Days of Our Lives - Fri., Apr. 27, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, April 27, 2018

Kudos to everyone today! Replay of Eve telling off Brady, stalking off, Brady falling to the ground. Inside the club, replay of Lucas & Chloe agreeing to take it slow, and promising to court her. She locks the door, turns to find Miguel there. But outside, Lucas finds Brady on the ground, calling for Eve, helps him up to a bench, Brady rambles a bit, tells Lucas how Eve thinks he rigged the contest, he didn't, and thinks he was drinking, & he wasn't. Lucas says Brady is really wasted, starts checking Brady's jacket for a flask, Brady is indignant, then moans about not feeling good, unable to stand. Lucas helps him up, is taking him to hospital.

Inside the club, Miguel is telling Chloe, at gun point, all that he did about trying to get Lucas out of the way, spiking his drink, the friend drank it, etc. She is coming with him. Knocking at the door, tis Eve, knows Chloe is there, sees her car. Miguel says o.k., let her in, but get rid of her. So, Eve comes in, wonders who the guy is, (I think she calls him Bo riddly, or something, lol) Chloe does the intro, saying he is the one offered the job in Mexico. Miguel adds that Chloe has now decided to accept, surprising Eve. So now Eve goes off on Brady, his rigging the contest, drinking, never wanting to see him. Miguel gets impatient, Eve takes the hint, Chloe asks her to stay, do her a big favor, tell Lucas. Eve thinks Chloe should do that, Chloe says no time. Eve still thinks she should, but finally leaves as the impatient Miguel keeps insisting they have to go. She pleads to call Lucas as he will know something is wrong, Miguel refuses. Later, he is hustling her along outside. (Boy, pretty warm already in Salem, no one has to wear a coat. )

At the hospital, Kayla mentions Brady's eyes dialated, also figures he is intoxicated, but is running a tox screen on him.

Earlier, Steve & Kayla talked, he told her about seeing Abby, not knowing folks were looking for her. They both figure to go see Rafe, she gets a call from a neurologist who is free now, she will take her chances he will be free later. Nope, Steve wants her to stay, he will go see Rafe.

At the cop shop, Hope & Chad talk, he wants her to let him go, let him find his wife. She understands how he feels, he is adamant that she doesn't understand. Oh, yes she does. Oops, he forgot. Sorry. She says she may not have actually seen Rafe & Sami together, but she does in her mind's eye, every day. But she is not going to let it control her. He agrees, just wants to find his wife. Hope leaves the room, will be back. Jen & Eric rush in, ask Hope what is going on, why the APB on Abby?

Jen goes in to see Chad in the interrogation room, they hug, she is so sorry. Chad tells her what happened, how Abby not herself, Stefan brainwashing her, raped her. Jen is horrified, as he tells of coming in, finding them in bed, how enraged be became, beating on Stefan, Abby trying to stop him. (why he doesn't mention the black wig is beyond me). They are hugging, near tears as Chad continues, even saying how he wanted to kill him. Outside the room, Eric & Hope talk, her asking if he heard from his mother. She gets a call from Rafe, learns that Gabi was beat up in prison, is at hospital. She has to leave. Eric tries to call Marlena, leaves a message. Jen comes out of the room, Eric asks how she is, Jen shakes her head, then dissolves in tears as Eric holds her.

Eve is in the square, answers her phone, it is Lucas. She babbles about Chloe, knows he is probably not happy, but he did tell her to follow her dreams. Lucas has no idea what she is talking about, Eve takes her foot out of her mouth, explains. Lucas find that all hard to believe. Now Eve asks why he called her, if it wasn't that he heard from Chloe. He tells about Brady in hospital, she doesn't care. Hangs up, muttering she is not going to get suckered in again.

At the hospital, Gabby is talking to the unconscious Stefan, won't leave him, needs him to wake up, she loves him, cannot go on without him. She lays her head on his shoulder, his eyes flicker, head turns, rests against hers. He is awake, urging her to leave. Nope, she is staying by his side. He says she cannot, if they find her, they will learn Abigail killed Andre, and put Gabby in a small dark place, worse than where Dr. Laura kept her. She keeps insisting she cannot leave him, but finally, apparently decides she will go, do as he wants, he promises he will find her, wherever she is. She kisses him, and is about to leave, when Steve comes in, calling for Rafe. She is silent, he senses someone is there, who is in here. She tries to get past him, he grabs her arm. She claims to be the nurse, did not hear him with the stethoscope in her ears. She keeps looking at Stefan, who is giving her barely imperceptible nods yes, or no. Steve plays along with the nurse excuse, she says she to go on rounds, Steve grabs her arm again, oh, no, you are not leaving Abigail.

Uh, oh. Gabby tries excuses, Steve will have none of it. She even says she wants to be with Stefan, Chad went overboard. Steve says if she doesn't want to talk to any family, how about Kayla. Stefan nods, she agrees, wants to go alone. Nope, he is going with her.

Lucas comes into the empty club, door unlocked, calling for Chloe. No answer, he sees an envelope behind the bar, evidently addressed to him. He opens, reads, looks around.

Chad sits alone in the interrogation room, remembering coming in to find his wife in bed with Stefan, how he started to punch him, his wife attempting to stop him. In the present, Chad buries his face in his hands.

Eve is outside Brady's door, enters, looks down at the unconscious man, shaking her head.

Steve has hold of Gabby's arm, they are near the nurses' station, he is going to make sure she talks to Kayla. Stefan in his bed murmuring “run, Gabby, as she shoves Steve, runs off, is at the elevator, pressing the button. Steve yells, someone stop her. The elevator doors open, Hope steps out. Takes one look at the black wigged Gabby, says, Oh, am so glad to have run into you.
I thought it a good episode, well acted. Makeup did a good job on Stefan's face.......(even tho, as usual, he spoke very little).

I would like to see Eve with someone else, if they absolutely have to have "couples". Maybe Rafe??? Tho it is time some of these Days characters were just good friends, and not paired up. :)

And it is past due time for Gabby to be gone. Don't know what happened to Dr. Laura....LOL.

I must have missed something.....but evidently Steve thought, or was told, that Rafe was guarding/with Stefan, which is why Steve stumbled into that room looking for him. I just have no idea how Steve got to that room....Maybe a nurse or aide took him to the door???
Steve in blind-PI mode was stellar.
Yes, he was. Blind Steve can "see" a lot better than most sighted Salemites. And he displayed a lot more smarts than some other Salemites seen today.

Hope: She ought to get over her outrage about Rafe's rebound tryst, which occurred after she dumped him. As robinsnest said, Rafe's misadventure with Sami wasn't anything like Stefan Zero getting an alter of schizophrenic Abigail into bed. Perhaps, somebody should warn Hope about comparing apples to oranges.

Eve: Already held in low regard by Jenny and Victor, she now has offended the legions of fans of To Kill a Mockingbird by calling a sleazy, gun-toting kidnapper who's dressed in black by the name of one of their favorites from the novel, Boo Radley.
Finally, the beginning to the end of the Abby/Gabby storyline, busted by Hope towards the end was perfect!

I enjoyed all the scenes with Chad and Jennifer. Chad telling Jennifer that Abigail was raped by Stefan was excellent acting on both ends. Vivian definitely has bad stock without it being said. That now makes 2 Alamains who raped a Horton. Vivian's nephew Lawrence raped Jennifer when she posed as Katerina aka Carly, way back when, now her son rapes Jennifer's daughter.

For once I actually was feeling Miguel's frustration over Eve. That woman just kept rambling, and Chloe clearly was trying her best to get Eve off her case. Off to Mexico, Kate will love that!

So Brady took Lucas' drink, now that makes much more sense! The past day I've been confused because Miguel kept saying "Once Chloe sees her ex husband as a drunk, she'll leave". But both Lucas' and Brady are both Chloe's ex husband, so wasn't making sense why he would want to drug Brady. Glad that was cleared up.
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Thank you Dr.BF for the clarification on the name Eve called Miguel

As Robin has noted....Hope & Rafe were not married when Rafe & Sami hit the sheets.but Chad and Abby ARE. Chad walked in on his WIFE...Maybe Hope is taking her resentment of Bo bringing Carly into their home & bed out on Rafe...not that I want Rafe & Hope together.

Love my ever so smart Patch.....

Eve needs to shut up and everyone...Brady, Chloe, Ciara, Kayla.just LISTEN! instead o0f babbling on and on!
Thanks, Poirot.

I was hoping Chloe would say something to Eve that she was in danger
Or even in the note she left Lucas. Maybe one day Eve will tell Lucas
Mr. Garcia was with Chloe when she decided to leave town.

Steve did a great job walking to Stefan's door. He told Kayla he would
find the way.

Did Hope go to the hospital to see Gabi or did she go to guard Stefan?
She got lucky when Gabby ran into her. Great job Commissioner Brady,
the only way the Salem PD can catch someone is when they come to you.

The Salem PD should hire Steve. He's a better detective than all of them.

Great scenes with Jennifer and Chad.
:sarcasm:The Chad/Jennifer stuff was fantastic. I wonder if Chad knows about Jennifer's rape? He mentioned Abby's rape so matter of factly. I was kind of shocked by that.

Did Hope go to the hospital to see Gabi or did she go to guard Stefan?

This confused me too because she went as soon as Rafe called. I suppose it could be argued either way. Either she was going to see Gabi and Rafe or she was going to replace Rafe at Stefan's room. But you'd think a uniform would do the latter.

I think we had a cut scene yesterday or today. Roman and Anna were supposed to tell Eric and Jennifer they were engaged.

Loved Uncle Steve in PI mode. I don't know why this show doesn't let him interact with his extended family more.

Eve was beyond annoying today and why do I have to watch her and Brady have the same conversation 4 days in a row while we've seen no movement in the Gabi story since Monday?
Eric was the smartest cop at the Salem PD today. :sarcasm:
Nicole, drugged by her father and forced to do porn (He also raped Jan Spears)
Stephanie Johnson, raped by Ford Decker
Chelsea Brady, attacked by Ford Decker (rape avoided by his death)

Steve Johnson, raped (sex to avoid threats made against his family) by Ava Vitali
Jack Deveraux, tricked into sex by a woman disguised as his wife, Jennifer.
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