Days change of Direction

Days currently is embracing story/dialogue that borders on porn, what is your reaction to the change

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Nov 23, 2006
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There are pros and cons about the current "edgy" scenes & dialogue on Days. It does not appeal to me, make me laugh, only rather feeling uncomfortable. I just think of small kids watching with parent or grandparent, and it just, to me, seems inappropriate. This is not prime time, but an afternoon soap! But, that is just me. Everyone has their own view/opinion. Just wondering how you all feel about the current direction Days seems to be taking.
Shirtless dudes I can live with occasionally but the stuff lately seems to be more about filling time with little writing. Any guy walking around in his underwear in a house with a bunch of other people is just gross, so again laziness to grab eyeballs.

I can live with edgy writing. That doesn't bother me much because most kids just don't get it and hopefully it is used with humor. I remember seeing Grease 9 million times as a little kid and realizing later some of the stuff they were saying.

I should add I have the sense of humor of a teenage boy sometimes (often) so your mileage may vary. :)
I realize soap operas are about escapism. But Days is working hard to alienate its core group of audience. I can take Robert Scott Wilson (Ben/Alex) in the new role but my wife and I will not put up with much more of him parading around in brief briefs that appear as if he primed himself for another jump in the hay. Also very tired of Leo's brazen attempts to push gay sex on every male character he comes in contact with. Excuse the pun, but very, very sloppy writing. I thought we would move to Peacock with the show, but poor writing and poor use of actors will see us depart. The clock is ticking writers and we want a better product!
All the sexy stuff wouldn’t bother me if it were attached to good story. There’s been bed hopping and sexy scenes for as long as I can remember. The only thing that’s seemed really over the top is Alex. Coming down to breakfast in boxer briefs at essentially grandpa’s house, (I know Victor is a great uncle.) and his gross leering at Allie and Chanel. I think that’s all about making us forget Ben, and it’s working. I don’t see that character as anything like Ben. I’m hoping it will settle out soon, and they’ll make him more human and less of a cartoon. If he’s a total playboy and then falls hard for someone, that could be super romantic—if written well. Bad boy romance is very popular.

I don’t mind Leo most of the time. There’s nothing serious about his come ons. I don’t see him as actually expecting sex from any of the men he knows are straight. He bothers me less than EJ’s worst moments. At least he’s (mostly) funny. Sometimes it seems Days forgets to be fun.

Soap operas are sexy. They always have been—even when I was little watching with my mom. The difference is whether all of this is anchored in story and character. When I watch, I don’t think it’s bad writing because it’s too provocative. The storylines are bad.
I've stopped watching because the salacious angle is being played for its own sake only, is not clever, and does not develop character.
Jason - I fear the days of wine and roses (no reference to the movie, just utilizing the saying) has become "the Days of whine and poses." The addition of Alex has only made that worse. Although Xander is often in a towel, at least he and Sarah are in a committed relationship, he is not in a revolving door of women.
I put "stopped watching" because I read recaps and live out of the US. I will watch really good episodes on Peacock and will write summaries after the move when and if necessary, meaning I will watch.

I'm almost 27, but not happy with this. New and young viewers will come to a good storyline, not cheap, porn-esque ones. TPTB don't seem to understand this and are disgusting most of the audience.