Ben is dumber than a box of rocks


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2009
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Good grief, this guy is dumb, gullible, extremely jealous and insecure. So he's worrying that he's not the baby's father and he is so easily manipulated by Clyde. Clyde just mentions that it's possible that there's a paternity test that could be done with Kayla's help, so Abby must have done it because she'd never try to pass another kid off as Ben's.

He basically told Ben how he knows without telling him he made sure the test said Ben was the father and Ben just says "uh ok". Clyde could talk Ben into wizzing on a spark plug.
Love the title. Agree with the proposition. Hate the storyline. LOL

Ben was smart enough to make it on the run, stay under the radar for a decade...daddy rapey-est comes back, smooth talks him, and he's following his marital advice.

Ben aspires to be as dumb as a box of rocks.
The thing is, Ben was well protected while on the run, because of Jordan. Once he was on his own (like in Florida) he works at a diner, gets involved with passing on gambling money or some such, Yep, anyone can talk him into anything, he really cannot think straight on his own.
Clyde could talk Ben into wizzing on a spark plug.
Perhaps, If Ben whizzed on a spark plug, it would shock some sense into him. Of course, it might not all be his fault. He seems to have spent much of his childhood under the bed or hiding in a closet to avoid being thrashed by Clyde or seeing his pervert father abusing the long-suffering Mother Weston. Then, for years, he was with Jordan, whose usual facial expression is a catatonic stare. And since coming to Salem, his love object has been Ms. Perfect who's so bright that she thought showering with EJ was a great idea. That said, poor Ben is as dumb as a box of rocks. Perhaps, when Chad goes back to the DiMansion and tells Fatha he's been arguing with Ben again, Stefano says something like: "Hah, I have told you many times never to argue with an idiot, yes. Don't be like your brother who was always arguing with that fool, Samantha."
Ben really leaves me shaking my head at times. I love how he is sitting right there listening to every word of Clyde's phone conversation, and he doesn't find it the least bit suspicious. Actually, it surprised me Clyde didn't exercise a little more discretion and take the conversation outside. I wish he would get
a clue and not just about Clyde, but about the fact that he needs to let Abby go their relationship at least from my standpoint is over.
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I feel the exact same way, SarahBeth. Ben is just too naive and he doesn't seem to have a single thought of his own without someone else putting an idea out in front of him. That's going to get old really quick watching this character on-screen. There's no chance of character development in that type of writing. I kept thinking, "Ben's a tool"....not really insulting him, but more as though he's just a tool for the writers to move the plot along towards Chad/Abigail with the same tired who's the daddy story. I'd much rather see Chad be honest with Abigail about why Stefano wants them together and them work together to bypass Stefano or struggle with wanting to be together but can't than watch box-o'-rocks Ben obsess over Abigail's infidelity. I get the feeling that Ben is going to go off the deep end and I really don't want to see that.
Ben needs to go and let go! Seriously not liking his stalking, this screams desperate psycho. Abigail seemed to have the Salem brain for a split second but only a second today. Nonetheless, I am glad she stood up to the sick jerk but I fear her nightmare is just beginning and she is still so clueless. This will not end well for all involved.
Drawn guns?? Usually, the DiMansion is more wide-open than the Salem bus station. Anyone and anything can and does wander in there. It's surprising that the Phoenix hasn't come to the dinner table to find the Forest Preserve Bear and a few of his friends and family sitting there devouring the prime rib. And things over at the K-mansion are no better. This is why it was so remarkable that a process server couldn't get near the place to serve the X-man. Usually, anybody can get in, including those whose very presence causes Victor's blood pressure to go way up. As for he subject of this thread, Ben's lack of brainpower, another sign that he's not quite with it is the fact that he's in a relationship that's approved by creepy Clyde. Like Stefano's seal of approval on a relationship, this is the kiss of death.
I just hope and pray that TPTB does not go into the direction of him hurting Abigail like his father hurt his mother and sister. But I fear this is coming!:cry:
If that happens, Chad will make sure he regretted ever touching her. I thought that was the point of his exchange with Benny LOL, telling him to not take her for granted and how lucky he is. Problem is, Ben knows she is not happy, and like he told creepy Clyde, he himself is not.

But then he allows daddy to manipulate him and continues to take his well meaning advice:sarcasm:

Also, I don't get what he is trying to accomplish by confronting Abigail, but if it leads to movement in the story I am for it. Also, Will needs to realize that he has no room to talk when it comes to drama and baggage. Luckily Abby did not listen to Mr. relationship expert because aside from stating the obvious, that Abigail loves Chad, everything that followed made him look like a huge hypocrite.

At least Chad and Abby are not keeping secrets or lying to each other like William has with Sonny. Ben is being set up for a huge fall. I would feel sorry for him if he wasn't aware of the truth and treating Abby as a trophy he must keep watchful eye on.
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The thing is, Abby has not seen any dark side of Ben. WE have, but she hasn't. He has been kind, caring, interested in her well being, etc. Of course, if I was her, I would have been pretty upset that a guy proposed to me right in front of the man he knew I had dated at one time.
Abby has no idea of the stalking, the tracker ap on her phone, how his father is manipulating him, or how Ben has followed her, and listened in.