Am puzzled about this


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Forgive me......I saw this post elsewhere.........and I know that somewhere on our site here there was a discussion about regional phrases, words, accents, etc. and I cannot find it. But I just was really puzzled about this post...

"this Hole thing with Ej. is a faked I Beelive. if something Happen two the Kids Next. then we know . it was a set up Bye EJ. and sami will Bee the last two Know. this way I think that they could level town together. as a Family . with John he Had two Let Theresa go beecase if brady was free from Theresa.that would Give Kristen . all the Right move two move in on Bardy and that john would not want for Brady. that is what I think may go Down. ps it may all Blow up with Kristen and theresaa going Head two Head. over Bardy."

When I first began to read, I thought it was twitter shortcuts, but cannot be that. I was wondering if it could be one of those programs that translates your spoken word into written, perhaps for someone who is unable to use a keyboard themselves???

And sorry, I just did not know where to put this, but chose Daily Days as the post refers to present story.
I picture the nuns from my grade school reading that and smacking the knuckles of the author with a metal-edged ruler.

being dyslexic I can read things like that. I also know how wrong it
is to spell like that too

I've seen things on Facebook to see if you can read the odd
spelling and left out vowels
This did come from Facebook, and the spelling is what really threw me. But it was tied in with the grammar....constantly spelling "to" as "two" for instance. I just was floored. And tried to find an explanation of why so many errors, the extra letter E for instance in various words.
We have seen small errors on the closed captioning on our TVs , or heard the mispronunciation on the GPS gadgets we have in our cars....but this was just odd.
I think we should cut this person some slack, maybe English isn't their first language. I know a lot of people whose grammar isn't top notch. I know what was written was way off the mark, but at least they tried - right?

If I tried to write even a few words in French or Spanish, my grammar i'm sure would be just as bad. Not my first language. And part of the internet especially Facebook and other websites like it, work to encourage everyone to participate. So maybe that was the best the writer could do. :)
LOL, Muse, my laptop does that, (though I take the time to delete the extra letters) which is why I rarely type a post or anything on it. Just read. Or do whatever with the mouse. I hate that laptop, and wanted one so bad.

But the spelling...nope, not a keyboard thing. Leave is spelled level, believe is spelled Beelive. How did that person get out of 4th grade? Or don't they teach spelling any more in school?
Which is why I wondered if it possibly could be some sort of software.
And the person's name seemed American, or at least English/Canadian.
I think we should cut this person some slack, maybe English isn't their first language.
This could be true, but I've had some experience editing articles written by people whose first language isn't English and they don't look like this: many spelling errors, random capitalization, and some grammatical errors. The errors in the articles I've seen generally reflect the author's first language: articles by Germans that use English words with a German sentence structure, and articles by Chinese authors that don't use "the" and "a" correctly and failure to use plurals. Finally, regardless of the national origin of the writer, there are wrong choices in use of prepositions or idiomatic mistakes. For example, a Chinese writer once wanted to mention the legal concept of "chilling effect," but instead wrote "freezing effect."