Days of Our Lives - Fri., April 10, 2020


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Nov 23, 2006
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So far, no show, another press conference and update.
Missed 1st 25-30 min. But ....Nicole is with Brady, who is talking of Mickey having same birthmark on neck as Rachel, and how he did entertain the thought that Mickey might be his and Kristen's child. He speaks of them born same night, in same nursery after Mickey brought in after being born on side of road. He discounts it, then, Nicole agrees a bit, talking of the I.D. bracelets that are constantly checked, etc. etc.

Evidently Marlena has been in with Steve, as she talks to Kayla about being with Steve. Justin is with Xander at the Kmansion, admiring the lovely dressed Mackenzie, both wondering where Sarah is.

Eric has told a disbelieving Sarah, that babies were switched, Xander did it, paying off Dr. Raynor. She denies, until she remembers (flashback) how when Xander brought the baby in, she commented it looked different than she remembered. She tells Eric this, is in shock, begins to cry. Eric comforts her.

Kayla talks to Steve, sorry the hypnosis did not work, but she is going to get him back, will let him rest, but first tells him a story, of how they met, she being innocent, goody two shoes, him about the opposite. When scene returns, she has told him the story all about their beginnings, says there is so much more they went thru in their lives, but she won't confuse him. However, she wants to tell him of when she was in the hospital, how he helped her come back, and now she wants to help him return.

Nicole is rather uncomfortable (wearing that summery dress in 40 degree weather might add to the discomfort) as Brady talks of how he has grieved, but Kristen still has not gotten over losing their child. Yes, he has thought what if.......but...he if there was some kind of switch, he would not want to know, because he would not want anyone else to go thru what he has been, and is going thru. Eric is his brother, he would not wish that on anyone. He thanks her for listening, leaves.

Xander has been trying to call Sarah, to no avail, no answer. He calls Uncle Vic who is with Maggie at prison, learns Sarah left 2 hours ago. He & Justin both getting a bit worried, where is she. Sarah walks thru the door. She is not all smiles, for sure.

Kristen has been holding, cuddling a little baby, singing Hush Little Baby to her. Nurse comes in, time is up. Kristen wants a little more time, nurse says sorry, but babies all on a strict schedule. Kristen refuses to give the baby back, no, you cannot have her.

Kayla tells Steve of how she suffered trauma. lost her hearing & ability to speak. How he learned sign language, never leaving her, helping her. Arranged their wedding on a boat, beautiful day, friends and family all there. All perfect, time to say vows....but she could not speak, could not say her vows. It upset her, but Steve took her aside, and signed to have Courage. It was what she needed, he helped her and she summoned up her courage, and made it through her difficulties. That is what she wants for him now,to have courage!
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Yeah it seemed that probably most of 1st half was leading up to 2nd half. It is annoying how much this is all dragged out, how they make a day last a week or more. Thanks, Mandy.
What the heck is Nicole wearing? It looks almost like something Gabi might try but it looks like two mismatched horrible pieces. And not that ANYTHING in the hospital is realistic, but Kristen would not be sitting in an office by herself holding that baby that she is going to convince herself is hers (she should have a chat with her good friend Lani, who seems to be forgotten by Kristen), but my mother used to do that as a volunteer and there can be no nail polish, and probably gloves before she could hold anyone. If Sarah was the person who recommended Kristen for this job, it just goes to show how bad a doctor she really is. Kristen is NOT ready. And there it is - Kristen is refusing to give the baby back!
I saw the whole show and didn't get a chance to read any spoiler or summary. I'm glad I saw this one "cold". I thought it was a good episode. I enjoyed watching Steve's reaction to Kayla telling their story. It looks like he is not going to "fight" the efforts to bring him back.

I was pretty sure when that nurse handed Kristen the baby to hold, that Kristen was not going to be willing to give it back. The baby switch reveal may be too late to save Kristen from herself. She will probably end up in jail or Bayview.
This was another episode that seemed designed to depress the viewers. Except for fan-favorite Doll-in-Blanket acing her toughest assignment -- being held by creepy Kristen -- it was one downer after another.

Steve: He has amnesia -- how predictable is that? That said, people shouldn't be getting so upset over this. After all, every person in Salem history who was stricken by amnesia eventually regained his/her memory.

Eric: For years, Sami has been calling John Black a life-ruiner. Now, it seems as if sourpuss Eric has taken over that title. He didn't do anything to light up Sarah's day and the future of Baby Mickey/Rachel in the clutches of Mommie Dearest Kristen is decidedly problematical.

Kristen: Imagine the reaction of the unnamed baby's parents when they learned that the hospital actually handed their child over to the monstrous Kristen and worse, that she's now refusing to return the poor infant.
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I also liked Steve's reaction to Kayla's tale of lst meeting, and especially the boat wedding. Those two work so well together.

I did not like Kristen's fixation on that baby. This headwriter really needs to learn about balance, & I don't mean inserting scenes of Ciara & Ben cavorting in bed, or Gabi modeling her latest too small, too tight, too short dress. Filling an episode with nothing but misery doesn't win over viewers. As Dr.BakerFan noted, gloom & despair everywhere. Sarah hearing the news, Eric having to deliver it, Nicole having to listen to Brady go on about the "what if" in re: Mackenzie, being unable to tell him the truth, then Brady saying if it was true, he would not want to know, would not want to make anyone else miserable; then Kristen - so eager to hold a baby - then refusing to give it back. This is same woman who pushed Haley down the stairs when she heard her baby had died.

Then Kayla trying so hard to get Steve to remember, and noted by DBF, I think every character in Salem has had amnesia, and recovered. Egads! I understand Marlena was released, & John was so happy. That did not make for "balance".

And then, there is Justin, waiting around outside, knowing he will probably be on the losing end of his latest relationship, but stickin in there, being supportive. I hope next week will bring some joy in Mudville, where is Casey when you need him.:confused:
Not only does the wardrobe need to be improved (even Kristen's skirt was about an inch away from a malfunction), but hair styling and make-up, too. The previously mentioned fake tan spray, plus hair being pulled in a way that shows how badly the color needs to be fixed (Nicole), extensions that show where they are put in (Sarah, who had at least three different colors of hair), and when they showed close ups of Steve, it looked like you could scrape that makeup off his face with a trowel. I kind of like seeing actors these days at home with no make up on and they usually look much better.
Steve: He has amnesia -- how predictable is that? That said, people shouldn't be getting so upset over this. After all, every person in Salem history who was stricken by amnesia eventually regained his/her memory.
Even Steve's had amnesia before. I wonder if he remembers that?

These stories are awful. I mused the other day that some of them might have been better if not being played in the 50+ crowd - a triangle involving Alex, Jeannie, and Jeremy Horton or Chad's brain in Shawn-Douglas's body trying to mind-control Belle. Not good, but not as awful as what we're enduring.
Salem's hospital is a hot mess! Since when is anyone allowed to carry around a newborn? Xander was carrying that baby and I'm pretty sure no hospital would allow that. Kristen should have been gowned, masked, and gloved before she was allowed to touch that baby.
And then, there is Justin, waiting around outside, knowing he will probably be on the losing end of his latest relationship...
That's so sad but I sincerely believe that if Kayla chooses Justin, he will drop her like the proverbial hot potato when Adrienne shows up alive. Just once, I'd like to see it go the other way. While I loved Steve and Kayla's, then Justin and Adrienne's love stories, I wish the writers would let Justin and Kayla stay together. They did something similar with the Marlena/Roman/John triangle at a time when I would have bet nothing could have kept Marlena and Roman apart. Come on writers, surprise us!

Even Steve's had amnesia before. I wonder if he remembers that?
Jason, this really tickled an old lady's funny bone. Thanks for the laugh. I really needed it today.
Thanks, Poirot.

The top of Nicole's dress reminds me of a swimsuit because of the back straps.

Mickey wore a cute dress today.

Steve has the old soap opera disease amnesia.

Did Marlena use a pocket watch to make Steve go under? He mentioned that
when he asked to be hypnotized.

Today Justin noticed Mickey's birthmark. Maybe the birthmark fades in and out
and appears when needed :)

People in Salem need to remember to look at the doors more often to notice people
coming in. Brady came in when Nicole and Eric were talking about him. Justin came
in when Xander was talking to Mickey.

Did anyone else see the daggers come out of Sarah's eyes when she looked at Xander?

I think they should have had Xander and Sarah at the end today instead of Kayla and Steve.
I am glad the baby thing is coming out. Also glad that it appears crazy evil Kristen is going to make an appearance. I am still hoping somehow that Mackenzie is not Rachel, but if she is, then I hope Brady is not the father. I think he did DNA before baby was born, but hey it's Salem, we know how dependable those tests are.
Congratulations "writers", I dislike Nicole now, who was previously one of my favorites. She stands there in front of clueless sap Brady and says nothing. Why must she wait for that deadbeat Eric? She knows the truth and so does her precious Eric. Why are Eric's feelings more important than easing the suffering of her supposed friend Brady? Heck, I dislike most of the characters, which is sad. No one is honorable or likable anymore.

I hate this show. I hate it. It's stupid, it's dark, it's a mess. I'm to the point I don't know how much longer I can hold on. :angry: :sick:
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