Dancing With the Stars


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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AM WATCHING the new season..new cast. Egads, Nene was first......Tony Davoloni is gonna earn his money and then some
He got surprised that he was safe. But guess he got more votes than the ones that left. I read a comment by one of the pros that Sean (who was voted off) never changed his expression, whether joking, mad, happy, sad, etc.
Last night is the first time this year I watched the show and they had the dance teacher from hell on, I hope this was her first/last time, she screwed the balance up for everyone, the other 3 judges gave a couple 8’s she gave them 10’s, or they gave 10’s and she comes up with 8’s, I don’t think any of the dancers liked her or respected her!
A friend of mine posts every week on Facebook, his "opinion" of the previous night's show. And for the past couple of weeks, he absolutely said "get rid of the guest judges", they add nothing and take away a lot. He is right. This week he also tired of Carrie Ann's comments, saying she needs to get a life. (she does get very picky, lol)
I've met Maks as one of his dance schools is 10 min from here. He really is very sweet in person. I actually took a Latin seminar with both him and Tony, who is exactly as he is on tv.

I'm kind of surprised the Disney censors allowed Abby Lee Miller to be on the show. There was a lot of talk about her and bullying on twitter during the show last night. Next week will be Kenny Ortega, Michael Jackson's longtime choreographer so that should be awesome.

Too bad Maks opened his mouth though. I bet Abby Lee Miller wouldn't have given Meryl those 8s if he had stayed quiet. I still think she will be safe next week but she doesn't deserve to be punished because of Maks.
LOL, I did not have a clue who that woman was, or why she was a judge. Never heard of her, or her show. I love the dancing, and really don't pay much attention to the judges any more. Carrie Ann picks apart every little thing, Len does now temper his critques with praise, and Bruno just goes too over the top with his wide sweeping gestures and overuse of descriptive adjectives.
I really hate that so many contestants are being injured the last few seasons. And I really wish that the public voted on the dancing and not the popularity. Not fair.
Last night was a pretty good show, a good guest judge, at least he didn't try to run the show and he voted more in line with the other judges! If the show makes another year I hope they drop this guest judge crap! And Carrie Ann needs to get a life!
I will say, that though I had no idea who the guest was, at least he knew what he was talking about, and understood the dances. I agree about ditching the guest judges. I was very surprised that the three Olympians, who all had good scores last week, were in jeopardy. Charlie White was very gracious over being eliminated, and now going to be on Team Meryl. I was very surprised Candace was still there, (as I thought Danica did better, but...who knows)
Candace has improved over the last few weeks but IMO, she is not the caliber dancer that Charlie, Meryl or Amy are. I am sorry to see Charlie go but I am so glad it wasn't Meryl. I would love to see Maks and Meryl win. Derek is an awesome dancer and choreagrapher but he has already won - Maks has not.
I also thought perhaps Candace would be leaving, so was rather surprised that it was Charlie. And while Derek is a fabulous choreographer, who manages to deal and circumvent his partner's weaknesses, while I liked the number, I do agree about the sitting on a table thing.
I'm still not over Charlie's elimination:(. But I think a couple of things did him in: He was very cocky earlier in the season talking about his girlfriend Tanith in the packages, especially during the best year of your life dance when he didn't dedicate his to Meryl. That upset a lot of Meryl-Charlie fans who prefer him to be with Meryl. Also, last week I think a lot of fans voted for Meryl when the judges slammed her under the false assumption that Charlie would be safe with higher scores. Sad.

Any of the other 3 should have gone home last night. I'll be power voting for TeamMeryl until the end!
Sometimes on this show, it does seem that some of the "celebrities" have an advantage being they are athletic, or have a dance background of some kind. Whether they took ballet or tap as a kid, are singers who have to have the "moves" for performances, or yes, the skaters who compete in dancing on ice.
However, there are some who just come from nowhere, and charm you no end. They are so out of their league and yet just make such great strides. Like Apolo Ohno (racer skater), or Helio Castroneves (race car driver)JR Martinez (veteran)
I’m doing the Happy Dance this morning; I’m so glad Maks and Meryl won last night. She brought out something in Maks, they had that “Special IT factor” reminds me of Rafe/Sami!

Amy was great but I agree with Len swinging around on a rope isn’t dancing!
Can’t believe Carrie Ann let them get by with it, she will deduct points if your toes come off the floor for half a second.

Candice what the heck was she doing in the finals? Should have been James, but I was laughing when the judges picked James/Pita for the encore dance! This is a dance competition or a popularity contest, and I hate that the fans have this much control, too keep an OK dancer and vote off a really good dancer!

Maybe this is teach Derek’s sister to keep her comments to herself, about Maks phoning in his dance a few weeks ago. Maks has never phoned anything in where dancing is concerned!
Also was happy with the final. I really was rooting for James the last several weeks, I thought he was fantastic, and had come such a long way, improved tremendously, worked so hard, was as good as the pros. Shocked when he had to leave last week, especially after all his high marks, and all 10s for his freestyle. LOL ...as I loved that he & Peta were the ones voted to repeat it last night.
I thought it amazing that Candace, a sweet gal, reached the finals without ever getting a single 10, so....yes, it truly is a shame that there are viewers who vote only because they like a contestant, and not because they did "the best".
Did not expect 3 hours of DWTS, though. Wow!
Was very happy Meryl and Maks won. They deserved it. Meryl is a fantastic dancer. Was happy to see a new Pro win the competition as Maks has never won and I believe Derek is always so cocky that he will just win every single season. I thought Danica should have made the final 4. I believe she truly made the biggest improvements week after week compared to Candace.
I was very happy for Meryl as well but this is nothing compared to her Olympic Gold Medal. That dance with her and Charlie just oozed chemistry. And they have the same chemistry off the ice. Just YouTube any interview with them. And she was so much more at ease with Charlie. I loved how he ran to her at the end so that he could life her and then he was holding her arm so she wouldn't fall. So cute.

I did not like how the packages were more focused on Maks though and the "showmance". They should have been focused on Meryl. This is about her and her journey.

I agree about Amy but she is inspiring nonetheless. I think she will benefit the most in the long run from this experience.