Chloe is stupid!

LOL, well, will agree that many have slept around, a lot. Which made me laugh when Chloe made a remark about Nicole being with "her" (Chloe's) ex-husband. My jaw dropped. Seems to me that Nicole was married to Lucas FIRST, and then Chloe had sex with HIM. AND married him.
And then Chloe figures SHE has changed so much being a mom to Parker, but that Nicole probably hasn't. Knowing how badly Nicole wanted a child, how distraught she was losing her babies, and what wonderful care she took of Sydney.....Chloe says something like that? A pox on the writers, for sure.
I watched these scenes and I adore Nadia Bjorlin (Chloe), but it seemed to me like she was having a really hard time with the garbage she was given. Same thing with Nicole during their apology scenes. Neither actress seemed to believe in what they were trying to sell throughout the entire ordeal. This was the dumbest misuse of talent. Why not have Chloe take Nicole dress shopping? After Chloe's last residency, she should be in town for positive reasons for the next couple years.