Days of Our Lives – Thursday October 6, 2022


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Jan 10, 2018
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Johnny in Horton Square, sitting on bench looking a bit dejected. Chanel rushing right by him, tosses a few coins into his coffee cup. He yells at her, hey, she turns around and asks him if he is homeless. Chanel tells Johnny she knew that Allie should not have thrown him out of the apartment when he had no place to go. She is upset that he is “living on the street”. She becomes very agitated and says she will speak to Allie about this, as Allie would not want Johnny on the street either.

Johnny interrupts her and comments that he has offers of two places to live, and he is not homeless at all. As a matter of fact he is undecided which one to accept. They both sit on the bench discussing Johnny’s options. He has not made up his mind, but wants to make sure that he and Ava are together. Chanel says she understands he is keeping his options open regarding Ava. He says he is not giving up on Ava. Chanel says she thinks since he has hesitated, that Mother Nature is telling him Ava is not the one he wants.

Ava and Johnny run into each other outside the Salem Inn. Johnny tells Ava that he is moving back into the mansion. He got advice from a friend of his. Ava also got advice, or as she put it harangued into her decision but she did not say what her decision actually was.

EJ at the mansion mixing himself a drink, he looks upset. Stefan walks in and asks what is wrong. He was expecting to see EJ confident right now since they are so close to achieving their goals for the company. EJ informs that getting Gabi’s shares back does help, but they are still a few votes short. He explains that they need Ava and Johnny one or both to vote with EJ and Stefan. He also explains this is why he went out of his way to invite them both back to the mansion. Stefan asks where they are and what the problem is. EJ says they are thinking about it, and picks up his phone apparently expecting their decision soon. He puts the phone back down and explains they have not as yet responded to his text.

EJ says he is optimistic, and if they do refuse his offer, he will just come up with even more ideas to get them to move into the manse. He said he will do whatever it takes to keep Ava and Johnny in the vicinity close enough for him to massage their votes. He feels that this would give them authority to kick Gabi’s butt out of the CEO chair. EJ leaves the room and Stefan looks perplexed. When EJ returns the conversation turns to Gabi and how beautiful she is. EJ says he thinks she is lovely and had a great body. Stefan informs EJ he has no interest in Gabi and it makes him ill to think that he once was in love with her and was even married to her.

EJ asks if Stefan is so disgusted by Gabi why he is still wearing his wedding ring. Actually Stefan has no idea, he says the adjustment of coming back after four years still confuses him. EJ asks if there were possible some feelings still there. EJ tells Stefan they were absolutely soul mates, and queries if you are so disgusted, why not take off the ring. Stefan finishes his drink, and looks at his ring..

Gabi and Ava at the office Ava’s phone rings, she shuts it right off, Gabi asks why she did not answer it, and is told that Ava knows who it is and does not want to talk to him, explaining that he wants her to move back into the mansion. Gabi tells Ava she is amazed Ava would even consider moving back to the mansion with EJ. She refers to the mansion as the nut house. Gabi mentions several of the things EJ has done to Ava in the past, including. Ava mentions that EJ apologized and seemed very sincere. Gabi rants on that Ava should not trust him, and refers to him as psychopath.

Gabi grabs Ava’s phone off the desk, muttering that she will answer for Ava. Ava takes her phone back and announces she will make her own decisions. Gabi rapidly explains to Ava that it took a lot for her and Li to convince his father that Ava was not crazy and did not imagine seeing her dead husband, but that she had actually seen Stefan instead. Gabi stresses that if Ava moves back to the mansion, that EJ will pressure Ava to vote his way. Gabi says that Ava will get rid of her and then Ava will be next on EJ’s list. Ava tells Gabi she may move back in just to prove Gabi is wrong. When Gabi learns that EJ wants Johnny to move back in too, she tells Ava in her usually bossy manner, to grab the phone and tell EJ she will be moving in now.

Ava explains to Gabi that she rejected Johnny for all the reasons she has already explained to Gabi. Gabi thinks that Ava is maybe interested in EJ. Ava tells Gabi that there discussion is something like a late night cable movie. She also informs Gabi that it must be frustrating that the “real” love of her life came back and told Gabi he can’t stand the sight of her. Gabi thinks that perhaps Rolf did something to Stefan to make him be so disgusted at the thought of their love. Gabi wishes she could find Rolf and beat the truth out of him.

Gabi feels unresolved and needs clarity on the Stefan issue. She tells Ava she does think she needs an answer as to if Ava is moving into the mansion or not. Gabi later is seen on the phone asking snidely when the person on the other end can finally produce the information on how to get in touch with Dr. Rolf. After she gets off phone, she confirms that she thinks Dr. Rolf did something to Stefan. The door opens and in comes Stefan. He gives her back the ring, stating he wants no more reminders of their marriage or of her. He leaves.

Eric on phone with his dad, sounds very sad. Nicole is walking by, notices Eric, and asks him what is wrong. It is his mother he explains. Eric sadly looks at Nicole and says it is his mom. He goes on to explain that this disease his mom and the others have is very similar to the one his dad had. Nicole mentions that his dad was cured though, and Eric goes on to explain about the orchid. He explains that Dr. Rolf cannot help at this time, as the orchid is extinct. Nicole tells him to go be with his mom, she will go with him, as he should not be alone. He explains that he wants very much to be there, but all three ladies need to be able to get some sleep, especially his mom.

Nicole says she thinks there is a cure just around the corner. He says he has been praying for that and thanks her for telling him that. Nicole says Eric has a gift for comforting people, giving them strength, and hope just by being himself and his big generous heart. They hug, both closing their eyes. The door opens and it is Rafe and Jada wondering who is ready for some takeout. Both Nicole and Eric kind of stumble through an explanation of her comforting Eric, and thus the hug.

Jada and Rafe at police station, Rafe tells her that they have plans together for the night, and he mentions that perhaps she does not want to make her boyfriend jealous. Rafe bragging on Jada about her great job. Rafe offers to buy dinner. He says Nicole is thankful to give Eric the opportunity to work at photography which he loves. Rafe has an idea, why not purchase some food and take it to Nicole and Eric and surprise them. Jada says that sounds good, and they both leave the cop shop.

Rafe says they should have called first before just dropping in, and that he understands, The expression on Jada’s face says she does not! Eric has no appetite, so he wants to leave, and he takes Jada with him after thanking Nicole one more time. Rafe and Nicole have their dinner, and reminisce about the “table” being the same table.

Back at either Eric or Jada’s room, she is in her nightie so assuming it is her room. She is very happy Nicole was there for Eric when he needed someone. Jada wants to be that person for Eric, she says, and he thanks her. They then start kissing.

Back at the mansion after Stefan leaves, EJ on the phone thanking someone for giving him just what he needs. Doorbell rings, it is Johnny who informs his father he belongs in the mansion and he is moving back. EJ welcomes him home and EJ asks if Johnny knows about Ava. At the same time, Ava walks up behind Johnny and they both inform EJ that she is moving in with them again.
Allie is at her apartment, a knock on the door has her rushing to open it, and seems disappointed it is Will, and not Chanel. Will explains he is going back to LA for work. Allie is wondering out loud how he can leave with all the ladies so ill and in the Hospital. He explains he has meetings, and pre-production, and writing to do, all of which must be done in California. Allie very sarcastically expresses to him that he is Mr. Big Shot. She asks if he could take Sonny back to LA to recover. Will gentle explains the reason that Sonny has things to do in Salem. Will informs that he and Sonny are together and a separation which will be hard won’t hurt their relationship. Allie looks wistful, and says she wishes she were that confident.

Will asks of Allie if something is wrong she tells him that she and Chanel have been having arguments, and explains about Johnny living with them for two whole days, and that while he is gone the fight between Chanel and Allie continues. Will tells Allie that she is a little insecure, and she agrees and goes on to explain that they both are still attracted to men as well as each other. Allie misses having guys too. Alex had suggested they should have a threesome one night when the three of there were hanging out. She thinks Chanel was interested, and she does not want her to miss out on anything. She asks about Will and Sonny and if they have ever had a threesome. He explains he is more private than his sister, and does not feel comfortable discussing this part of his life.

He tells her she needs to do what she feels is right, and that in his opinion it is ok as long as everyone is clear on what is happening, and is ok with it. Will has to leave so he can catch his flight. Allie promises to keep him informed about everyone who is ill. Chanel arrives home, discussing he visit with Johnny with Allie. She states that Johnny has Ava on the brain. She mentions the age difference, and other items that make Ava not right for Johnny. She asks Allie what she thinks, and Allie smiles and says they should have a threesome with Alex Kiriakis.
Thank you Cookies Mom for staying awake through this really thrilling episode..... How many cups of coffee did it take? My saving grace in getting through this horrible story was Hunny Bunny interrupting me with questions......

These Stefan0 stares at Gabi have got to stop.... they are just creepy
Days definitely overdoes the "stares", but today with Stefan was really bad. Silence, along with that stare, creepy to say the least. Allie's talk with Will........more creepy. So, they both (Allie & Chanel) still like men, but are "with" each other. Days is going overboard.
Not only is the threesome thing shocking and nasty, but who asks their SIBLING such intimate details about their sex life?:sick::sick: SOOOOO gross on so many levels.

The rest of the show seems like a snooze fest. So sorry that this is how Will is leaving, and I totally get now why the actor isn't here full-time for this garbage. But seriously--why isn't Will being in the hospital with his grandmother? Who writes this trash!?!?
Days definitely overdoes the "stares", but today with Stefan was really bad. Silence, along with that stare, creepy to say the least. Allie's talk with Will........more creepy. So, they both (Allie & Chanel) still like men, but are "with" each other. Days is going overboard.
I like Allie a lot, when she came to Salem. I can barely stand her now. As for Stefan and his stares at Gabi---I thought maybe unwanted thoughts were going on in his head, so he got snippy and took the ring off.
Thanks, Cookies Mom. You did a great job with the messy show today.

I enjoyed Will and Allie's conversation until she brought up the threesome. Will said she probably feels
insecure. He should have said you're acting like Mom. She acted so much like Sami today.

Why did Rafe think he and Jada needed a reward because two criminals were in jail? Chad was the one who
figured out it was Clyde who killed Abby. EJ was the one who shot Clyde.

Chanel overreacted when she saw someone put money in Johnny's coffee cup. Then Allie overreacted when
Chanel was talking about Johnny and Ava. Both of them need to grow up and go work at the bakery.

So, Stefan finally took off the ring and gave it to Gabi.

I didn't know the DiMera mansion had a movie theater.

I liked Nicole's hair.

I'm glad the text messages are bigger on the screen so we can read them.
What a wretched episode. I think that I may have dozed off a few times.

Here are a few questions.

Why is Eric moping around with Nicole? He should be over at St. Luke's praying high-octane ex-priest prayers for his poor mother.

Why was Rafe telling Jada that it's quitting time? Given the sorry state of the Salem P.D., he should be thanking God for someone, anyone who is willing to put in some extra time.

If EJ once took philosophy, why doesn't he make his unemployed-self useful, and give lectures on Berkeley, Hume, Kant, Descartes, etc. to the bar flies down at the Pub.

As for yesterday's excitement, why haven't John and Steve tried to get more information on the magic orchid by contacting a botanist who specializes in Amazonian plants and flowers or some indigenous group that lives in the area where Rolf's flower was found? Who knows, there could be large numbers of the orchids growing on the banks of some little-known Amazonian stream. (Imagine Black Patch then braving attacks by voracious piranhas or hordes of army ants to get the flowers needed to save Doc, Kayla, and Kate.)