Chandler Massey/Will

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It has been said in many places, and by writers who cover soaps that it appeared the recast was not working out well. I don't know why they just did not send Will out to CA to stay with Sami, but evidently the decision was to have the character die. At the time the decision was made, EJ was gone, (the actor's choice), Sami was gone (actor's choice), Sonny was leaving (actor's choice) so it appears they went for the big shocker! They so rarely use Lucas, and just cannot seem to come up with any kind of story for him, so Will was not necessary.

In my opinion, once the decision was made to to write Will out, the show wanted to make sure there would be no return, as I think they were still ticked off at Chandler for telling the press before he told his bosses he was leaving. (Chandler himself has said it was a mistake on his part, and he definitely learned something from what happened. )
Maybe he would return as "ghost/dream Will" to tell Sonny its time to start moving on. Yeah I like that. lol Maybe Sonny is having a hard time moving on with his life. Not necessarily romance wise, but life in general. I don't know if Sonny is returning but if so, that's a do'able option. Short and sweet.
Yes, Freddie Smith (Sonny) is returning to at least make a few appearances, as spoiled by behind-the-scene pictures posted on Twitter.

As to Chandler Massey (Will) returning, since it's all rumor and speculation, I'm closing this thread.
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