date, will join this list soon.
LOL, we had a "fav" thread already, don't hurt to do it again. I don't have a lot of favs....the patch/Kayla love story, the Jack/Jen adventures as they fell in love. I did not care for the Susan Banks story, but I thoroughly enjoyed Eileen Davidson's portrayals.....she made the the entire thing watchable.
My favorites:
1. Jack & Jenn during 1989-1991....their falling in love, his resistance to let himself be with her, the Cruise of Deception when they first made love, the time she pretended to be Katarina and went to Alamania and married Lawrence Alamain, the rape, her pulling away from Jack, then finally they find their way back and get married.
2. Return of Marlena in 1991....when the 2 Romans and Marlena, Isabella, Carly, Bo all go to Mexico....Bo and Carly's "wedding" on the pyramid
3. The affair....1992/93...beginning with the pit storyline with Marlena being captive of Stella....John finding Marlena and they are trapped after the explosion....then after they are rescued they begin to realize they both still love each other...and then the affair
4. Aftermath of affair...93/94....loved the scenes at Belle's baptism, when John finds out Belle is his, when Roman and Marlena separate and she moves out
5. Marlena's possesion...94/95....I thought this was great...I know most didn't like this because it was too sci-fi....but loved how it allowed Deidre Hall to shine in her acting skills. Many shocking moments and scenes....Bo and Billie's wedding when the chandelier fell, scenes between Mardevil and Tony were chilling, and when Kristen confronted Mardevil and they fight after Mardevil's contact lens falls out....
6. Vivian and Carly....when Carly is buried alive...great suspense, very chilling
7. Salem Stalker 2003/04....loved the scenes when Marlena "killed" Doug...they fought in the hole in the ground in the cemetary. Didn't necessarily like how they explained everything and went to Melaswen....but it was interesting and I couldn't wait to see what the writers would come with next.
the first half the princess gina storyline.
the Jawn storyline. (loved how he bashed marlena's head into the door, and the way he calculates in the air)
Ciara/Theo running away
Hope going to jail storyline
Carrie/Mike succumbing to their feelings in LA
Jack/Jen when she posed as a guard to get him out of jail...
Well, I didn’t start watching days until late 90s, so these are the storylines that I grew up on:
1. Chloe lane as ghoul girl. Philip takes her to the Last Blast and she stuns everyone.
2. Philip and Chloe have an affair and she gets pregnant with his son. (Although I didn’t like the way they handled this storyline, I like that it bonded Chloe and Philip forever, they were meant to be together.)
3. Plane crashes on way back from Ireland, Grandpa Shawn dies
4. Salem serial killer
5. Zack/ Chelsea storyline
6. Kate sets Sami up for murder of Franco
7. Swamp Girl Greta turns out to be Princess Gina’s daughter
8. “Teen island” the class goes camping on an island and Nicole’s creepy father is there were he rapes Jan Spears, eventually Jan kills Paul
9. It’s finally revealed that Shawn is Claire’s father not Philip
10. Kate and Roman turn out to be the twins parents
My top 5 +
#1 Zack, Hope should have won an Emmy
#2 Bo & Hope when he rescues her from the "wedding" on his motorcycle
#3 Hope in the cage
#4 Julie and the time she was badly burned when the oven blew up
#5Tom and Laura keeping Mikes paterinty a secret
Any thing from the first 7-10 years
Goes to show that one man's poison is another man's dessert...or however that saying goes. Some love the stories others hated...and thus, the wide appeal of Days. LOL

(lol, just man's meat is another man's poison....just took a few seconds longer, lol)
I've only faithfully watched Days since the end of 2009, but I have watched some clips on youtube from the past. From what I've watched, I'd say that Melaswen was probably my overall favorite, and I loved the Bo-Hope prison storyline from last year. Also, as sad as the storyline was, Zack's death was written very good, and I thought the storyline was interesting.

Also, I LOVED the storyline where Larry came back and kidnapped Hope.
All time favorite as I said before was John and Isabella. I still watch that dying scene on you tube and bawl my eyes out!

Also have enjoyed the Lucas and Sami engagements, especially loved Sami talking Nicole into going down the sewer to rescue some audio tape. Sucker!

Shane and Kim

and now to really go back there, I loved Liz and Neil. Liz could sing him around any night of the week!
since i've started watching full time mid 2009:
melanie/carly/vivian: i loved the wedding and shooting even though i dont really care for melanie and philip's pairing
and most recently, jacks return
Loved Liz and Neil.
Roman sleeping at Marlena's to protect her
Shane and Kim
Patch and Kayla
I even liked Nick Corelli and Eve Donovan
My top 5 are: 1. Bo and Hope, especially early days.
2. Sami and Lucas, especially after she was raped as a teen.
3. Carrie and Mike becoming friends and then falling in love when Austin was on the run with Sami
4. Mickey and Maggie meeting and falling in love
5. Jack learning the truth about his family and how Jen chased him
1. "The Love Cage" - Jan Spears kidnaps Shawn. She locks him in a metal cage that she and Nicole built. Shawn is forced to wear pedal-pushers, while Jan is out wearing a spywear camera disguised as a necklace. She convinces Shawn that Belle and Philip fell in love.
2. "Aliens" - Rex and his sister crash into Salem from Space. Belle and Shawn give the siblings CPR. We later on discover they are Marlena's children, I believe.
3. Massacre in Paris
I'll have to say the whole Melaswen/Castle's what drew me in. I kept watching everyday hoping everyone would make back home to Salem and it's when I first fell in love with Marlena lol!

I watched The Possession episodes online recently and loved that as well!
I too liked the initial idea of Melaswen - but then we had the inevitable pairings of Roman/Marlena and Kate/John which we knew were doomed to fail, and the storyline raged on too long IMO.
Beings this is all time favorite S/L and mine is naturally different. My alllllllll time favorite is when Larry Welch and Hope Williams was having their wedding, and the ceremony went pretty well, and then when Larry raised the veil ready to kiss the bride, it was Howie, complete with a (I beleive unlit) cigar in his little smiling face. Rest in peace Howie.... I loved watching your antics, and Alice and Bo too.

removed remark pertaining to actor's physical appearance...JS
Let me say first, one of my favorite stories was when Hope Williams was (even in real life) an ice skating junior champion, and was going for Olympics. On the show, they wanted to work this into the theme of the show for one S/L and they spent many many days at the ice skating rink, somewhere. I do not ever think I have heard of the ice skating rink since she was running for the Olympics. It was so beautiful. She had so many lovely outfits, and she could skate like an angel. Well along with this, They spent quite a few days and so on at this public gym, and it was almost a delivery room when a very pregnant actress went into real labor there.... But the ice skaters they welcomed on to the show to compete with Hope was a sight to behold....:love:
all the Lucas's storylines
and Lucas and Sami when they first made love 2-8-1995.
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