
Uh, that would be transportation of controlled substances, I believe -- meth would be my guess.

While I am enjoying the whole triumphant Kate/Sami alliance, it is fun to see Kate squirm when Clyde shows up. His threats are so gently made, but she is getting the message.
Maybe Clyde will make Victor and EJ an offer they can't refuse, and go into the drug business with them. Clyde said he had some "local people" in mind. Even with all that, I agree with SarahBeth that anything related to Jordan and her problems is boring. Ah, but James Read (Clyde). SIGH
I'm suddenly in the mood to watch North and South in its entirety. SOD last week had an interview with James Read (Clyde) and he married one of the other actresses from North and South.

Anyway, I'm annoyed that the show is wasting Roman once again. This would have been a good time to put them back together.

As for what Clyde is up to, I still can't figure it out so I'm not sure how we've gotten to the level of detail that he and Jeremiah are dealing meth? :confused:
I got the impression that somehow Jordan's escape is connected with the injured party and Clyde feels responsible. And once again, Kate finds herself in the middle of a storyline. How does she do it?
Jordan & Ben have been gone for years. Ben has said he was a kid, very young, when he & Jordan went on the run.
But yes, I think Clyde is going to pull Kate into whatever. He obviously is planning on expanding his business.....since Jeremiah mentioned getting a bigger truck.