Buried Alive!

Great Cliffhanger!!! I'm just glad people finally know to start looking for Melanie... even if they don't know where. :clap:
I gotta agree, Poirot - I peek in from time to time, but waiting to read the story in one sitting.

It is nice to know that there will be an installment every weekday morning, early, and the entire story has been well thought out and written in advance, before we even see chapter one. I also like that her characters are real Days people for the most part and she keeps them true.

Hurry up, kpatch - I am waiting to read it!
Vivian- Lol gotta love her sense of humor.

Oh man can't wait for Monday!
Rew, you kill me with your squirrel pictures!!

Kpatch - Great job! Cannot wait for more. Still Sunday..guess I'm gonna have to wait...:)
Chapter 9, less than 12 hours of oxygen left


Roman: Gus Marceau was the only one who knew where Melanie is buried.
Philip: What do you mean knew?
Bo: Gus Marceau ... where have I heard that name before?
Roman: You read it in a homicide report. We found his body in Salem Place yesterday afternoon.
Philip: That means no one knows where Melanie is. She could be anywhere. And she’s running out of air!
Bo: I’m not going to kid you, little brother. It doesn’t look good.

Stephanie and Nathan arrive.

Philip: Steph, what are you doing here?
Nathan: We have some information for the police.
Bo: What have you got?
Stephanie: I got a call from Melanie.
Philip: What? When? What did she say? Where is she? Is she alright?
Bo: Hey, I’m asking the questions. What? When? What did she say? Where is she? Is she alright?
Stephanie: She said she’d been buried alive and she was begging for help. She couldn’t hear me though.
Bo: When did she call you?
Stephanie: Yesterday afternoon.
Philip: Yesterday???
Bo: Why didn’t you tell us before?
Stephanie: I thought it was a prank. I thought maybe someone stole her cell phone.
Bo: Her cell phone. Are you sure the call came from her cell phone?
Stephanie: Yes, surely. The display showed that it was her.
Bo: Let me see your phone. And stop calling me Shirley.
Stephanie gives Bo her phone.
Bo [presses a few keys]: A call came from Melanie’s phone at 4:47 p.m. yesterday. That means she has her cell phone with her.
Stephanie: I’m sorry Philip.
Philip: For what?
Stephanie: I should have told someone.
Philip: You said you thought it was a prank.
Stephanie: No. I didn’t. That was a lie. I thought if Melanie was out of the way, I wouldn’t have to compete with her anymore. I didn’t realize how serious this was.
Philip: Wait a second. Bo! I just remembered something.
Bo: What have you got, man?
Philip: The cell phone. I bought Melanie her cell phone.
Bo: No kidding? How much did you pay? What kind of calling plan did it come with?
Philip: I don’t remember. Is that important?
Bo: Could be. I’m looking to upgrade. My plan’s a piece of sh...
Philip: That’s not the point. Melanie’s always getting lost, so I bought her a phone that’s equipped with Global Positioning -- GPS.
Bo: This could be the break we’ve been hoping for! Roman, call TEK. We need someone who knows about reverse tracking. Now!

To be continued ...
:rotfl: And stop calling me Shirley! Tee hee...flashback of "Airplane"! Great stuff, Kpatch. Surprised Philip didn't give Stephanie what for...mean little brat!
Great job. You even brought back TEK. What a surprise. I thought he was dead. Maybe he can pair up with someone soon in a future story to come. God Bless You. :)
Yes!!!!!!!!!! Stephanie comes though. Glad that Philip got the phone with the GPS. (I thought most phones comes with that now.) Had to laught when Bo told Stephanie to stop calling him Shirley, and when Bo stopped everything to ask about the cost of the phone and the phone plan. Come on Bo that can wait, My Girl Mel (Melanie) needs to be saved. It is Tek that Bo is calling for or is TEK short for a part of the police deptment. Thanks for the chapter kpatch.
I LOVE this chapter.....!!! So much fun stuff...Bo repeating Philip's questions....Don't call me Shirley....phones and phone plans....just too much to list...!!! Good to hear Tek isn't in a tunnel somewhere...!!! I thought Lexie had a smile on her face again....

And they are going to find Melanie in time.....hope she finds herself in that coffin.....
:rotfl: And stop calling me Shirley! Tee hee...flashback of "Airplane"! Great stuff, Kpatch. Surprised Philip didn't give Stephanie what for...mean little brat!

The stop calling me Shirley line, wasn't that from the Naked Gun movies? Too funny! Thank goodness for GPS! Now I hope that Nathan sees how Stephanie can be so evil and dumps her for good!! It doesn't matter that she finally told, it matters she was ready to see her die!!!
Stop calling me Shirley is from the movie Airplane...what a crazy movie that was...and yes, the same guy, Leslie Nielsen (sp?) was in both.....
It gets better and better. Time to send kpatch to California to meet with Corday.

@PAllison...you are so very bad...but you might just be right about that smile. I remember their last night together...I was wondering if maybe EJ and STefano put him in the tunnel and she got real hungry and ate him since he seemed to have disappeared totally. Now we know that he was in Salem all along, he just hasn't had any screen time! Thanks kpatch, mystery solved!

Now save Melanie please, DJM is very worried!
Chapter 10, 2 hours of oxygen remaining


Bo is driving a police van while Thomas Edward Kramer (also known as TEK), Technical Operations Director of the Salem Police Force, is in the passenger seat operating a highly sophisticated control panel. Daniel, Philip, and Nathan are standing in the open compartment at the rear of the van, holding onto handrails as the vehicle careens through the streets of Salem.

~In the front of the van~
Bo: What have you got?
TEK: I’m dialed into Melanie’s cell phone, but the signal is really weak, man.
Bo: Tell me which way to go.
TEK: I can’t tell yet. Melanie’s cell phone has probably been on for a few days and the battery is low.
Bo: You’d think Philip could have sprung for the cell phone with self-charging batteries.
TEK: Not only are the batteries low, the oxygen in that coffin is low too, if there’s even any left.
Bo: That’s why we brought the doctors with us. I just hope it’s not too late.
TEK: I’m getting something, Bo. Here, take this righthand turn. We need to go over the Thomas Horton Memorial Causeway bridge.
Bo: She’s buried on Smith Island?

~In the rear of the van~
Nathan: Where’s Dr. Manning? I thought for sure she’d be coming with us.
Daniel: I had to give her a sedative. She was completely hysterical.

~60 minutes of oxygen remaining~

~In the front of the van~
TEK: The signal’s getting stronger. We’re getting closer. Stop the van! Here! Stop the van!

Bo hits the brakes and they all get out of the vehicle.
Bo: Damn. This island is all sand. That makes it harder to find where a grave’s been dug.
The men wander the island, searching for a patch of sand that looks like it was recently dug up.

~30 minutes of oxygen remaining~

TEK: Here! The signal is strongest right here! Come on, let’s start digging.

The men use the shovels they brought with them and begin to dig furiously as time is running out.

~15 minutes of oxygen remaining~

Nathan’s shovel hits something hard.
Nathan: Did you hear that?
Philip: The coffin!
At this point they can see the coffin. They start digging with their hands to uncover it even more. Finally, they are able to raise the lid, and it takes all five of them to do it.

Philip: Melanie!

Melanie is unconscious inside the coffin. Bo and TEK lift Melanie out of the coffin and carefully hand her off to the three men waiting above ground. Daniel feels for her pulse.

Daniel: She has no pulse!
Philip: Noooo!
Nathan: She can't be dead!

They place her lifeless body on the ground.

Daniel: Ready Nathan? One, two, three ...

Nathan administers mouth-to-mouth as Daniel performs chest compressions. Minutes go by. Finally, Melanie starts to cough and then gasps for air.

Daniel: Philip, get the oxygen tank out of the van. Hurry!

To be continued. Tune in tomorrow for the finale ...
Great rescue! The only problem I had with this story was, I kept thinking Gus was dead on the real show...I get so confused!!! I was wondering why Vivian didn't know Gus was dead!
Whoooo-eeeeee.........Terrific ........buried on Smith Island! Wow! Love that there is finally a causeway bridge across.

Actually, must confess I did the same as Sunny the other day on the show, wait a sec...Gus is dead. Ooops, no he isn't. LOL