Charmed - Matt Ashford

Nurse Hamster

Well-Known Member
May 22, 2008
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I was watching an old rerun of the first "Charmed" episode and saw Matt Ashford who played a conniving boyfriend of Pru's who also happened to be her boss. She quit when he took credit for her work as curator of a museum. It was when they first discovered their powers and Pru was able to move objects by thinking. She made an ink pen leak and then spurt all over Matt's face when he took it out of his pocket to look at it. She also made his tie tighten up and choke him and he had to run for his scissors to get free from it. He was pretty good at being a self centered idiot and was very studious looking in wire rimmed round glasses. Matt used to play Jack Deveraux on Days.
Matt is a superb actor, as is Steven Nichols, and I just love catching our Days actors in other roles. Some can just do anything and become anyone else, like Matt or Steve. Some may be portraying a different character.....but somehow, are the same character they play on John Wayne. No matter what kind of a movie, he was always playing John Wayne. LOL

Sorry I missed the Charmed episode, but will be looking for it. I do miss Jack & Jen.
Matt is a superb actor, as is Steven Nichols, and I just love catching our Days actors in other roles. Some can just do anything and become anyone else, like Matt or Steve. Some may be portraying a different character.....but somehow, are the same character they play on John Wayne. No matter what kind of a movie, he was always playing John Wayne. LOL

Sorry I missed the Charmed episode, but will be looking for it. I do miss Jack & Jen.

Me, too!

Speaking of superb alums, who can do just about anything......I recently saw an episode of Murphy Brown with Charles Shaughnessy (post-DAYS/pre-Nanny), playing an motorcycle-riding artist-friend of Eldon's whom Murphy invites to the Clinton inaugural ball. I remember seeing it at the time it originally aired, but hadn't since. It was really interesting to watch it again with the benefit of hindsight. That guest appearance in Murphy Brown, along with one on Mad About You, are made the suits at Sony urge Fran Drescher & Co. to audition him for The Nanny. He was great in it! It wasn't a fall-down-funny role -- quirky & charming. And he had a nice, easy chemistry with Candice Bergen.
I don't watch Charmed, but I would have tuned in just to see Matt.

Old-School: Do you watch Mad Men on AMC? Charles Shaughnessy was on it toward the end of last season. He played a British advertising honcho who bought out Sterling Cooper, the New York ad agency the main characters on the show work for. I didn't recognize his face at first (he has aged), but I recognized the unmistakable voice.
Kpatch, I don't watch Mad Men, but I'd heard CS had been on it (Mad Men is on my t.v. "to-do" list; shows I want to check out, but then never seem to get around to it <g>). I saw a recent clip of Charles on YouTube (addressing Screen Actors Guild members) and was also little surrprised by how much he'd aged in the past few years. Don't get me wrong, I don't think he looks bad, or "old"..... he just *looks* his age (53ish). He'd been cruisin' there, for a while, in terms of how he well he was aging (still pretty dreamy into his mid & late 40s)....but father-time seems to have caught up with him past couple years. His once-thick, gorgeous hair is now thinning on top, hairline is receding a bit, crows' feet are more noticeable....but you're right! The voice never changes and is unmistakable!