Could Mia return?

Mr. Continuity

Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2012
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Though Stefano called Abby Chad's first love, we know it was Mia who gave birth to Chad's daughter Grace, who was recently mentioned. A now more mature Taylor Spreitler (Mia) could return for a bit to push Abby over the edge. I think her show was cancelled.

You know, she went to college at the end of her last run. So it would be logical for her to return, maybe. She was also created under Dena Higley (incoming co-head writer)'s tenure.

That being said, I don't think there's any reason she WOULD come back to Salem. (Does she have family there? Friends beyond Chad/Will still around? etc.) Also it seems like we're looking at a Ben/Abby/Chad triangle, and I'm not sure they're looking to invest in such a small character (she was on the show for about 18 months) when they have so many vets coming back. Of course, the current writers are portraying Abby/Chad as the new "golden" couple, and that could change when Higley and Josh Griffith take charge.

Personally, I never cared much for Mia, but didn't despise her either.
I would rather see Gabi come back and mix with Ben/Abigail/Clyde however, her show Melissa & Joey did get cancelled so I imagine she is available. She is a good actress so I wouldn't mind seeing her but they would really need to beef up that age range a bit first. She could potentially work with JJ.
It would be pointless since there's nothing for her, no man (as Will switched teams since she was last in town seeing him) and Chad is now a DiMera and probably wouldn't revisit a high school fling. The mentions of her and Grace are what make me speculate more Chad is the father, good foreshadowing.