Criminals of Salem -- Past and Present


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2011
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Annapolis, MD
From the Rafe and Hope -- Yea or Nay Thread
DBF, maybe you could start a thread titled "Criminals of Salem - Past and Present." (Sort of a compare/contrast the way we did in English essay in college. Ah...those were the days, but I digress.)
Class in now in session.

Bo Brady: Habitual criminal who often committed more felonies than those he wanted to catch. His many crimes were the result of his over-zealousness in wanting to catch evil-doers and to "bring down" the hated DiMeras.

Hope Brady: Aided and abetted many of Bo's crimes, presumably because of her loyalty to him and her hatred of the DiMeras. Unlike Bo's felonies, her major crime, killing Stefano, was committed while in an extremely emotional state. Hiding Stefano's body and railroading Andre were part of the subsequent cover-up.

Rafe Hernandez: His major transgression, covering up Hope's role in the Stefano killing, was motivated by his love for her. Unlike Bo, he has otherwise been a generally honest cop.

Further participation by class members will be greatly appreciated since my detailed knowledge of Days only dates back to when Shawn Brady was consorting with Willow Stark.
Stefano's crime list is just too long to list....but kidnapping, unlawful imprisonment, torture, brainwashing, theft, attempted murder, clone making are just part of the list.

Kate - attempted murder, theft, unlawful imprisonment, blackmail, stock manipulation, adultery....just a small list of hers.

Ernesto Toscano......murder, kidnapping, Attempted murder (planted bomb aboard the Cruise of Deception, plus poisoning Isabella, had Hope suspended in a cage over a vat of acid, an explosion sent it into a vat of acid, thus killing Hope. (years later it was learned another gal had changed places wtih Hope, who apparently was still alive)
Actually Rafe has done other cover ups, some of which could be considered crimes: he quit the FBI in order to help cover up Sami shooting EJ in the head and leaving him for dead; he got fake adoption papers for baby Grace intending to co-adopt her with Sami thinking she was Sami and EJ's natural child; he covered up Arianna's role in his dead fiancee's death; he lied to help cover up Sami's role in Arianna's accidental death; he helped cover up for Gabi (can't recall the details); and he lied about being the father of Nicole's unborn child to keep the child from EJ. Somehow people seem to block out this side of Rafe, but he's always been this way, starting with helping Sami cover up her pregnancy. Frankly it's part of why I love the character.
Philip Kiriakis: Kidnapped Claire

EJ Dimera: Kidnapped Sydney and made everyone think she was dead; raped Sami Brady, abusive to Nicole

Belle Black Brady: Stole $250 million from Stefano

Sami Brady et al: Stole $250 million from Stefano, shot EJ in the head, lied to the court about Lucas abusing Will, shot Bernardi, raped a drug induced Austin

Claire Brady: Kidnapped Chase

Ciara Brady: Kidnapped Chase

Chase Jennings: Raped Ciara

Joey Johnson: Kidnapped Chase, murdered Ava

Kristen Dimera: Raped Eric; Stole embryo from Jeannie T
Ciara did not kidnap Chase, it was Claire, Theo, & Joey. However when she arrived where he was being held, she was accessory after the fact.

A lot of Salemites know something, and don't tell. I suppose if they are asked directly what they know, or if so and so told them something, then they might be guilty of covering it up. I really still don't know what really happened to Emily Hudson. LOL I remember everyone being very confused at the time, statements were so vague, so lots of conjecture. Oh, well. Arianna did end up in prison because of the drugs.

Sami also lied about Austin being Will's father.
Isabella Toscano: killed Marina Toscano

Brady Black: beat up EJ, did many illegal substances, unlawful imprisonment (Vivian)

Ciara Brady: Kidnapped Chase
Also vandalised Mark's car

Dario Hernandez: Sent an attacker after Gabi, committed theft and framed Gabi, accomplice after the fact to the murder of Clark Bernard

Rafe Hernandez: Accomplice after the fact to the shooting of EJ DiMera, accomplice after the fact to the murder of Stefano DiMera, accomplice after the fact in the kidnapping of Melanie Leyton

Victor Kiriakis: wait, let me think about this one for an hour or so...LOL
@Barb: As I recall it had something to do with Arianna driving the car that hit Emily. Which also had to do with her drug dealing boyfriend. Rafe covered it up so she got a lighter sentience.
Give them a few minutes. As soon as they are SORASed they will. lol

Sami Brady: multiple counts of hospital test result tinkering

Kimberly Brady: Prostitution

Victor: Just a drop in the bucket, but blackmailed Kimberly to have sex with him to save Shane. Tried to have Bo killed in an elevator accident. (Before he knew Bo was his son)

Caroline, like granddaughter: Altered test results at hospital (Parker's paternity)
Which family has the most criminals, the DiMeras or the Kiriakises? Stefano, EJ,, Kristen, and Andre are/were no slouches in the crime department, but at first glance there seem to be more criminally-minded Kiriakises, including Victor's children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren.

Victor: the leader in family criminality with more crimes to his credit than anyone can reasonably count.

Non-Shaggy Phil: Helped EJ plant a spying device in Bo's house and forced Belle to accompany him on the ill-fated voyage from Tinda-lau.

Brady: Ordered Chad to be shot; kept Vivian captive in the hi-tech sarcophagus.

Xander: Involved in the Fred the Elephant smuggling plot; tried to poach Nicole and Eric in the Titan crawlspace.

Deimos: Blackmailed Victor and poisoned Maggie.

Chelsea: Drugged Ford Decker, which helped cause his fatal fall.

Justin: Crooked D.A.

Bo: The famous law-and-order felon.

Claire: Unashamed vandal of the judge's car.
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Don't forget Stefano's other children who were criminals too. Renee (once sabotaged Tony and Anna's boat, causing Anna's miscarriage); Megan (among other things, tried to kill Hope, but died in the rigged hot tub instead); Peter and Kristen. Tony raped Liz Chandler when they were married. Lexie was kicked off the police force for helping Jonah Carver as a vigilante.