Days of Our Lives - Fri., Apr. 11, 2014


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, April 11, 2014

Sami & EJ sit with an excited Gabi, going over a contract for her from a company in Argentina who want her to do some modeling there. She is very happy, mentions that she will have to thank Nick, as he was responsible initially for getting her back into modeling. This pushes Sami's buttons, and she begins a negative spiel about him, which make Gabi not happy and defensive, but EJ steps in, gets Sami to back off, and she leaves. He talks a bit with Gabi about the job, she leaves with the baby.

Nick sits in the square, flashing back to the makeout session with Gabi on the sofa, until Julie joins him. As much as I love Julie, this buttinski version of her is appalling. She complains a bit about another cruise, how much Doug loves them, but she is tiring of them, then notes a gift box. Nick says a wedding gift for Sonny & Will. She was sorry to have missed it, asks how it went, Nick admits to not going, finally saying he was not invited. Julie has a fit since everyone else was invited, even Theresa Donovan, Nick tries to tell her it was fine, understandable, after all he did to them. But Julie just goes on and on about Nick apologizing, changing, blah, blah. She decides that Will would never hurt anyone's feelings, figures it had to be Sami, which Nick tries to deny. When Sami appears, Julie calls her over, and starts reading her a riot act about influencing the guys to not invite Nick. She denies this, Nick backs her up, but Julie is not deterred. She rants about Sami being given 2nd, 3rd and 4th chances, Nick deserves the same. Sami notes he has a good job, etc. Julie says it is what he deserves, Sami mutters that she hopes Nick will get all that he deserves. Julie finally leaves, Sami warns Nick about his manipulations, and he warns her right back.

Later, Nick runs into EJ, who is reading his paper, and tells him to put a leash on his girlfriend. EJ notes the gift box which Nick says is that wedding gift, EJ remarks he is only trying to impress Gabi with how "good" he is. Doesn't fool EJ for a minute.

Replay of the smiling Liam exiting Daniel's apartment, taking off the blue latex gloves, and buzzing for the elevator. It opens and there is Nicole. She asks what he is doing there, he tries to sidestep the question, but she asks why he is avoiding answering. He makes up a big story about meeting a lot of doctors in his job, and this bldg. has a lot of medical people in it, being so close to the hospital. Seems he has been "visiting" Dr. Colleen Weeks, but doesn't want it to get around, as he might get accused of favoritism. He even mentions seeing Nicole at the rest stop/area and that she probably was there for a specific purpose. And then that grin he has. He finally leaves, Nicole knocks on Daniel's door, no answer, gets a text message from Eric about Dan being sick, so rushes off to the hospital.

At the hospital, the place is abuzz with the news that Dr. Jonas has been abusing prescription meds....(dialude??). Maxine shuts one nurse up, Abe comes in, Maxine is all upset. Abe invites her for a bite, she refuses, Kayla insisting she should go.

Replay of Anne having a field day accusing Dr. Dan of being a druggie. Kayla comes in, telling Anne to zip it.She sadly has to tell Dan he is suspended while they investigate this. He is really puzzled, only had that protein drink at home, and then the coffee when he got there. He is still wobbly, so after turning over his badge, Kayla & Jen help him to a room, shutting Anne up again. Theresa has overheard the gossip, figures Liam did this, goes to see Anne, who is thrilled over the events. But Theresa denies it was her, Anne doesn't care, her heart is going pitty pat, that is how happy she is.
Jen is going to Daniel's apt. where a team of investigators are looking for anything. She asks Eric to come along. They are there for a bit (Daniel only takes aspirin occasionally. Jen does talk a bit to Eric about Theresa, isn't specific, but notes how Theresa hates her, had a thing for a bit for Daniel, and that she knows doing something to Daniel would hurt Jennifer.

They are back at the hospital, Eric takes Theresa for coffee, talks to her about Daniel. She denies doing this, is exasperated, but Eric tells her that if she knows anything at all about this, she should open up.

Liam returns to the hospital, spies Jennifer, and is all sympathetic for her, and what is going on with Daniel. However, smiles and all, he begins talking of how doctors may not "do drugs", but sometimes schedules, long hours, etc. get to them, and they do get samples, and may avail themselves. Jen denies Daniel would do this, "you don't know him". Liam admits he doesn't, but doctors do have access, and sometimes just are overwhelmed with their jobs.

Kayla goes in to see Daniel, has called the lab, the drugs are leaving his system, the search team is at his apartment. That is good, he repeats the only things he has had. She notes the coffee pot and his coffee cup tested clean. She leaves, telling him to rest.

Nicole arrives at the hospital, sees the sign outside Room 304, Daniel's room saying No Visitors, goes in anyway. Daniel is sleeping (gee, he is still in hospital scrubs, no gown, lol) She says aloud, Daniel how did this happen? He opens his eyes, no is not asleep. He doesn't know, but someone did this to him. He tells her about the coffee pot not being the culprit. She asks about home. He got up, had the double by-pass surgery scheduled, felt great,. took a shower, had his protein drink. That was all. Nicole's face changes as she recalls seeing Liam in Daniel's apt. bldg, by the elevator. He face is looking troubled, as Daniel asks what is the matter.
It's a good thing that the hospital didn't put the Love Doctor into a hospital gown. The sight of him admiring himself in a mirror would have been too much even for prissy Jen and his chief cheerleader, Maxine. Speaking of the tanned wonder, he and Eric ought to form their own "drugged-and-wrongly-accused" support group. Perhaps, support group guru, Ruffles McRed, could arrange it for them. Similarly, Anne and Liam ought to join a "high-hopes-crushed" group because no matter how much they want him to crash and burn, Super Jonas will eventually come out of this smelling like one of Salem's blooming-out-of-season roses.
So we had a spoiler this week about Abe "comforting" Maxine. I never doubted for one second that it wouldn't be Dan/Jen related. It's painfully and astonishingly ridiculous how obsessed Maxine is with Daniel and Jennifer. The fact that she said they acknowledge her as their biggest cheerleader was SO AWFUL. This is why I did not want Abe anywhere near a story involving Maxine because his entire existence would revolve around her never-ending attachment to that couple. Maxine needs a LIFE.

I tweeted this earlier. I'm totally giddy about Gabi slapping Sami. I just wish Nicole was around so she could get in on it too. Sami was so over-due for a good backhand and it hurt how satisfying this was. She walks around town thinking she can talk to people any way and can get away with it. I just hate the writers haven't allowed Nicole to unleash some aggression on Sami.

And come on writers, Sami notices Nick's shoes are the same shoes she saw in the apartment the previous day, but she didn't spot Abby's bra as plain as day laying on the locker room floor.
Ahhh, thank you guys. I loved the slap, and could not wait to write it down, and then forgot it. Well, phone calls do distract one. (Sami noticing Nick's shoes was just ridiculous. She evidently thought that shoe was Will or Sonny's. How does she not know that one of them doesn't happen to own the same kind of shoe? No, Sami goes blasting Gabi immediately. Not even a question before she shoots her mouth off.
Liam sure is sneaky and trying to cover his steps, however, he needed an accomplice and it is Theresa who gave him a key to Dan's apartment. I hope she goes down with him.

I agree but I think she will have another attack of conscience when Brady breaks up with her over this. He likes Dan as a friend plus didn't she steal the key from Brady?
So here's a dreadful thought: Nicole figures out that Liam is responsible for Daniel's condition but can't say anything because he's probably the one with the reassembled shreddings so they blackmail each other. Good grief this story just keeps getting better and better! NOT!!!
Nice to see Julie even though I didn't like her talk with Nick or Sami.

Poor Maxine, her hero fell in disgrace.

I thought it was interesting when Daniel got suspended he gave
Kayla his badge, like you see on cop shows when one gets suspended.

Are all hospitals like Salem University with everyone knowing in
less than 30 minutes what was wrong with Dr Dan? Anne couldn't
wait to tell Liam the news.

Will Nicole, Theresa or Jen save Daniel's day :)
Hearing Kayla tell Anne TWICE to shut up ALMOST makes this idiotic storyline worth it. Almost. (And this is the most we've seen Kayla in months! I hope she continues to be part of the storyline.)

I do like that Eric recognizes the similarity between his situation and Daniel's. I hope that with Nicole hesitating about telling Daniel what she knows, we don't have a complete rerun where Daniel accuses her of being the one to have poisoned him. Anyway despite the fact that I like Eric and Daniel becoming closer friends, I think the writers could have done better than reused a storyline that started a year ago and is still ongoing using the very same people that were involved in that storyline.

I think Nicole should just tell Daniel. Going to confront Liam on her own is going to cause her trouble. Why not tell Daniel she's run into this Liam character a couple times and he was hanging around Daniel's apartment just a few minutes ago?

I think Theresa will be the one to speak up but not because she has suddenly developed a conscience. It's a matter of self-interest. If anyone finds out she gave Liam that key she could be implicated as an accomplice even though she didn't know what he was going to do. That would for sure send her back to the CA penal system. So she needs to turn him in before the connection is made. Although it would be interesting if she WERE arrested and Aiden took her case as a favor to Hope. Jen would certainly not be happy about that.

Speaking of which, we had two days of a more mature Jen--what a pleasure to see her using her brain! I hope Liam's nonsense doesn't get to her, though right now it looked like she just thought he was crazy.

On another note, I used to really like Julie. I'm very disappointed that she's become yet another meddling old woman, on Nick's side no less! She had everything so backwards. Glad Sami can remember Nick's shoes but how did she miss it when Abby's clothes were strewn all over EJ's office?

I am so tired of hearing conversations and arguments with Gabi about Nick.
[Edited to add: regarding the key Theresa had, if I remember correctly she took Daniel's keys once when he accidentally left them at the nurse's station and made a copy of his apartment key before returning them to him.]
Daniel truly has given out himself too many keys. Jen has one (that JJ used to get into his apt and party with his friends), Maggie has one, that Brady took to let himself in to party all alone, Theresa has one (yes, she copied his keys that he left sitting on the counter).

So here is one problem for me. My keys are always in my purse. Sometimes in the pocket of my jacket/coat, but they are never sitting on counters, table tops, etc. etc. I really find it hard to understand why Salemites would be putting their keys down in random places, especially when not at home. (Same goes for cell phones)...yes, da plot, da plot. Ugh.
Whoo yes!! Loved that SLAP!!! Even if Gabi is being an idiot.
Cannot stand this dumb storyline with Liam-almost as boring as Jordan's!
I like Maxine and Abe, but I can't figure out who is more obsessed with Daniel and Jennifer-Liam or Maxine?
Theresa and Anne need to go away already, as does Mary Beth. They are all just nuisances. Same with Julie.
Nicole needs to just admit everything right now. The longer she lies, the more despised she will be.
I think this situation with Daniel will make him angrier at Nicole when the truth comes out because now he knows what Eric feels like.

I thought Sami looked inappropriate for work but then again she works from DiCouch so it doesn't matter.

That slap was great! I wish Rafe and Carrie were there to see it.

Glad Jen seemed to catch on to Liam. I hope she doesn't have doubts about Daniel now.

Maxine should have changed out of her scrubs to go to HTS. That's not sanitary. She seemed a bit over the top with the Daniel obsession.

Really weird show. It was dominated by the Daniel story. How often are Sami and EJ the sub-plot for the day?
Daniel truly has given out himself too many keys. Jen has one (that JJ used to get into his apt and party with his friends), Maggie has one, that Brady took to let himself in to party all alone, Theresa has one (yes, she copied his keys that he left sitting on the counter).

So here is one problem for me. My keys are always in my purse. Sometimes in the pocket of my jacket/coat, but they are never sitting on counters, table tops, etc. etc. I really find it hard to understand why Salemites would be putting their keys down in random places, especially when not at home. (Same goes for cell phones)...yes, da plot, da plot. Ugh.

I think Daniel did change his locks after JJ used Jen's key, though he probably gave Jen another key so that didn't really do much of anything.

I can understand accidentally leaving the keys at the nurses station, especially because it was right after Chad's surgery when everything was a little chaotic. I think Daniel said he had 2 hours of sleep the night before.

I keep my keys on a hook that goes into my belt loop, but I've occasionally shoved them in a pocket instead and then gone crazy looking for them. What I don't understand is why phones and computers are never password protected. I also don't understand why Daniel doesn't have an alarm system, and Jen too; Daniel because he has a small child living with him in a building that apparently has no security and Jen because she lives in a large house full of valuables.
In re Daniel & the keys....there was absolutely NO reason for his keys to be at the nurses' stations. He either has a locker in which regular clothes go, when changing (and that is LOCKED) OR his office which also is locked).

As to Nicole asking Liam what he was doing there. He has been showing up or in her face quite a bit. Is he stalking her? He has continually intruded into her life, asking HER questions which are none of his business.
The man is a pharmacy supplier, a salesman of drugs, who should not even be hanging around the hospital as much as he has of late, let alone a building where a doctor lives. Ordinarily he is on the road, visiting other hospitals/doctors' offices, clinics, etc.