Chloe is stupid!


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 1969
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The last time she was taking on Jen Jen (and we all remember how that turned out) but now she is dumb enough to take on Nicole? I remember way back when Chloe and Nicole were battling over Brady and Nicole had infected Chloe's face. I think Chloe just made a huge mistake taking on Nicole. Who does she think she is, taking the moral high ground? I don't remember Nicole ever being a hooker? Can't say that about Chloe.
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I posted on twitter that I hope Nicole still has some of that flesh-eating bacteria. LOL

This was one of the worst episodes of Days in weeks in my opinion, and mainly because of the dumb Chloe/Nicole scenes. Way too forced.

Do you think it ever occurred to the writers to have Chloe come back, visit, and give her blessing?
I wish I knew why these writers want to ruin every character that was ever in Salem. Thank goodness they won't be writing for the 50th.

So Chloe thinks Nicole would not be a fit mother/influence on Parker. So sayeth the woman who left him in his stroller in the cold while she jumped in the river in an attempt to commit suicide.

So says the woman who knows what a great mom Nicole was to Sydney, and the heartbreak and torment Nicole went thru losing not one, but TWO babies. How dare Chloe be so callous.

But then, while she claims she is so over Daniel, maybe she isn't. Maybe this is a ploy by Chloe to get Nicole gone so she can try and get Daniel back. You know, like the junk that Theresa tries to pull in attempting to get back into Brady's bed. LOL
I've pretty much hated Chloe since they decided to attach her to Daniel. I used to love the Nicole/Chloe friendship but ever since Chloe so callously demeaned Nicole for losing her babies I just can't anymore. :beat:
Oh I am sooo glad that Chloe has returned. :sarcasm: Once again the show has asked her to return and then screws her character. I think it would be interesting if Chloe's objections were due to Xander trying to kill Nicole. But no, they go with something stupid again.

Terrible episode today and yes, I did ff through a good portion of JJ and Paige. Dumb, stupid, boring and completely unbelievable. The ousted writers are trying to go out with a bang but they are just dropping a steaming pile of dung instead.
My God, I just hate Chloe. I have always despised that tramp. She's even worse than Eve in my opinion. So annoying!
I used to really love Chloe but she is just awful now. They should bring her back and she and Brady could have hit it off again. Instead she comes rolling in all high and mighty and going to tell Nicole she is unfit. Chloe, you are unfit!
It really frustrates me that the writer's chose this for Chloe. I loved Chloe's story, about how much Brady loved her for her and not for her looks. I just wish she and Brady could be together. Or, what about Lucas? Didn't Chloe and Lucas have a thing there for a bit? Lucas needs to leave Adrienne alone to fix things with Justin. Let Chloe be the distraction he needs to do that. ANYTHING but this. Really, the writers could have come up with ANYTHING and it would have been better than a Chloe/Nicole fight.

Everyone knows Sami and Nicole had the best cat fights. Chloe ain't got nothin' on that. If anyone is unfit- it's Chloe. She KNOWS what her friend went through, can't have children, etc. And is all jealous that she will get to be stepmom to her kid? Seems just odd and ridiculous to me. These writers are something else, that's for sure!

It's amazing that in just a single episode, I went from "Yay, Chloe's back!" to "Chloe needs to go away, far far away.

All I really want is for Nicole to get a happy ending. Isn't it her turn, for crying out loud?
The only storyline WORSE for Chloe than what she was given these two days would be re-pairing her with Lucas, in my opinion. Thankfully that's not on anybody's menu this time.

Lucas is my favourite character of all-time and I hated the writing he was given (when he was given anything at all) during that Chloe nonsense.
So while I hated the story I'm thinking what a nice little gig for an actress. The taping is so far in advance that scheduling wouldn't be too hard to work out. I'd love to see Chloe come once every few months for an episode or two. The next time should be for her to be a part of Daniel and Nicole's wedding and taking Parker while they are honeymooning now that she has her head out of her rear.
Chloe had an affair with Daniel while married to Lucas. She has done so many horrible things.
In the end I am satisfied the Chloe and Nicole scenes we're exactly how I pictured. Started off rough with a fight and Chloe feeling like Nicole didn't care about their friendship. Then towards the end they kiss and cry how they missed each other. A plus there I say!