Days of Our Lives - Fri., Dec. 7. 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, December 7, 2018

Eli & Lani are still sharing their kiss, and again. He wonders what changed her mind, she says she did not want to lose out on possible love. They kibbitz back and forth a bit, she wants him to find Sheila a place to live, he suggests letting Sheila stay in his place, he would move into hers. Laughter, she says Sheila should have his bed, he sleeps on the floor. O.K. That is what they will do. Rafe comes rushing in, looking for Hope, nope, no one has seen her. He explains about the cabin, wine glasses, and staying there all night, Hope never showed, he is worried. Lani gets to work, trying to track Hope's cell.

Chad is visiting Jen, wishing he could retract all he did, Abigail wanting so much to be out of there, he wanted to just bust her out, go on the run. Jen hates how he did it, but, Abby is where she needs to be right now, getting the help she needs. Rafe comes knocking on the door, looking for Hope. Jen says not there, if you hear anything, let me know. He takes off...see above.

Hope is with Ted, having called Jen earlier to cover for her with Rafe, saying she spent the night. She & Ted go over their plan to get Ben to admit setting the fire, so she can arrest him. Knock, knock. Tis Ben. Hope hides in another room, Ted opens the door, mixes some Screwdrivers, offers one to Ben, claims he may have been unavailable, but he had everything covered. He figures they have a good case against Hope Brady & Salem P.D. , huge lawsuit, but really needs to know all the facts of the case. Did you set the fire? Ben is silent, then tells Ted that while he was gone, Ben finally got a job. His new boss is Stefan DiMera. Ted gets scared, stay away from me, yells for Hope, who comes out, gun drawn, pointing at Ben, who mentions that what they are trying to do is called entrapment. He tells Hope he has told her over and over he did not set that fire, and if she continues to hound him, he WILL file a suit for harrassment, with another lawyer. He leaves.

Gabi is with Kate, showing her the correct DNA results for baby Charlotte, wants to hold off a bit letting Chad in on this. Kate says no, it has to be now. Gabi knows Abigail will be in Bayview a long time, by then Gabi will be Mrs. Chad DiMera, and mother to Charlotte. Kate disagrees, they go back and forth with the what ifs, the how to, the just in case. Gabi comes up with various ideas, finally deciding they should frame Stefan for switching results. He wanted Gabby, figured the baby was his, was keeping tabs on Abigail, learned she was getting the test, got to results first, found baby not his, switched to make himself daddy. Gabi figures she will put the paper into the DiMera safe, some ex-cellmate e-mailed her with how to safe crack, worked on Kiriakis safe, DiMera's will be a piece of cake. Chad can find the paper, and get the news he is actually the daddy. Off she goes.

Over at Bayview, Abigail is putting on her seductive Gabby persona, as she is expecting Stefan Zero. He arrives, she is all sweet sexy as she asks if he came to get her out. Yes, not sure he can trust her, kiss me, she does, just a preview, she smiles. He brought “the” wig, figuring she would want to be more herself, leaves to get Charlotte released. Abigail dresses in clothes he brought, primps with the wig. All ready. Stefan returns, she cannot wait to get home. They leave.

At the hospital, Stefan is taking her to Charlotte's room, she wants to go in alone. He reluctantly agrees, she goes in, so happy to see her baby again. She picks her up, holding her, how much she has grown, sits, talking, promising to never leave her again.

Stefan is signing all kinds of papers as Jen comes along, wanting to see Charlotte. He refuses, “we are taking her home”. Jen is puzzled by the “we”, Stefan explains Charlotte's mother is back. Jen is puzzled only for a second, realizing he means Abigail is released, but is Gabby. She begins to argue, but Abby comes out of the nursery, and as Gabby, more or less rejects Jen, they are going home.

Chad has gone to see Kate, knows Sonny & Will got the info from Gabi, Kate asks if he is going to be fired. He already offered to resign. He gets a call from Jen, asking him to come back to her house, she has news about Abigail. He goes, Jen tells him Abby out of Bayview, but Gabby fully in charge.

Rafe is at the cop shop, Lani trying to trace Hope's phone location, no luck, but she checked her credit card, she rented a motel room last night. The Blue Swallow...shady part of town. Rafe thinks maybe a case she is working on. Lani doesn't recall any. Rafe takes off.

Stefan & Abby come home with the baby, take it upstairs to the nursery, which is all ready. Stefan comes down, Ben arrives, Things did not go as planned. Stefan makes them take it outside, where Ben tells him how Ted & Hope were trying to set him up, so he left.

Ted worried about Ben working for Stefan. Hope will take him back to island. He wants shower first. O.K. She will wait. Rafe arrives, she opens door, how did he find her. Ted comes out, only in a towel, of course, what is going on here? Rafe looks at him, at Hope. She doesn't know what to say.

Gabi arrives after Stefan & Ben are gone, but has seen them leave. She wonders what Ben is doing there, goes to the safe, puts on what is like a stethoscope, attempts unsuccessfully to open it. She is frustrated, hears someone coming, shoves everything in her purse, as Abby comes in. Gabi is startled...what are you doing here. Abby (in her Gabby persona & clothes/wig) smiles.....and I can ask you the same thing. What are YOU doing here?
I liked that Hope berated Ben for working for Stefan, and he said it was only job he could get, since she had made sure no one else in town would hire him.....(something about her keeping him and his past constantly in front of everyone). I dont' like that Chad seems to be just saying his lines, there is just nothing there, he could be reading the phone book. However, am glad he noted not understanding why Abby feels she is alone, has no one who cares.
I don't like that Kate is conspiring with Gabi, and keeping quiet. I wish she would just tell Chad and be done. Gabi deserves to be outed (Sorry, Troy...such a big fan you are)
Gotta say, tho, Gabi was so convinced Abby would be staying in Bayview forever, it was quite the shock for her to see Abby at DiMansion.
find Sheila a place to live
Here's my problem with this story: Eli owns the whole house. (Though with the Martin House's history of frequent sales, who knows if that is still the case?) Why can't he let Sheila stay in another available room?
He tells Hope he has told her over and over he did not set that fire, and if she continues to hound him, he WILL file a suit for harrassment, with another lawyer. He leaves.
Leo who? I think Ben is my new hero.
Gabi figures she will put the paper into the DiMera safe, some ex-cellmate e-mailed her with how to safe crack, worked on Kiriakis safe, DiMera's will be a piece of cake.
Who is this person, and why is she not with her daughter?
I dont' like that Chad seems to be just saying his lines, there is just nothing there, he could be reading the phone book.
Maybe he recognises awful writing and doesn't plan on using this in his future reels.
Well, in re: Chad, most of Days actors do their best to make lemonade out of sour lemons, but not Chad. It is disappointing, because he was so fantastic just a few years ago. And yes, I can understand him being disappointed in story or his dialogue....plenty of actors have commented on not being happy with some role. But they still did their darndest to make it work. A couple of the Golden Girls could not stand each would never know it when you watch. Pretty sure Spencer Tracy was not happy with Mr. Hyde, Heck, in person (John Aniston) is the jokester of the Days cast, but as Victor.....curmudgeon personified. Oh, well. Just my opinion. I always thought Billy Flynn (Chad) was just a wonderful's disappointing.
I honestly don't remember, but I thought there was a revelation scene where we learned "Gabby" was in charge/around before the murder?

If Abby killed André and then she split, it seems like she'd have trouble using insanity as a defence if she was not split before the murder...? (At least, anywhere but Salem....)
Indeed, JS. The split happened AFTER Abigail killed Andre. That's why I still think Abigail got off really easy.

Though it was self defense, everybody is now saying "she was not herself", she was sick. No, she wasn't.

Again, double standards. Poor Abigail. Monster Ben. Don't get me started on how Hope is acting. Ruined.
Hope is just unbelievable. I was totally expecting her to arrest Ben for . . . . drinking a screwdriver before noon? I wish Ben would sue her. She should not be a cop let alone a commissioner!! I couldn't believe that Ted just told Ben where to find him. I thought he was scared to death of Stefan finding out.

I couldn't believe that Chad said he doesn't understand how Abby doesn't believe anyone is there for her. Let's see - she has been telling you for months that she is not split again. That Gabi is setting her up and no one will listen to her. Even for a second believe it might be true. Nope you all conspired to have her committed against her will. Gee, I don't know she feels all alone.

I am hoping that "Gabby" doesn't sleep with Stefan. Though ya know that's the first thing he's gonna want. To make sure it is Gabby. And please tell me that Gabby isn't going to have to work with Gabi to keep up the ruse now!! This story needs to end. Tired of Gabi's constant conspiring.
I'm running out of words for how irritating, unprofessional, and unhinged Hope is. Please, PLEASE, give Rafe another love interest. Maybe bring back Jordan. That would give Hope something to think about. I'm just over her completely.

I kind of liked Ben today. I'll keep trying to get over how many people he murdered.

I'm ready for the Gabi/Gabby storyline to go away. The wig makes even less sense now that the original adult Abby is back with her darker hair. MOVE ON!!! I hate what they've done to Gabi, and I agree, Abigail got off for a murder she committed before her split personality. She deserved to go to prison. If Gabi hadn't gone THIS far, a little revenge might have been interesting and fun, but now they've turned her into a monster.
The thing is, at the time, she would not have been able to be tried because of her mental illness. She did not remember it, she no longer was Abigail, she was Gabby & Laura. Plus, Stefan & Vivian tampered with everything, the film, any evidence, the crime scene, plus they manufactured the scene of person w/long dark hair and wearing Gabi's coat going into the room, etc. etc.
Here's my problem with this story: Eli owns the whole house. (Though with the Martin House's history of frequent sales, who knows if that is still the case?) Why can't he let Sheila stay in another available room?
Maybe, Sheila insists on staying in the same room as Eli because she believes rumors that Martin House is haunted by the ghosts of old-man Martin and Deimos.
Hope is just unbelievable. I was totally expecting her to arrest Ben for . . . . drinking a screwdriver before noon? I wish Ben would sue her.
Hope has truly lost it (somewhere Andre and Stefano are laughing hysterically over the misadventures of their favorite "bad cop"). Commissioner Brady would be a good target for a harassment suit, but plaintiff Ben wouldn't have a chance before a Salem jury. They'd ignore the facts and vote against the one-time serial killer.

Elsewhere, Jenny continues to show that she has no common sense: actually demanding that Creepy O. McGhoul do something. She'd have a better chance going over to the park and demand that the Salem River start flowing uphill. Finally, if the story of Hope and Ted's idiotic Ben adventure makes it into the Intruder, the real winner might be the Blue Swallow Motel. It will get lots of publicity and might become the hostelry of choice for cheating lovers, overheated teenagers, fugitives, and party-minded Salem U, students.


The new place to be in Salem. Everyone who isn't anyone stays there.
The thing is, at the time, she would not have been able to be tried because of her mental illness.
Often, in cases such as this, the defendant is committed to a mental facility until such time as they are deemed sane enough to stand trial for their crimes.
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