Carolyn Hinsey's comment in SOD

I don't think Gabi "changed her mind about Nick"... I think that we've just seen more about the way she has been acting by hearing her tell her baby that everything will be alright and maybe some day she'll come to love Nick. I think that TPTB hung back showing her attitude until this week so that we were all down on her because it seemed as though she was gung ho for him.
Oh, I think Gabi initially bought every word Nick said. Heck, she even had sex on the apt. sofa, and almost did again.
But I do think that what folks were telling her was starting to sink in, that she began to see for herself how Nick was trying to influence her, how he was trying to pull her away from her family and take over her life, according to how he wanted it to be. But she felt she had to keep up the pretense, and that is why she was always so silent when Nick went on and on. And the final nail was when he forced her to call her lawyer.
She did not have to tell him that Will talked about custody arrangement, but she did. She was dumbfounded by Will's statement, but Nick ran with it. And I think it finally opened her eyes wide.
The difference in Sami/EJ and Gabi/Nick is, to me, Sami actually thinks she is in love with EJ, whereas Gabi is terrified of Nick and what he will do if she isn't with him. And that does send a disturbing message. Both pairings do. To me, it says enabling your abuser is okay. Gabi is allowing Nick to completely run her life, control her relationships, use her and her baby to hurt the people she loves and who actually love her. All because she's afraid of what he will do not only to her, but to them. In some weird way, she's sacrificing herself to protect everyone else (in her mind). But it's wrong.

The way I see it, Sami/EJ is more disturbing because Sami says believes she loves EJ and we see other characters accept their relationship more readily than Nick/Gabi. EVERYONE is saying Nick/Gabi is a bad idea and the show isn't depicting it as a "love story". We are being hit over the head by the show that Gabi's actions are wrong and Nick's actions are deplorable whereas they show Sami/EJ as star-crossed lovers who are finally together after hardships....ugh!
Nearly everyone in Salem has told Sami multiple times they don't approve of her "love" for EJ, she just refused to listen, so everyone got tired of saying it. The fact that Marlena has (or is acting like she has) come around and is now supportive is ridiculous. I wanted to vomit when Sami and EJ exchanged letters while she was in prison, almost making light of everything that they've done to each other, yet not mentioning the rape.
Sami's family does not approve of Sami being with EJ at all. They all think it very bad, but..they love Sami, and see that apparently she is happy with him, so they say nothing to her about it any more. They do between themselves, though.

:OT: Interestingly enough, while Eric does not like the idea of Sami living with and marrying EJ, his fiancee' was not only married to EJ at one time, but so desperate to stay that way, she stole Sami's baby in order to make sure. Eric overlooks that (and for Nicole's sake, I am glad) but he seems to have different standards for different people, including himself, but then, those change at times, don't they? :back:

If the show intended Gabi to be pretending with Nick from the getgo, then the audience should have been made aware. But they did not.
I agree this "Gabi has a brain and is aware Nick is nutsoid" has come from nowhere. Rewatching her scenes it seems pretty obvious they are retconning her motives. She's no longer stupid, she's been playing him because she's scared. I'm not certain Ms Hinsey's article reflects having watched these scenes, though. (Not sure about the lag on her articles vs. what's airing.)
Sami's family does not approve of Sami being with EJ at all. They all think it very bad, but..they love Sami, and see that apparently she is happy with him, so they say nothing to her about it any more. They do between themselves, though.

:OT: Interestingly enough, while Eric does not like the idea of Sami living with and marrying EJ, his fiancee' was not only married to EJ at one time, but so desperate to stay that way, she stole Sami's baby in order to make sure. Eric overlooks that (and for Nicole's sake, I am glad) but he seems to have different standards for different people, including himself, but then, those change at times, don't they? :back:

If the show intended Gabi to be pretending with Nick from the getgo, then the audience should have been made aware. But they did not.
I know I am probably a minority of 1 who has believed from the start that Gabi was doing everything Nick wanted to keep him from sending her and everyone else to prison for attempted murder. I know I expressed this opinion before in one of these forums.
I just think Gabi is dumber than a box of rocks. Sami forgave EJ just like Kayla forgave Jack.
Kayla probably forgave Jack in word only, but not in her heart. At best, she was only icily polite to him. There was never any warmth or caring towards him after the rape, even up until he died this last time.

And, Kayla was never romantically involved with Jack after the rape. Unlike Sami climbing back into bed with her rapist and Gabi having sex with her would-be rapist.
I know I am probably a minority of 1 who has believed from the start that Gabi was doing everything Nick wanted to keep him from sending her and everyone else to prison for attempted murder. I know I expressed this opinion before in one of these forums.

The only problem with that is that is not what was shown on screen. They showed Gabi completely agreeing with Nick and heartily defending him to everyone even when Nick was not around. If Gabi was playing Nick for self preservation she would have confided in at the least Will and I think she would have shared her concerns with her conspirators since they were the ones who were trying to help her in the first place.
Agree, SarahBeth. That's the problem I have with this. If it comes out Gabi is the one who shot Nick, I'm going to be furious. They have not shown any build up on her part pointing to that.
Over recent weeks, when listening to Nick's high-pressure baloney, Gabi would get an odd look on her face. It was like a light bulb was flickering in an attempt to fully light. Da clue?
I'm with you, missharleyquinn. According to Blake Berris' (portrayed Nick) latest interview with the other guy, he had to figure out who shot his character because " the powers that be " at Days wouldn't tell him. So it must not be that obvious. Otherwise, he wouldn't have had to ask them in the first place.
I am kind of surprised they didn't tell him. As into that character as he is, I really doubt he would give anything up.

I really wish it would turn out to be Percy. Gabi being the shooter (and I'm sorry, I sound like a broken record now) is just too far out of character. She's being way, WAY too cool to be someone who just shot her ex-husband. Especially after considering how uncomfortable she was during/after the Melanie situation and then the river incident. She just doesn't have that in her, and we've seen nothing to indicate that she was reaching that point.
Blake Berris(Nick) said in the interview that his reaction to the shooter's identity is that it is "interesting". That could pretty mean anyone at this point.