

New Member
Nov 13, 2008
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i've watched days off and on for many years. carly looks familiar but i cannot remember her back story. could someone point me to a place i could read up on the story involving her and lawrence alamain and vivian and bo? :confused:
86jams on youtube has alot of the storyline, not all but some of it. There maybe more but she only focuses on J&M pretty much. Check out youtube for other sites.
I think someone did a short synopsis of Carly's story in another thread, but Carly ran away from home to avoid an arranged marriage, changed her name, went to college, roomed with Jennifer Horton, later became a doctor. Fell in love with a man named James, had a child, one that Vivian Alamain stole and raised herself.
Carly came to Salem, and with Hope supposedly dead, fell in love with Bo, got engaged but ended up marrying Victor who had blackmailed her. Vivian was taking some kind of herbs that made her goofy, she buried Carly alive. Lawrence ended up rescuing her. It was learned that Lawrence was actually James, and Lawrence was also the man (she had never seen) who was the other half of the arranged marriage. Eventually, Lawrence & Carly admitted their love to each other, took their son Nicky and left Salem together.
ooh! thanks, poirot! love that short synopsis---succinct but to the point! i feel "edjumicated" now!
The following YouTube channel (GuidingLightCBS) basically has the entire BO & Carly love story posted. Thought you might like to check it out. As much as I am a devoted Bo & Hope fan I must admit... these two did some great chemistry!

Sorry.... I should have mentioned... these clips are of both Peter Reckells Bo & the other Bo (Faux Bo). While Peter Reckells Bo & Carly had great chemistry, I couldnt see it with the re-cast Bo (sorry I cant remember his name). For some reason I found him so un-appealing......
His name was Robert Kelker Kelly, and he looked a lot like Bo. He was mostly portraying Bo when Billie (played by Lisa Rinna) first came to Salem.
Sorry.... I should have mentioned... these clips are of both Peter Reckells Bo & the other Bo (Faux Bo). While Peter Reckells Bo & Carly had great chemistry, I couldnt see it with the re-cast Bo (sorry I cant remember his name). For some reason I found him so un-appealing......

"faux bo" ---that is hilarious! LOVE IT!