Day of Days promo


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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I'm starting topic now. The promo is usually show at the end of Day of Days.

If you see the promo, please post it here. The Days YouTube site should have it too after 5 Pacific time.

Update Promo will be shown at 4:55 Pacific time.
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I'd like to see Nicole back with EJ again! That would be a hoot! She blew it!
She has guts telling Jada what she did, especially with Eric wanting to be a dad.
Loved seeing Rafe & Jada together.
Smiled at the glimpse of Johnny & Wendy kissing. Nothing like budding young romance.
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I watched it twice. Can't take it at face value.

Maybe that explosion turns Salem into a parallel universe or something along those lines.

We know they are not killing off all three ladies.

Who even knew about Kristen having the orchid except Brady, and he didn't know where it was housed.

I think it looks promising with many possibilities, let's see if they deliver!
This is why I hate the people dying story lines. We know they aren't going to die so I just can't get invested in those scenes. Not to mention we already went through it a few weeks ago.

And Nicole and Eric? If that's going to be the case and the clip isn't something weird then enough already. Can't anybody just mourn and be sad over an ending or troubled relationship. Chloe had a brief thought that it was too fast to move and it lasted 15 seconds. Nicole wrecks Rafe and things go bad with Eric (temporarily I'm sure) and she's in bed with someone else? C'mon.
We know they are not killing off all three ladies.

Who even knew about Kristen having the orchid except Brady, and he didn't know where it was housed.

I think it looks promising with many possibilities, let's see if they deliver!
Rolf knew and I am sure Orpheus realized. Hopefully this means the Brady/Kristen nonsense is over.
Ah, true about Rolf and Orpheus, but since one is in Jakarta and the other in prison, who did their bidding?

I know I am hoping against hope (don't mean the character) that the show will be as good as the promo indicates, and that what we see is not we will get, but we all need something to look forward to, and maybe we will be pleasantly surprised.:sarcasm: