Days of Our Lives - Fri. Aug. 13, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Friday, August 13, 2010
Episode #11,396 Taped 6/15 Director – Grant A. Johnson

Daniel & Chloe are happily looking forward to spending the evening alone together, share a quick kiss outside their apt. door. Inside, Stephanie panics, she is about to be found out. As the happy couple enters their apt. Stephanie is no where in sight, having found a handy dandy closet in which to hide, and of course be able to hear every word Chloe & Daniel utter. They talk of her birthday, of telling her parents, of how happy Daniel is over Chloe’s pregnancy, how he wishes it was not too soon for an amnio so they can announce to the world, maybe via a sky writer, lol, that they are being married for real this time, and expecting a little daughter…or maybe a son. They even talk of baby names. Daniel gets a call, has to return to the hospital, emergency appendectomy, tells the person to call Melanie to observe, Chloe tells him that was really nice to think of Mel for this… he leaves.
Chloe immediately calls Philip. Melanie has gotten the text from her dad, is all excited and runs to get dressed. Phil gets the call, agrees to go over to Chloe’s. Stephanie stands in the closet. Amazing she never has to sniffle, sneeze or anything like that. Philip arrives, he & Chloe sit and talk. She tells him about the amnio, about St. Mary’s, even mentioning the fake name she used. They talk of the outside chance this could be Philip’s baby, that Daniel will be told, as Carly will either tell him herself, or make Chloe tell him. Philip dejectedly talks of Melanie probably then leaving him, going back to being comforted by Nathan, and of course Stephanie is having her own silent fits at that idea. Chloe finally decides she needs some air, they conveniently leave, so Stephanie can get out of that closet, and plot what she is going to do now. She calls Dan at the hospital, claiming she has to get additional info about one of Dr. Jonas’s patients from St. Mary’s, asking if there is any sort of reciprocal between the two hospitals, password, etc.

Daniel & Melanie walk into the Pub, Daniel advising Melanie that when she is nursing and in the ER, not to let the intern be diagnosing a soccer injury as an inflamed appendix. Melanie defends the guy, first time in ER. Daniel says he should at least have waited for blood work to come back. Now Melanie tells Daniel that she has been thinking, and as much as she would love working at the hospital, she worries that folks would think she got the job cuz of him….and Carly…so she got this job offer from St. Mary’s, had the interview set for tomorrow, but because they might be doing something for Chloe’s birthday, she moved it to today, and has to leave. Tis fine with Daniel, he wishes her luck, hugs, she leaves.

Nicole & Rafe sit in the Cheatin’ Heart, she thinks he is an open book, she can tell why he is there, what he is thinking. This is about Sami, right. Nope, he denies it. Says actually, he is celebrating his sister being exonerated and off the hook. Nicole figures Hope’s confession helped a lot of people. Rafe gets a call from Tim, the disk is back from the lab, they did the best they could, Rafe will be right there. He has to leave, puts money down for the tab, Nicole is chiding him a bit, Rafe just tells her that sometimes, no matter what, you just have to do what is right. He leaves, she pulls a copy of the disk from her purse, contemplates giving it to Brady, but runs thru a couple of scenarios wherein EJ tells of her taking his bribe and she goes back to jail. Won’t work.

Sami is pacing in the DiMansion study, remembering arguing with Rafe in the locker room, telling him to stop her from marrying EJ, as EJ returns to the room. She tells him she has been thinking they should set their wedding date. EJ is rather surprised, but Sami figures they should set a date, goes to her purse, saying she can now wear his ring, he puts it on her finger. He wants to get married tonight, whoaaaa, Nope. Sami wants the whole 9 yards, big cake, family, friends, and to be married at St. Lukes by Father Matt. EJ’s face falls, that is where Grace’s funeral was, Sami agrees, and adds…it is where you threatened to take Johnny from me. But you also brought Sydney back to me, and I will never forget you doing that.

Brady comes in from a swim, pours himself a drink, Victor comes into the room, comments nothing like a good belt after a swim. Brady ignores him, continues to drink, Victor figures it is because of Arianna, no, so Vic says probably it is Hope, who conked him, branded him. Brady denies that, too…..Oh, for heaven’s sake, don’t tell me …it has to then be Nicole. Brady doesn’t answer, Victor starts ranting about Nicole, calling her a few choice names, including gold-digging s***. Brady objects, Victor tells him that if he is involved with any of his ex-wives, it is his business.

Philip and Chloe are walking in the park near the pier, mostly in silence. He again assures her that if this baby is his, he will stand by her, they will raise it together. Chloe smiles, remembering back in high school, when she had this big crush on him, little did she dream that he would eventually become her very best friend. Hugs.
And there is Stephanie in the hospital, (I think this is St. Mary’s) stopping short of the nurses’ station as the nurse gets a call about the reports coming in already, advising she will b e right there. The nurse leaves, amazingly not even noticing Stephanie standing there. Stephanie quickly gets into the station, at the computer, muttering about reports coming in which means shift changing, so she has a bit of time. She is clicking on the keyboard, going after “test results” when she hears Melanie’s voice…”What are YOU doing here”?

Brady is alone now, answers the door to find Nicole standing there. She wants him to go with her down to the police station, she plans to tell them where the money came from. But we viewers get our hopes dashed, as Nicole continues on with a song and dance about a story she was working on, a contractor taking shortcuts, she was going to expose him, he gave her money to keep her quiet, she now had him on bribery to boot. Brady wants to know why she did not tell him this to begin with, oh, she was still working on the story. She schmoozes him some more, loves him, hopes he still loves her, tells him to call her producer, tho will verify this, offering her phone. Before you know it, Brady just shakes his head, and next they are kissing.

At DiMansion, Sami comes back into the study, evidently having told the kids, Allie is all excited about getting a new dress, wants Sydney to have the exact same one, but Sami wants to carry Sydney down the aisle, since she is what brought EJ and Sami back together. EJ is all ready to go make calls, wanting to get married by this weekend, Sami puts the kibosh on that. She wants them to pick a date together. Stefano & Kate come in, Stefano wanting to know what is going on. EJ tells his father that Samanther has agreed to marry him, Kate has a choking fit. LOLOLOL Stefano congratulates EJ, talks of how they have been living together so far in harmony, this is good, he gives EJ a hug, He tries to do the same to Sami, who backs off, telling him not to get too carried away. They shake hands. He volunteers some bottle of expensive champagne to toast this occasion, Ej leaves to book the church, Stefano to get the champagne, volunteering Kate’s expertise at event planning. LOL he leaves the room, with two rather uncomfortable women looking at each other. Later, they are all toasting, Sami standing next to EJ.

Rafe arrives in his office, Tim gives him the disk, and later, alone, Rafe listens, mostly it sounds garbled, but then he hears EJ clearly saying “I can’t believe I did such a terrible thing”. Rafe shuts off the disk, ponders and works it all out. EJ paid Anna to kidnap Sydney, staged it all, and Nicole overheard him & Stefano talking about it. Nicole is smart, made copies, sent one to her mother, she has to have others, and I have to find out where they are. “well, Nicole, you are going to find out that I am a worse SOB than EJ.

The screen splits into 3 parts…Brady kissing Nicole, Rafe at his desk, and Sami standing next to EJ.

Thanks for the thorough summary, Barb. Looks like a must see!

I can't wait to see Stephanie's face as she reacts to all the info she is absorbing. Love how easy it was for her to get onto St. Mary's computer. And the fact that Melanie sees her makes me guess that once the truth about the one night stand comes out, Melanie will eventually realize what Stephanie was doing at St. Mary's.

Melanie is in quite the accelerated program, isn't she? Must be the same medical program Lexie graduated from when she hopped from cop to doctor.

I am really really looking forward to watching Chloe and Philip talk about high school!
I'm reading this perplexed is Sami doing this to push Rafe into stopping the wedding? HMM!
But we viewers get our hopes dashed

LOL, too funny! This reminds me of your "what if" thread a while back--what if Salemites actually did things that don't just drag out the plot in ways that make us bang our heads into the wall?

Sounds like a pretty good episode, with the exception of EJ and Sami. Thanks for the writeup!
Thanks for the writeup!

Brady, Brady, Brady...just when I thought there was hope for you, you go back to thinking with your little head instead of the one on your shoulders.

Please end the madness with Sami already! I am so sick of seeing her be so oblivious where EJ is concerned, although from this summary it does seem like she wants to have the wedding take place in hopes that Rafe will stop it. I have a deal with one of my friends on Twitter that we will split the cost of sending champagne to the writers if it turns out that Sami has been playing EJ all along. That would go a long way towards redeeming her. Sadly I don't think that's how it will turn out though.
OK, going out on a limb here, but maybe Sami is playing EJ. Her bringing up the fact that EJ threatened to take Johnny away from her at Grace's funeral is interesting.
Thanks for the write-up. Sami in her own twisted way knows that if she does not marry EJ soon then she will back out of it. She does not want to marry EJ, she wants her noble knight to come save her and ride off into the sunset. I do hope that when the other shoe falls and she sees what EJ has done that she goes balistic like she did with Nicole when she found out that Nicole had switched the babies. We have not had a good Sami face slap in awhile. In EJ's case maybe she will aim a little lower.

Ah Stephanie, where is your self respect? I think the character of Stephanie was lost when she was raped by Ford Decker and then kidnapped by the weirdo gardener that EJ hired. You need some serious therapy cause your Elevator is not going all the way to the top floor.
I do not wish to see Rafe be a worse S.O.B. than EJ, even though I want him to get to the truth about the Sydnapping.
I love that the EJ/Sami/Rafe debacle is moving along. I am looking forward to the Rafe and Nicole scenes. I love Sami and Rafe together, but I love Rafe in any setting. I can't wait for him to get the goods. EJ's smirk will officially be wiped away soon!! Woo hoooo!!!

I agree with others on how cool it would be if Sami was playing EJ this whole time. That would be something I didn't see coming and it would definitely help in redeeming her character. I just don't think it's gonna happen...
Honestly, it was very difficult to watch the DiMansion scenes.....
And then Nicole, who thinks about coming clean with Brady, then feeds him more lies,

BY the way.........Sami is still in her bathsuit and coverup over it. LOL Yep, these cost savings measures on Days really show, don't they?
Thanks for the write-up and actually sitting through it all.

I just shake my head at Brady. How gullible is he. Duped by Nicole yet once again. I wonder if/when this all blows up in his face? Nicole is just a pathological liar.

Yep...I'm tired of Nicole too.
And I want to rip Stephanie's hair out by the roots. She is to desperate. Silly story!

Thanks for the write up Barb!
I can't wait for the reaction of Sami when Rafe "seduces" Nicole. Can you imagine if Rafe / Nicole are out somewhere together and along comes EJ / Sami??? That would be some good TV.
^^ Actually, that's sad...

Nicole is already damaged by men who've used and abused her.