Brady's Backyard Barbeque




Dick Dorkay, Executive Producer: Molly, we have a problem. A huuuge problem.
Molly: Uh huh.
Dorkay: What’s the matter? Don’t you even care?
Molly: You always say there’s a huge problem. Usually, it turns out not to be that huge.
Dorkay: Well, size doesn’t matter. But I need your help.
Molly: With what?
Dorkay: kpatch’s next story. It’s a mess.
Molly: A mess?
Dorkay: It has a really complicated plot with dozens of characters. It’s all over the place.
Molly: That doesn’t sound like something kpatch would write.
Dorkay: I think she’s off her meds. Or off her rocker. Or both.
Molly: kpatch doesn’t usually want help with her stories though.
Dorkay: I know I know I know, but she likes you. Why don’t you talk to her and see what you can find out?

Later ...

Molly: I found out about kpatch’s story.
Dorkay: Go on.
Molly: It’s a reunion story. That’s why there are so many characters.
Dorkay: Can’t she cut it down?
Molly: Well, she showed me some excerpts and... I think it will be okay.
Dorkay: I don’t know. I’m still worried.
Molly: That’s nothing new. You live in the state of Worried.
Dorkay: Supposing you do some of the chapter intros ... you know, to help the readers follow along.
Molly [rolling her eyes]: Dick, the readers aren’t stupid. You need to give them a little credit.
Dorkay: I know I know I know. But but but...
Molly: Stop stuttering and calm down, Dick. kpatch has actually asked me to do some intros.
Dorkay [mopping his brow]: Whew. That’s a relief.
Molly: Deep breaths, Dick. Sit down and relax. Have some sun tea and cappuccino pie while we show the previews.

To be continued... Tune in tomorrow for the official preview.

Any resemblance to persons living or dead, real or fictional throughout this story is purely coincidental.
Yes!!!!! a new story by kpatch. So glad that my girl Mel (Melanie) is going to me in it this time. Looks like we are taking a trip down memory lane. Can't wait. When is the first day? Just saw the answer tomorrow. Yea not long to wait.
I was just thinking when kpatch was going to do a new story. This one is already off to a great start!! WOO-HOO!!
Come on !!! Please give us our afternoon delight !!!! We are in desperate need of our kpatch fix.
Alright!! Sounds great and I'm happy to see the return of Molly as well!
And I so love that Mr. Dorkay is back! Just L O V E that moniker. Soooo fitting! :evillaugh:


Bo: Good morning Fancy Face. Hey, what’s wrong? Are you crying?
Hope [sniffle]: No.
Bo: You ARE crying. What’s the matter?
Hope: You know me. I just get this way at the end of the summer. Autumn is coming, the year is ending, the leaves are turning brown, everything is dying, and ... it makes me realize how fast time is passing.
Bo: I know.
Hope: And it makes me think about all the people I miss. Shawn, Belle, and Claire, Dad and Julie, Chelsea and Max, Kayla and Steve, Kimberly, Marlena and John....
Bo: That’s a long list.
Hope: I’m just getting started.
Bo: And, of course, there’s Zack.
Hope: I miss him every day of my life.
Bo: Me too. And I miss my sisters.
Hope: Why do people have to leave? Why do they have to move away and live somewhere else?
Bo: It’s just part of life, I guess.
Hope: You’d better get going, Brady. You’re going to be late for your meeting with the City Manager.
Bo: I hate to leave you like this.
Hope: I’ll be fine. You go on.
[Bo kisses Hope and leaves. She eyes the telephone, picks it up, and dials.]
Hope: Kayla? It’s Hope.

[As Bo drives to City Hall, he makes a cell phone call.]
Bo: Hey Roman, have you got time to meet me for lunch today? Yeah, the Pub would be great. See you around noon.

To be continued... Tune in Monday for Chapter 1
Yes!!!!! a new story by kpatch. So glad that my girl Mel (Melanie) is going to me in it this time. Looks like we are taking a trip down memory lane. Can't wait. When is the first day? Just saw the answer tomorrow. Yea not long to wait.

And I so love that Mr. Dorkay is back! Just L O V E that moniker. Soooo fitting! :evillaugh:

So excited to see this, I just love Mel and Dorkay!! :smile:
Sounds like we are getting ready to see the reunion to end all reunions...!!! Can't wait...!!!!
I hope that Bo & Hope don't do the cooking :D
Maybe Jack can BBQ up his special recipe burgers. Hmm, thinking about about who else can cook? Maggie sort of?

This is going to be another goodie one!!
Hey, will we get to see Bo hold his beer bottle all goofy..?????

If someone (hint) has a picture like that, someone might be able to find a place for it somewhere in the story. (PM me if you do.)
Hmm, the potential to bring back lots of complex characters with established histories, Bo & Hope acting as a happily married couple.... no wonder Dorkay (I agree with Poirot, Dick Dorkay is the perfect moniker) is so nervous about this story.... sounds great to me though, I can't wait to read the first chapter.
Chapter 1


[Bo and Roman are seated at a table.]
Bo: Ma, have you got a second to sit with us?
Caroline: Of course. What’s going on?
Bo: Hope is in a funk.
Roman: Why?
Bo: She sometimes gets this way toward the end of the summer. She starts to feel ... I don’t know ...
Caroline: Wistful?
Bo: Yeah. She misses Shawn, Belle, and Claire, her folks, Chelsea, Jennifer, Marlena.
Caroline: And Zack.
Bo: Zack died at the end of the year, and she always gets this dread feeling when the anniversary of his death is coming.
Roman: What can WE do?
Bo: I was thinking of surprising her.
Roman: Not another wedding!
Bo [laughs]: No. I was thinking of trying to get some of those folks I mentioned to come for a visit.
Caroline: I would love that too!
Bo: Will you guys help me put a little pressure on them?
Caroline: You mean guilt? I think I can handle that.
Bo: I’ll call Shawn, Doug, and Jennifer.
Caroline: I’ll call Chelsea and Max.
Roman: I’ll contact Marlena.
Bo: Hey, I appreciate your help.
Roman: No problem, little brother.

Bo [takes out his cell phone]: Jenn? Hi, it’s Bo.

To be continued...
Thanks kpatch. Boy I am getting excited to see everyone again. Bet Claire has gotten big. Jack and Jen's JJ must be quite big as well. Can't wait to see how everyone is doing.