An FYI for Dr. Phil....on 11/5 & 6


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Just read that Dr. Phil has Michelle Knight, one of the 3 women held captive in Ohio for 10 years by Ariel Castro. The women escaped finally, after one broke part of a door, yelled for help, and a neighbor came to their rescue. From what I have read, it is extremely interesting, Dr. Phil was very moved, and this is why it runs for 2 days.
Dr. Phil is usually on during the day, at various times and on different stations all over the country, so you have to check your local listings.
Thank you, Poirot. The courage all these young women displayed, the ability to survive and the bravery to talk about this harrowing experience is proof of how resilient the human spirit can be. Bless them all.
Thanks for posting. Michelle has been the most outspoken of the three women. She was held in captivity the longest. She was also the only one of the three who bravely faced that monster at his sentencing. She has such a beautiful spirit given what she's been through and truly believes that her purpose in life now is to help others who have been through similar ordeals. I'll have to remember to watch. Thanks Poirot.
Anyone see part 1 of this yesterday? was difficult to watch and yet I was glued to the tv at the same time. How completely heartbreaking to hear the details of what that creep did to her!! It's absolutely amazing that these women didn't just die while in captivity or have super serious lasting physical health problems (and perhaps they do, I don't know for sure). Michelle said during that first winter she was in that house of horrors there was no heat and she was completely naked most of the time. Wow. And then she talked about how he beat her into miscarrying a baby....I just cried. I'm tearing up just typing this. Words can't describe the amount of admiration I have for these women. If only we all had just a small percentage of the strength they have shown. Part 2 is today.
I watched part 1 yesterday and like you I cried and today I watched part 2 and it was another day of crying . Once again making her miscarriage and then having her born 1 of the other girls baby . It was gut wrenching to listen too all that she went through .
Just finished part 2. Michelle miscarried 5 babies..he did not want her to be pregnant. I did not realize how short she is. And she does have lasting physical problems now. Horrendus story, for sure.
I saw part 2 yesterday evening. I was beyond horrified at her descriptions of what that monster did to her to kill the babies. I was sobbing hearing parts of her ordeal. I found it interesting how she described her relationship with Gina and then how she seems to have some lingering ill-feelings toward Amanda. Dr. Phil kept making a point to say that this was Michelle's story from her point of view. I wonder if the other two watched this interview and what they thought about it.
It was interesting that she & Gina were together upstairs, had no idea Amanda was attempting to break the door, that when they heard the pounding they thought someone was breaking in, and were hiding behind a dresser in fear. And even when some one shouted, "Police. Is anyone in there?" they were still scared, figuring anyone can say they are police.
She is upset that Amanda never mentioned the other women in the house when she was able to make the 911 call.
It truly is amazing they all survived after all that was done to them.