Days Of Our Lives – Wednesday, December 10, 2008


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Days Of Our Lives – Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Brady is saved by the bell when Marlena calls just as he is about to drink the Mickey that Nicole fixed for him and he leaves. Chloe is on the phone with her parents, who seem to disagree with her decision to do the bone marrow transplant for Kate. Lucas wonders if Chloe is having second thoughts. Daniel is visiting Kate when a nurse calls him outside and gives him Chloe’s file. He seems upset at something in the file. Chloe tells Lucas she will go through with a bone marrow transplant and he is grateful she is giving his mom a second chance. Daniel calls Chloe and tells her there may be a problem and she needs to come to the hospital so they can discuss it. The hit man gets a call from someone. When Sami hears EJs voice on the phone she senses something is wrong. EJ tells her he’s calling to tell her goodbye. Returning to the table, Brady starts to down his drink but Nicole knocks it from his hand. Outside, she confesses to him about drugging his drink.

EJ babbles to Sami about Nicole and the baby and how much he wants a family when Sami asks if he loves Nicole. EJ doesn’t answer Sami’s question so she asks him again if he loves Nicole to which he haltingly replies that he does. Sami immediately gets on her pity pot but he ignores her. EJ tells her about his conversation with Stefano and how Stefano thinks Sami is the reason he’s having trouble connecting with Nicole. When Sami calls Nicole a name, EJ counters that Nicole is the mother of his child. Angry now, Sami tells him to go back to his trashy girlfriend because he has ruined his life.

Nicole pours her heart out to Brady, telling him why she put the cocaine in his drink. She tells him she can’t handle his telling EJ about the loss of the baby. She thought if she got him hooked again it would discredit anything he said. Brady accuses her of doing to EJ what she did to him all those years ago and he doesn’t want any part of it.

Lucas and Chloe get to the hospital only to have Daniel tell them it’s no big deal and that he only wanted to check Chloe’s white blood count. Lucas goes to visit his mother.

EJ accuses Sami of not caring, but she insists she does because he’s Johnny’s dad and she does not want Nicole raising her son. EJ tells Sami that Nicole has changed.

Nicole tells Brady she can’t lose EJ because he’s the first man in a long time to care for her. She goes on and on about how much she loves EJ and Brady tells her that people in love don’t lie to each other. She responds by telling Brady that she finally found someone who sees the good in her. Brady tells her she doesn’t deserve it if she’s going to lie to get it.

Lucas tells a sleeping Kate how proud and brave he thinks she is and that Chloe is giving them a second chance. As Daniel checks Chloe’s blood pressure she tells him she’s determined to go through with the transplant because her baby sister did it for her and now she can do it for Kate. Daniel continues his examination of Chloe and cops a feel or two. She feels the electricity and turns away after their eyes meet.

Sami is still ranting at EJ, saying he’s moved on with the biggest s*** in Salem and wonders if he’s started drinking and didn’t tell her. EJ accuses Sami of being upset that he’s not pining after her anymore and parodies one of Sami’s old mantras about loving this man or that man. He says she only loves herself and tells her he’s moving on. Sami asks if it’s just to spite her but he tells her he will always care, because she’s Johnny’s mother. She continues to rant about not wanting Nicole to raise her son. Explaining to Sami that he only made the call as a courtesy, he hangs up on her and doesn’t hear Sami telling him to wait. EJ tells Roman he tried to do the right thing and Roman agrees. Sami starts throwing things beginning with the telephone.

Brady and Nicole are still talking about her deception about the baby, her plan to secretly adopt a child and he finally promises not to tell EJ after she turns on the water works and talks about her grief over losing her daughter.

Sami continues to rant and scream at Rafe because she’s stuck there and EJ just called to tell her he’s moving on. Rafe asks her if she thinks EJ should be waiting for her on the sidelines and that at least Nicole told him she’s pregnant with his child. Sami rants that Nicole will ruin EJs life and she will make sure they don’t have a happy ending. She thinks EJ has probably already proposed to Nicole and is afraid to tell her. Rafe accuses her of having feelings for EJ but Sami denies it. Cleaning up the mess she made with her tantrum, he wonders why she is so upset that EJ is moving on with another woman.

EJ tells Nicole they need to talk about Stefano and how he urged EJ to get over Sami, the biggest hurdle in his life. Before he can explain that he has given up on Sami, Nicole accuses him of leading her on and leaves the room.

Telling Chloe he will see her tomorrow, Daniel removes his hand from Chloe’s abdomen, leaves the room and runs into Lucas who is looking for her. Meanwhile, Chloe is daydreaming about the feeling she had with Daniel. He tells Lucas that Chloe is fine and she needs to get some rest before the transplant. Chloe comes out and they leave.

Insisting she has to go home before Nicole turns Johnny against her, Rafe asks Sami if she’s going before or after the baby is born and asks if she is conflicted about going home. He tells her that EJ is not the monster she makes him out to be and she replies that the monster is Stefano. He tells her that a lot of people care about her, including him. She talks about how scared she is of the DiMeras. Rafe says he has her back and Sami says she feels safe with him.

Nicole is packing and tells EJ she is going to the Salem Inn for the night while he tries to explain that she misunderstood what he was trying to say. She opens the door looking for Pookie and EJ tells her about his conversation with Sami, that he told her goodbye and that he’s moving on with Nicole. He tells Nicole that they can have everything and should be grateful to Sami for it. EJ finally says the “L” word to Nicole and she melts.

Lucas and Chloe watch Daniel with Kate and talk about how it will all be over tomorrow. Chloe sneaks another look at Daniel and they lock eyeballs as he holds Kate’s hand.

On the telephone, Roman tells someone the assassin is not going to hurt his daughter. At the dock, the hit man meets a man who sells him some photographs of Rafe. He tells him that Rafe will lead him to Sami.

Chloe yells at Daniel as Lucas walks in.
Melanie tells Stephanie she doesn’t take orders from her.
Kate tells Daniel he has made her life worth living.


Thank you for the info, KathyLu. Hmmmm, wonder if I need earplugs when Sami throws her tantrum?

If Chloe or DAniel HAVE to be paired up with someone in Salem, it may as well be with each other. I guess I'll just ff through those scenes.
Thanks for the summary KathyLu. I was so hating Dan yesterday. He is starting to make me sick, and I have never been sick with any other person on days.
I got a kick out of Chloe's yelling at Daniel in the previews for Thursday. It made me think of how Kate all of a sudden was mad at him just before her surgery last summer and what we found out about them.
Omgoodness, the L word. ***thinking someone should be breaking Daniel's arm*** I would have left Sami's mess for her to clean.

Thank's KathyLu!
Egads, I hope not. I have to say, I know that all these scenes were taped in advance, so Ali Sweeney would be on her maternity leave. And so now, they cannot change anything........but I am sick to death of Sami & her hormones/schemes/tantrums, etc.

Hilda brought her a tree, at Rafe's behest, made ornaments herself, brought her pics of her kids. Rafe has put up with her nonsense, took her to the convent even after she snuck out....lived with her constant craving for pickles, and inability to cook.......and now has to listen to this raving maniac who does not appreciate any of it. Sami is always me, me, me....and that has not changed. Gosh, I wish she would grow up.
I hate to say this but can we trade Melanie for Sami and send Sami to France?
I got a kick out of Chloe's yelling at Daniel in the previews for Thursday. It made me think of how Kate all of a sudden was mad at him just before her surgery last summer and what we found out about them.

I was thinking that too! I think with Chloe though, its just about the little moment they had. I dont think anything else has happened between them...yet :)
I hate to say this but can we trade Melanie for Sami and send Sami to France?

Please Nurse Hamster, No! I'm so sorry, but I can't stand Melanie right now. There was a time when I couldn't stand Sami either, but I started liking her when she and Lucas first got together. She does need to grow up, ALOT!!!!! But, I still can't get passed this smarty pants attitude of Melanies with everyone she comes in contact with. But, I did read on one of last weeks summaries where she and Maggie seemed to be getting along really well. I also hope she learns from Maggie as she could teach Melanie an awful lot of good ethics. :) I hope you have a blessed day.
Nope.......agree....would never change Sami for much as Sami is aggravating me right now.
Melanie is a conniving, self-absorbed gold digging user. She has used and dumped more people in the short time we have known her than Sami in all the years we have known her.
What gets me is that Sami is just being herself and men seem to fall all over her. I don't get what any man has ever seen in that woman.
Sheesh... Daniel needs to get neutered.
I really hope this baby storyline (Sami & Nicole) gets resolved quickly. It's already boring me to tears. But I looooooove Nicole and am still routing for her. I miss the old Sami.
What gets me is that Sami is just being herself and men seem to fall all over her. I don't get what any man has ever seen in that woman.

KathyLu, I have always wondered about this. They do nothing to make Sami endearing and yet yesterday, Rafe said he cares about Sami. I don't get it. All she does is make his work/life difficult. She is so self-absorbed she doesn't even care about what he's missing out on at Christmas (although I fast forward most of these scenes so it's possible I missed something along these lines). She takes her anger at EJ out on Rafe. If she's not yelling, she's crying, and if she's not crying, she's whining. In real life, men would want to get as far away from her as possible.

As for Daniel, I've always thought the writers wanted viewers to like his character. However, he really is bordering (maybe more than bordering) on sexual assault with his behavior this days. To me, Chloe looked more appalled than attracted to him, although I don't think that's how they meant it to play out. While there are women out there who like "bad boys," I don't know any woman who appreciates being cheated on. And since DAYS audience is made up chiefly of women, what makes the writers think we want any of the female characters to hook up with Daniel? A character like that belongs on CSI: Special Victims Unit.
I fast forward through so much these days, sometimes I wonder if I miss something that would add favor to a character. But yesterday I was watching, and the thing with Dr. Dan and Chloe bothered me. Why do the writers do things like this? We all know a doctors office should be a doc/patient haven, and to have him looking at her with his tongue hanging out touching her in a hospital gown was disgusting. I know she was wanting it too, but I hated that scene! To me it was repulsive to say the least! LOL
The things these writers are coming up with are SICKENING! STUPID! and yes I've turned into Sami and I'm SHOUTING! LOL That is my second gripe. I'm totally worn out from her whining tantrums. Ok, I'm through now! :)
As I said in another thread, Daniel should be brought up on charges and lose his license for what he did to doctor should behave that awful for the writers to do that, and I have a terrible sick feeling we are supposed to think it's romantic and exciting....good lord, let's just be thankful he's not a gynecologist...yet.....
As I said in another thread, Daniel should be brought up on charges and lose his license for what he did to doctor should behave that awful for the writers to do that, and I have a terrible sick feeling we are supposed to think it's romantic and exciting....good lord, let's just be thankful he's not a gynecologist...yet.....

Fainting with Nurse Hamster. I've been out of town this week and haven't been able to watch. Just reading the summaries. (Thanks, girls)! But when I get home to catch up, I think I will have to press "mute" and close my eyes until this scene is over. Gag.....