Days of Our Lives - Fri., Dec. 15, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, December 15, 2017

Good show! Steve comes to see Tripp, who is at work in the square. He tells him about confronting Kate, that it was Kayla who insisted on doing so, and that Kate agreed to keep quiet about what Tripp did, and Kayla covered. Tripp figures Kate is never going to pay for what she did to Theo, but Steve has a plan. Maybe it will work.

Chad is in the DiMera study with Kate, Dr. Bretts has arrived, the specialist they called in to try and help Theo. Chad heard of him when he was in Boston, and his successes. Dr. Bretts admits he has had failures as well. He has looked over Theo’s file, will go to the hospital now. After he leaves, Chad is talking of getting in touch with Belle who is working on finding out what she can about DiMera being hacked/undermined. He figures that Andre put Theo up to it, Kate protests it could not be him, but Chad insists that Theo would not do something like he did, unless asked by someone he trusts, so it has to be within the house. He gets a call, says it is from Belle, tells Kate to get over to the hospital now, and leaves himself.

However, Chad meets Steve out front, Steve says he knows who put Theo up to breaking into the warehouse, has a plan to get indisputable proof, and evidently tells Chad what he is going to do.

Ciara is still in the park, but comes in the archway to see Rafe. She flashes back to what she overheard, wants him to let her ride the bike home, he refuses, she complains, (definitely has attitude) he promises to take her to an empty parking lot, where she can practice the riding so she can pass the written test. She wants him to let her ride the bike home, nope, he promised her mother. She snarls that he always takes care of her mother, doesn’t he? She ends up leaving, going to the square, bumping into Tripp. Now she goes on and on about Claire being a spoiled, selfish brat, Tripp defends Claire, Ciara realizes he has a thing for Claire, which sets her off again. She talks of how Claire has to have all the guys in a room panting after her, so she can have followers, and ..just more nasty stuff. Claire arrives. Both fake it, they were just talking. Ciara gets snarky about Claire leaving Theo, to come see Tripp. But Claire says she was there all morning, but the specialist arrived, so she came for a bite to eat. Some more snark from Ciara, she leaves.

Earlier, at the hospital, Claire is in Theo’s room with Abe, talking of the fight they had before Theo was hurt, how she constantly talks to Theo, telling him she is sorry, such a stupid misunderstanding. Abe says nothing is her fault, and when Theo wakes up, he will be telling her he loves her as well.
Lani & Val talk, Val still thinking she did something wrong during the surgery, Lani assuring her she knows she is the best and did all she could.

Jennifer is in the Pub, meets with Kayla, is so worried about JJ, who is so depressed, won’t talk to her, even to Eric who tried. Kayla tells her of the specialist who has been called in, and perhaps will be able to help Theo.

Abby is knocking on JJ’s door, he refuses open, but finally does. He looks terrible, Abby hugs him, tells him he needs a shower, clean clothes. What’s the point. She wants to take him out for some food, he doesn’t want to go, then she will make him a sandwich. He orders her to leave, opens the door, there is Rafe. He has come in person to tell JJ Internal Affairs has reached their decision, the report is on the way to his desk, be at his office in an hour. And put on some pants. (JJ is in his shorts).

Dr. Bretts is at the hospital, introduces himself to Abe, who introduces Lani. Val has all the info for the dr. introduces him to Kayla, takes him to Theo’s room. Rafe calls Abe to tell him the report is on it’s way to his office, he will call him with the decision.

Ciara returns to the park, sees the bike is gone. He took Dad’s bike! She is ticked. She sits for a bit, then calls her mother. Mom, I need to talk to you, do you have some time? It is very important!

Steve comes into the DiMera study, Kate is on her way to the hospital, but Steve needs a few minutes. He tells her that he, Kayla & Tripp have talked and have decided they will not talk to Ave or Rafe. Kate is pretty quiet, is glad they made their decision. But Steve has a bit more to say, then starts in about how Kate talked Theo into going to the warehouse, and when he was shot, hightailed it to hospital to protect herself. She blackmailed Tripp into giving her Theo’s phone, so she could cover her tracks. Kate blurts out that it was all a mistake. She loves Theo, but she did not want him hurt. She goes on some more. Steve turns his head……..says “Is that enough. Did you get all that”. Chad comes into the room, has his phone in his hand. Yes, he got it all, every word. Stares at Kate.

JJ, Abby, Jen & Lani all are down at the cop shop, but Rafe only has JJ come into his office. He has not yet opened the envelope. Abe comes in, he wants to hear it now. Rafe says as father of the victim, you know, since you had this job at one time, that is not feasible. Abe says he is Rafe’s boss, open the envelope. Rafe picks the big brown envelope up, slits it open, takes out the report. He reads the front page. JJ asks…….so, what does it say? Rafe gives him the soap opera pause and stare.
Thanks Poirot. I am so excited for next Wednesday that I want to hurry this week to a close. I may watch this episode first this week since the summaries keep me updated daily.
:clap:Steve: A big round of applause for the mighty Patch who did the impossible and outfoxed professional schemer Kate. Child witch Teen Ciara 2 should take note. If she messes with Little Trippy, she'll have to face Steve's wrath.

:angry: Ciara: Teen Ciara 2 should give up her angry witch act. Salem already has real professionials playing this role -- Sami and Kate -- and really doesn't need some bratty, second-rate imitation.

:sick: Jenny: The professional helicopter parent really has to learn her place. She had no business being at the police station today. Even if JJ is exonerated, he'll still have to face down the embarrassment that his Mommy actually showed up at the station when he was about to learn the results of the Theo inquiry.

:sick::sick: Angry Abe: He had absolutely no right to be Rafe's office spewing angry words and glowering at poor JJ. When the JJ affair is all over, the city council should really consider impeaching Abe for a major abuse of power.
Abe: Leave town.

Valerie: Her guilt is a little over the top. Is this the first patient who ever fell into a coma under her care?

JJ: Again with the replay over and over of what happened. (Hint to the writers: We already saw it.) He only regrets shooting someone he knew.

Kate: Get ready to eat dirt and die trash!!
Ciara: This girl needs some "thinks" (that's slang for a scene where we hear the character thinking) to explain her nutty behaviour. Either that or she needs to visit Dr Evans' preferred vacation spot at Bayview. She's completely off the rails and although Claire (a favourite of mine) has her faults, she's nowhere near the temptress/she-witch Ciara is painting her to be.
deleted spoiler in non-spoiler forum.....P.

Valerie, please stop the whining about Theo’s surgery and Abe, well, the moderators would bleep me if I say what I think he should do or where he should do it.

It was such a thrill to have Kate caught and watch her squirm. Too bad it won’t last.
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Thanks, Poirot.

A good episode with a lot of Friday cliffhangers.

What's going to do happen to Kate now because Chad knows she was
the one that sent Theo to the warehouse?

Ciara called her mom. Will she tell her what Rafe did with Sami because
he drove Bo's bike?

Dr Bretts finished his procedure on Theo. Will Theo wake up?

Rafe opened the envelope with the IA report about JJ. Will JJ be cleared?
Will Abe hit him if he is?

I like the new set of the park. Today we saw other people than regular
cast members use it.
Will she tell her what Rafe did with Sami because he drove Bo's bike?
I might join Team Ciara if this happens. I like characters who move the plot along. Instead I imagine she'll sit on this for a few weeks, then come out swinging and blackmail Rafe with it for a few weeks. I shudder to think it will stay hidden until February sweeps.
I hope it comes out before they wed! Hope is kinda driving me crazy since they reconciled with how IN LOVE she is. Ugh no. Sadly i dont think Ciara will tell til it benefits her! And stop hating on Claire so much!

Abe and his anger and weiding his power is making me angry and getting really old!! I hope JJ is exonerated. He should be. But that may not fit with the white cop/black kid in a hoodie story which still angers me they even went there. Theo was involved in a criminal act, had what appeared to be a gun, JJ had a second to respond. But Abe being a cop needs to stop this attitude.

And please, please, please let this be Kate's downfall.
Anyone notice all the extras at HTS? I guess they can afford them again since Sami is gone. It was funny that the same couple kept walking back and forth in the private area for the entire show.

Again with the replay over and over of what happened.

I've started fast forwarding them. Stop cutting other scenes to keep airing the same flashbacks.

Abe had no right to be in Rafe's office at the end. I was glad Rafe tried to push back and protect JJ.

Enjoying the slow burn with Claire and Tripp. Ciara is probably going to pull a Sami and scheme to keep them apart.

Liked that we got Jen/Kayla and Steve/Chad. Loved the twist with Steve and Chad.
Thanks for the summary!

My fave part today was Steve coming up with and executing perfectly the plan to get Kate's confession on tape, and to have Chad right there to hear it. Kate can't say it was a fake recording! MAYBE she'll have to finally pay something for her actions, I hope, hope, hope!!!

I truly wish Rafe would tell Hope the truth. I happen to think Hope and Rafe COULD be an interesting couple, BUT the writers don't seem to be heading them that way. Wouldn't it be amazing to have a couple who were honest with each other, faithful, appreciative, equals, and kind to each other?! I could really get into that story! (I've always been a dreamer!)

Although I won't miss Sami, I didn't find her totally annoying this time and didn't FF as often as when she was last around! Was glad it was Lucas who was "alive" and not EJ. I hope Lucas gets into recovery and it helps him stay sober for a long time.

Ciara needs an "attitude adjustment". I give teens a lot of "wiggle-room" when it comes to their behaviors, BUT...

I hope the real Abe comes back to us - he is way off base insisting HE sets the rules - he is totally interfering in JJ's rights!

Don't really care about Claire/Tripp/Theo interactions. Seems like Sandra Bullock was in a movie where she was waiting for some guy to wake up and fell for his brother before the guy woke. I can't remember the title right now, maybe "While you were Sleeping"?

I do miss Theo and hope he is well and back soon. Yeah, right?
Don't really care about Claire/Tripp/Theo interactions. Seems like Sandra Bullock was in a movie where she was waiting for some guy to wake up and fell for his brother before the guy woke. I can't remember the title right now, maybe "While you were Sleeping"?
Yes, that is the name of the movie.
Thanks for the summary. I really appreciated the cliffhanger ending! These writers are doing a lot better with that kinda thing (and quite a bit better, in general, with the show overall). Also loved the Kate/Patch/Chad stuff.

However, a lot of other characters need to do yoga or have JJ's special donuts, because too many people either have a bad attitude or, in Val's case, are just too mopey. Time to move on from all this. You know it's bad when even Eric is happier by comparison.