Days of Our Lives - Fri., Apr. 26, 2024


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
DiMansion Entryway - Chanel and Johnny open a package from Allie, who wishes them well.

Mayor's Office - Abe and Paulina arrive. Abe wanted Paulina to stay home. Paulina wants to get back to work, starting with a chat with the DA. Specifically she disagrees with EJ's deal with the guilty Stefan and his "mockery of a press conference" done without her office's involvement. Mayor Paulina Price can stand up to a DiMera.

DiMansion Study - Nicole and EJ, who eat early, talk about DiMera stock (it's leveled off). Nicole is reading the Spectator. The DA's apology to Tate is in the paper, bottom of page one. They are smoochy as EJ talks about watching a movie. Nicole has an errand first. Johnny and Chanel enter and show off Allie's gift (looks like a blanket wearing a belt). Nicole leaves, EJ gives them a gift (having already given them a sculpture with Nicole) in a baby shower card. It's a check with lots of zeros that EJ won't take back; he asks Johnny to work for him. Johnny turns him down, Chanel loves free spirit Johnny, EJ keeps the offer open. Johnny and Chanel will be looking at apartments. He gets a call from "Mayor Price" demanding to see him in her office now (even though it's after dinner time).

Spectator Offices (night establishing shot) - Leo is working on a story about Stefan. Sloan calls and they bicker about Eric's job. Chad arrives and Leo terminates the call, refusing to give up his source. Chad asks if his article is ready? Leo says it needs photos, their photographer is unreliable, and it happens that Eric Brady is looking for photography work. Later, Chad thinks Eric is good but is more concerned with filling the open reporter slot. None of the applicants are qualified but they are still advertising. Leo isn't interested. Chad compliments his work. Later, Nicole shows up to apply for the reporter job, despite no experience with printed media and no writing samples.

Square - Eric and his permanent scowl have reviewed the bills and the Salem Inn charges lead him to believe Sloan's having an affair. He calls the credit card company and asks about his wife "Sloan Petersen's" charges.

Petersen-Brady Apartment - Sloan gets a text and calls Melinda. Dimitri von Leuschner is set to be released from his maximum security prison.

The Office of Mayor Price - EJ wants to know why he was summoned? Paulina's angry about the press conference, the drug ring, and the DA's office's lack of communication with her office. EJ thinks she was irresponsible to expose Salem to her radiated body, and purports that he's fielded calls about pressing charges for her endangering the community. Paulina isn't backing down and neither is EJ, who claims that people want Abe back as mayor.

Petersen-Brady Apartment - Sloan tells Jude it's time for damage control. She calls Leo (at the Inn) and says she's on her way. Leo wants to know how he's in the middle of everyone's drama. Knock, knock - it’s ERIC. Eric realizes he's not Sloan's lover and wants to know why she's footing the bill for his room? Leo suggests he ask Sloan. Sloan arrives, tells him about Dimitri as she barges in.

Spectator Offices - Nicole thinks she's failed the pitch. Chad says she has more experience than Leo, Xander, and Chad himself when they started, and a female voice would be good. She's hired, but she needs to be fair and balanced and no stories involving EJ. Nicole thanks that's fair. The hire is on a trial basis.

Square - Johnny and Chanel liked the apartment. Abe is reading at a table. They talk apartments, one had a small kitchen. One had a small main bathroom. Everything's small compared to DiMansion. Nothing really happens.

Price Townhouse - Paulina complains to Abe about her talk with EJ.

DiMansion Study - EJ fumes about his talk with Paulina, recognizes he's ignoring Nicole. He asks her what she was up to. She tells him about the job, she's happy to be doing something meaningful. EJ is happy for her, suggests a story on Paulina's irresponsible behaviour vis-à-vis the snowstorm. Nicole hesitates because of their close relationship (by marriage). EJ says he's heard from Salemites about this and wants the Spectator to investigate. He gets a call and dashes out of the room; Nicole calls Chad to pitch a story.

Salem Inn - Eric wants to know why Sloan has been paying for Leo's room for the last six months? Sloan is angry he opened her mail, which is a federal offence. Eric shuts her down, she pivots quickly to a sob story about how Leo's life was ruined and she felt sorry for him. He understands this charity but now that Leo has a job he wonders why it's still going on? Leo admits he's a shopaholic and will pay Sloan back. He's sorry he leaned on her so hard. Eric says the charity is over immediately.

Price Townhouse - Paulina and Abe are watching a movie and they reminisce about Blockbuster video. He tells them about Johnny and Chanel's apartment search. Paulina hopes Chanel will be moving out of the "creepy" DiMansion soon. She asks if the kids seemed healthy? They did.

Square - Chanel and Johnny have looked at another apartment which Chanel didn't seem excited about. She's very tired. They are going to go home. They slowly walk off camera (it is super weird) as Chanel twitches her nose. END
Thanks Jason. The time zones in Salem are enough to drive a person crazy. Chanel and Johnny apartment hunting at night and have looked at SEVERAL places, yet most folks live at one of the two mansions or the hotel. The bank gave information to someone not on the card, just because he said they were married.

If only there was a compelling reason to continue watching. It's all so terrible right now.
EJ is a pompous jerk but he was not wrong. We all miss the sane Mayor Carver. I also think Paulina should be held accountable for putting innocent people at risk. Sadly Chanel is going to reap all the consequences. That was clear today.

Xander is going to be Nicole's boss? That's a reversal.

Eric is such a judgmental *bleep*. Every woman he is involved with, he starts treating like a child. I miss the old tough Sloan. Sadly, I fear she is irrevocably ruined. Jada had a lucky escape. I still remember him berating Sarah for sleeping with Xander and they weren't even a couple.

Boring episode for a Friday. But at least no Konstantin.

Don't tease me with a Dimitri return unless you mean it.
If I had our finances in a mess, my husband would more than scowl. The amount of money she has been giving Leo must be staggering.

If Chanel is ill because of Paulina, can you imagine all the hand-wringing and moaning we will hear from Paulina?

Why is Paulina still mayor, since Abe is just fine?
It's hard to take EJ seriously as DA because of his criminal history. So I don't buy that he's worried about public safety (even though I agree Paulina was irresponsible).

Just like it's hard for me to forget, even during a sweet scene like he & Johnny & Chanel had at the top of the show, how he was created.

BUT I really do love Nicole and EJ together. He stopped his tantrum to pay attention to her. Eric would never!!

I am loving Leo and Sloan's interplay. Sorry, but I'm Team Sloan on this one. Anything that keeps the scowler away from the new Spectator hire is good with me. I do hope Leo is sincere in paying back Sloan - it will help him when the truth comes out (I'm hoping when Teen Jude gets hit by a car or sold bad drugs by David Frears).
David Frears
Oh man, I had completely forgotten about him. Yep, he's ripe for being SORAS'd and returning to Salem with a grudge of some sort.

For others who also don't remember, David was Jordan Ridgeway's little boy that Rafe was trying to adopt (2019), who turned out to be the bio son of Evan Frears/Christian Maddox, Orpheus' crazy son. Zoey (Orpheus' daughter) got custody and took David out of town.
Because the writers don't understand Paulina should resign so Abe can resume. But then, we all know Salem has much different rules/laws than most U.S. citizens have in their communities. Maybe she was elected, not appointed to fill the mayoral spot. There ARE different laws/rules in the different cities in the U.S.
aaahjhhh, yes. Thanks for the reminder. So........while many viewers feel Abe should be in the mayoral position, won't happen unless Paulina resigns.
Thanks, Jason

You're right, the gift from Allie was a blanket with a belt. Maybe a blanket to take on a picnic?

I'm glad EJ brought up what Paulina did when she was radioactive. He was sneaky when he brought
up the mayor to Nicole to do a story.

Since Chad hired Nicole, will he hire Eric as an extra photographer? Probably. It's Salem.

Eric sure is gullible to believe the story about Sloan helping Leo since he lost Dimitri.

Will Dimitri come back to Salem to tell the truth about Jude? Let's hope so.

What is wrong with Chanel? Is she radioactive? Pregnant? Or just tired?
For once I’m with EJ — the unfit Paulina must go and be replaced by Abe. In real life the city charter would designate a successor to the mayor. To restore Abe to his rightful place, that person would also have to resign, resulting in a special election that Abe would win in a walk.

So Dimitri has bee released from prison after serving a remarkably short sentence even by Salem standards. Hopefully, this means he’ll be back in Salem. He and Leo made an entertaining team. Speaking of returns, all the women who left Days because of the fired guy should be brought back immediately, especially Nicole. As for bringing back David Frears, why not? It would give DA EJ somebody to prosecute.

Sloan really pulled a fast one, talking her way out of what seemed an impossible situation after all her payments to Leo were revealed.
Of course, her task was made easier by the fact that Eric isn’t actually the most astute person in town.