Can we talk about Hope?


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2012
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I'm at my wits end with Hope. I can't even understand this character anymore, and she used to be one of my favorites. She's the #1 reason I scream at the TV during the show.

Eli knows something is up with the blanket and the phone being in Ben's place. Hope doesn't even examine evidence anymore. She has terrible cop instincts, terrible relationship instincts, terrible maternal instincts. She doesn't make sense anymore.

I'm hoping that after they conclude this kidnapping storyline and it comes out (hopefully) that Ben is innocent that she'll finally get a grip on reality but I'm not sure how the writers can turn this around. It looks like they might be pushing her toward Ted now. I don't mind breaking up her and Rafe because Rafe needs better storylines, but it makes Hope look disloyal, which is one quality you'd never have thought she'd have.
I've had enough of Hope myself. I assume they will do what they always do. Give her a pass and then go back to acting like she's some sort of saint. Ciara will be mad at her when this all ends but somehow they'll write the stories like we're supposed to feel bad for Hope. I'm hoping they are breaking up Hope and Rafe. Interesting that during sweeps he's not there. It was always too weird to me that she was with her niece's husband and they have zero chemistry. Tough when you have a show where 99% of the characters are related.
I'm not sure how the writers can turn this around.
The writers can turn anything/anyone around, TinaY. The problem is coming up with a plot we viewers will accept and believe.

[Hope] was with her niece's husband...Tough when you have a show where 99% of the characters are related.
Ex-husband. :) Heck, the gene pool in Salem is so polluted, the town needs to be declared a disaster area, and the residents required to wear Haz-Mat gear.,
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I'm really hoping for her "cuz" Jenny high priestess of the moral ground to do a full blown expose on the Police Commissioner and calling her out..... and showing how just wrong Hope has been on every step of the way.... calling for the citizenry to demand Hope be replaced..... so much so even her father is abhorred by all her wrong doings...
Jen would never do that........after all, they are "family". Maybe Melinda will do it all during her campaign???
People around her have already noted how quickly & unfairly she jumps to conclusions, manufacturing scenarios, refusing to look in any other direction but Ben's.
Thus, she has missed/ignored the signals that something is amiss....from elsewhere.
Personally, I hate the bubble in which this kidnapping story is being told.
Ciara is related to Roman, Doug, Julie, Victor, Jen, JJ, Abby;, Charlotte is related to Stefan, Jen, JJ, Hope, Julie, Doug, Will. Let's add Kayla, Eli, Rafe into the mix, Jack, Adrienne....but no one is out sniffing around, having their goons .......oh, wait, I mean their security personnel on the lookout. Brady hired a bunch of men to watch out for Chloe & the kids, but no private eyes are working for anyone, are they? Boy, does Salem ever need Patch!!!!
I'm really hoping for her "cuz" Jenny high priestess of the moral ground

The high priestess of moral ground. I love that especially since she took off when her granddaughter was kidnapped and went to work instead of staying with her precious daughter, LOL.
Deep sigh: once I didn't recognize the shrew they wrote as Jennifer and now I don't recogize this Hope either. To me Hope without Bo is like Kayla without Steve or Jen without Jack. The writers have a strong haul to fix that but Rafe is not the right man for Hope. And now she's flirting with another man so we all know where that goes in time.
Hope is the one with the unhealthy obsession who needs to seek psychiatric help. This I believe is going to lead to her being yanked from police commissioner which right now is highly deserved. Eli needs to remember he's an ex FBI and figure out that Jordan is the kidnapper.
Jenn already holds the designation of the Archduchess of Haggery. Hope should be known as the Archduchess of Extreme Fixation.
I can only hope this is turning into a "dirty organization" type of storyline with Hope/Abe losing their positions to Trask or Jack due to Hope's incompetence and Abe not recognizing it. I mean the way she busted into Ben's apartment with no warrant and starts roughing him up and going through his things?!?!? Anything she finds should be inadmissible in court anyway. I find myself screaming at the TV to Ben "don't say anything and ask for a lawyer".

Now, I know this is "fantasy" and they are telling a story, but come on at least give us viewers enough truth that we can actually get behind a story. I can't even stand the sight of Hope anymore!!! Regardless of the reasons that might be given why she is acting this way I DONT CARE, she is ruined in my eyes as the commissioner!! She needs fired immediately, and Ciara needs to tell her to BUG OFF and mind her own catastrophic love life before judging hers!
So at the end of today's show Hope arrives pistol drawn on Ben. I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't lose her mind and shoot Ben. I would be shocked if she didn't; she is so off the rails.
I was thinking that's way it would play out. I'd like to think it would lead them to addressing her obsession but probably not. She's just a worried mom!
What would be a great story would be if Hope accidentally shot Ciara while pointing Ben. Of course, Ciara would survive, but I would love to see Hope having to live with that. (And no, I would never wish that in real life, rest assured.)