By night, stars; by day, family - alternate reality story

... Shew! I'd like to remind everyone that this was supposed to be a short prequel to the story I had originally planned to write. The final word count for this stands at about 38,000 words, which I hope speaks to the amount of love I developed for this little project after I had the chance to really sink my teeth into it. It's been a great escape for me these last few months, and I can't tell you how much I appreciate the support from those of you who have read and commented.

I'll be taking a short break from writing fanfiction for a while, so I can get myself settled in my new place and put together a story to follow this one. But I'd just like to say a special thanks again. Posting this story here has seriously done wonders in awakening my love for fiction writing. I've even branched away from this with brainstorming ideas for an original novel that I can't wait to devote November (National Novel Writing Month) to. In the beginning I was concerned about sharing this story, thinking that no one would be interested in any ideas I would have for these amazing characters. But you've all inspired me to keep up with writing what I love, and I can't thank you enough for that. :love:
:hug::love: .insomnias' reward was reading your epiligue posts tonight. How special to me you be the first reader.:clap:. My favorite, if course, us Jack and Jen!! But I also loved how you captured the flirting, romance and advenureis of Bo & Hope, Steve & Kayla, Kim & Shane, rtc.

Enjoy your November your November break and accept all the thanks you earned from your talented writing!!
Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us. I have always loved to read a good story. However it is hard to find a story that held me spell bound like this one did!:clap::clap::clap::clap: