Cheap necktie?


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2007
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Was the remark about the ties not being of high quality supposed to be significant? When Rafe mentioned to Justin that the forensics showed that the necktie was cheap polyester and not an expensive quality tie, is that supposed to throw the viewers into a direction of thinking that perhaps the killer isn't someone wealthy?
The mighty Rafe also mentioned that the ties had no labels. I guess this means that blowhard Justin wants us to think that drunk-as-a-skunk Chad had the presence of mind to think: "I want to strangle that nasty Serena/Paige, but since I don't want to get caught, I'd better go home and pull the cheap, polyester ties that Mia gave me back in high school out of the back of the closet and rip the labels off them. That way, they'll never suspect that it was rich little me, ha, ha." With thinking like this, Justin should head over to the Salem Public Library and read some Nancy Drew mysteries for a brief education in basic detective work.
Right now, Justin has no reason to suspect Clyde of any wrong-doing. Why would he have any inkling that Clyde was responsible for Sonny's stabbing??
Anybody could purchase a cheap tie. Stefano was wearing a red tie yesterday. Maybe he got it at the Salvation Army resale store.
Right now, Justin has no reason to suspect Clyde of any wrong-doing. Why would he have any inkling that Clyde was responsible for Sonny's stabbing??
That's true. At this point, Clyde has not achieved Stefano status, which means that when anything criminal happens, Salemites automatically assume that Stefano is somehow responsible. For example: a laptop is stolen from a Salem U. dorm -- Stefano is behind it; Nanny Emma's purse is stolen off a table at the Pub -- Stefano did it; ball-point pens are stolen from a University Hospital supply closet -- Stefano is responsible; Victor is caught cheating on his federal income taxes -- Stefano made him do it.
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Or, just "borrowing" them?? At least that way, one could be arrested for filching ties from Goodwill??
What's the name of that jewelry store that Ciara loves?? (I think its Baron's?) That's just the name that Goodwill used at Kate's request so she won't be noticed rummaging through the bins.