Days of Our Lives - Fri., Apr. 5, 2019

Why is there so much discussion of a future cast list in this thread? There is a separate spoiler thread for that.

The worst thing about the Jack story is that Eve has been driving it for 3+ months now. Not what I expected or wanted for a Jack return. I fast forward most scenes with Eve in them as it's like nails on a chalkboard for me.

I truly think that Ron doesn't realize that JJ and Claire are related.
Yes, the problem with filming 6-7 mos. ahead. They cannot even edit out the over use of a character. One would think Eve was running for mayor, since she does all the yakking. Said it before, will say it again, Jack comes off like a puppet, with Eve doing all the talking and pulling of strings.
I'm actually not that against Sheila and Abe. The idea of the two of them is growing on me. I never really considered Sheila and Eli to be around the same age - just because they're friends from way back doesn't mean they grew up together or anything. I have friends from back in the day that are older and younger than me by many years. She looks like she falls in the mid-range between Eli and Abe's ages.

I still despise Eve. This whole storyline is a waste of time.

Now what I really want to know is who is the father of Jordan's baby... is it someone we've not met yet?... is it Rafe?... Or please, oh please, let it be Ted. *evil grin*
Even if Sheila is older it just wigs me out because T Boz is around my age. Abe came on the scene before I was even in high school so it's just weird to me because James Reynolds (Abe) is really in dad territory. I'm guessing it's just because of my age range that it really sticks out. I do think Abe seems younger than he is in real life.

I really just would like to see something more interesting than another romance. Probably haven't seen Roman in a while because there isn't anyone to hook him up with. And we don't want to waste time with any scenes with his friend Abe. I'd be thrilled to see a scene with them hanging at the bar lamenting their dating problems. I know there's at least one writer there that can do some comedy because it pops up once in a while.