Dancing With the Stars -


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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If you have been watching....did you think the best dancer won? While I agree with the judges that the field of contestants this year was really outstanding, and every one of the finalists deserved to be there, I think Katherine should have taken home the trophy.
Yes I know, the voters went for the football player, just because he is a football player. Imagine there was an overwhelming Wisconsin vote for him because of being a Packer. But the trophy is for best dancer, not who you like the best (and I have friends here who did just that. Wanted Donald to win only because he is a Packer!)
I also think Mark is the absolute best choreographer/pro dancer in the show. JMHO

This is a year there should have been a tie. LOL.
I've only seen one episode of DWTS, mainly because I hate reality shows, but I did watch the 1980s ep b/c the Bangles were on it. And that's why I hate reality contest shows, it becomes about popularity and not skill. As you well know, I too live in Wisconsin, and I have friends and coworkers who are over the moon (like they won the freakin' trophy) and had been voting for DD no matter how he did.

Sorry I don't have input on the dancing skill, just a general rant! I personally blame reality tv for the death of soaps!!
I also think Katherine was stronger overall. As to best choreographer, I gotta go with Derek. However, I think he always lucks out with partners who are young, fit, agile, and just better at it. Poor Maks, he is a bit spoiled, but he does end up with the handicapped partners!
The odd thing is that I understand they just draw the names from a hat, which is how the pros get assigned to their partners. I absolutely love DWTS......and Jason, I don't watch reality shows. But I absolutely LOVE dancing.

Derek is terrific, as it is obvious he has partnered 3 of the winners in the past. I was surprised he & Maria were out last week. Mark is dying to "beat" Derek. LOL And I am hearing on radio with local radio personalities, and national DJs the same thing. Even the few columnists that I have read...all saying Katherine should have won.
As most reality shows where the people vote, it always goes to who the fans want the most. It's an entertainment show after all. I am also a believer that many of these shows are not necessarily on the up & up anyway. It's about ratings! Donald was great and he improved week to week and the definitely had the best freestyle. I am not that big on Mark Ballas and I believe that Maks and Derek are much better.
If you have been watching....did you think the best dancer won? While I agree with the judges that the field of contestants this year was really outstanding, and every one of the finalists deserved to be there, I think Katherine should have taken home the trophy.
Yes I know, the voters went for the football player, just because he is a football player. Imagine there was an overwhelming Wisconsin vote for him because of being a Packer. But the trophy is for best dancer, not who you like the best (and I have friends here who did just that. Wanted Donald to win only because he is a Packer!)
I also think Mark is the absolute best choreographer/pro dancer in the show. JMHO

This is a year there should have been a tie. LOL.
I agree with you about Katherine!!! I think Donald should have been #3 and not the winner.
I totally agree Barb---Katherine and William should have won first---both of them---and I didn't really care who won third. LOL
I'm glad that Donald won because he showed the most growth. Katherine and William both have dance experience while Donald had none. They all deserved it, but alas all three of them could not be the winner.
Katherine had NO dance experience..........they made a point of that several times. Even the judges stated she was a 'champion' with 'flawless technique'. Donald is admirable and I liked his dances.........but Katherine deserved that trophy.
Yep....Katherine had absolutely NO EXPERIENCE whatsoever. She is an opera singer. Both Donald & William definitely showed great growth........but Katherine knew absolutely nothing about dancing and showed the most growth and the best.
Definitely the group this time were all at least able to follow direction, work hard, long hours, etc. This entire group was amazing. And everyone did terrific. And those in the finals, as I said, deserved to be there. The judges are pros.....we viewers are not.
But even tho we are not professional judges, it was very apparent that Katherine was the winner.
I was very disappointed, but expected it. It reminded me of the Emmett Smith season. I'd rather they'd never have another football player again.
The finals were great and it really was difficult being that all were good, but Katherine was amazing! I feel bad for Maria Menounos because I feel that had she survived the last round she would probably win in the finals. Donald was good but he wasn't THAT good. He made many mistakes and was to me kinda stiff compared to the grace and poise of Katherine and William.
I think Katherine should have won and Donald should have come in second. I was happy that William came in third. He could definitely shake his booty better than anyone, but I think third is where he needed to be. I love Derek and Max and think Derek is the best choreographer, but think that Mark is just a tad better dancer....though I do crack up at some of the faces he makes. I would bet that Donald also got a lot of votes from Houston, his hometown, especially after his freestyle dance being more southern. It was neat to see Peta go from being the first out last year to winning first place. I also agree, this year almost everyone was really good. Even the ones who were not so good (Martina N) were still better than many on past seasons.
I am excited for this all-start season in the fall! I really hope that the pros get some really good dancers this time around. I feel bad for Maks, Val and Tristan as they always seem to get the short end of the stick with some not so good dancers as Mark and Derek usually always get the ones that are good.
The thing is...these NON dancers....you never know who will turn out to be dynomite. And they don't know themselves. They sometimes surprise themselves. That kid from the Disney show (was his name Roshon?) never dreamt he'd be waltzing and doing the cha cha and yet, he sure came thru. So did Jaleel White (Urkel)...they get shocked themselves that they CAN do it...
And some can do it better than others.
I feel bad for Maks, Val and Tristan as they always seem to get the short end of the stick with some not so good dancers
Dont forget that Maks had Mel B as a partner one year...she was great!

I cant wait for the all star cast too. I hope that they bring back some of the celebs that got voted off WAY to early...to give them another chance. I dont want to see any winners on there and I dont want to see people who made it pretty far but should have been gone the first few weeks....like Marie Osmond, while I :love: her...I think she went WAY farther than she should have.

Would also love it if Julianna came back for the all star season.
I know the judges themselves were shocked at some of those who were voted off...say mid-way...when they were clearly better than those who remained.
It is a shame the viewing public cannot vote for the dancing, and instead vote because this one is so cute, or that one is a favorite of their in their work field, (read sports) or they feel sorry for so and so because they were injured, made a mistake, got scolded by the judge, etc. etc. Remember that terrible dancer who made it all the way to week 5? I think the name was Master P??? He would not show up for rehearsals, wore the wrong kind of shoes, etc.

I did not know there was going to be an "all star" cast this fall, will definitely be looking forward to that for sure.
The thing to me - in the finale - was Donald did a country line dance w/tush push and 2 step. The lifts were okay. His lifts in the tango were spectacular. But a country line dance even performed admirably does not touch Katherine's excellence.