Days of Our Lives - Fri., Feb. 28, 2014


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, February 28, 2014

JJ is in Jen's office, she is happy his community service got to be in the hospital. No she had nothing to do with it, JJ wonders if a certain doctor did. Who knows? He goes out to the nurses' station, asks about his assignment, but the nurse sees nothing with his name on it. Anne arrives, lets him know this assignment got cancelled. She figured she did not want another Horton NOT working, and he isn't going to get the cushy job of putting his feet up on mommy's desk and whiling away the time. She gives him a paper with where he is to report and he is late. He rushes over, is given a hard time by the boss man, but he apologizes, promises to do better, will work extra time to make up, etc. So, he is given the order to clean up graffiti in Horton Square and the public toilets. JJ goes to the Square, is doing his job, Rory & Bev stop by, teasing him about his cleaning job. Rory jokes about JJ taking that brush he is using, giving it to his boss, and telling him to shove....ooops, there is BossMan, saying "where?". Rory skedaddles, along with Bev, JJ gets scolded for dallying with his friends, and warned. The Boss (Russ) leaves, Bev returns, says Rory is sorry if he caused trouble, and is all for making up for JJ's really bad day. JJ smiles.

Eric comes to see Jen, tells her how much Daniel loves her, yada, yada. A grinning Jen is appreciative, but says he is a day too late, she & Daniel are working things out, have a date tonight. Both are happy. She mentions a story she was working on, but thinks it would work better as a photo essay, wonders if Eric would be interested. Sure enough. She gives him the pages, he glances, says this is a great story, then leaves, thanking her.

Stefano is surprised to see Marlena come to visit him, wonders what she wants. His help. She goes on about Eric, and the fact he loves the church, and his calling. She beats around the bush a lot, as does he, but it comes down to her wanting to talk to Dr. Chyka, and wanting Stefano to arrange it. He rightly guesses that Marlena is out to get Nicole. Yep, she admits it, saying Nicole was the last one to see him, that any evidence went with Chyka when he escaped, she wants to know if Nicole let him escape. What exactly happened. She doesn't care if she talks to him via phone, skype, whatever. No recording, nothing to incriminate Kristen. Stefano can be there to make sure his interests are protected. If he helps her, she will be forever grateful. Stefano will think about it, and let her know.

Daniel comes home to find Nicole with a small bag, she got a room at a hotel, he will have the apt. to himself, he & Jen should have privacy and a good time. Daniel is greatful. He knows she has a date, too. He mentions Marlena and all that Nicole did to help Eric, even putting her life on the line, and yet Marlena is angry at her. He goes on how much Nicole has changed from a year ago, that being at St. Lukes has done her good, that the Nicole standing before him is a much different person. Nicole agrees, noting that she would not say or do to Jen, or Chloe, or Sami, or even Daniel himself what she said or did before. Daniel really gives her a big pep talk, a self esteem boost, talks of the trash bag she brought as well. She has breezily sluffed it off, work stuff, she put it in the car. When she leaves, she talks of perhaps doing something.
And what she does is go to Jen's, tell her she is happy for her & Daniel, that he has been such a good friend to her, she wants him to be happy as well, knows how much he loves Jen, who is smiling away (though never inviting her in, they talk in the door way). Both gals are doing the mutual admiration thing, and actually seem like they might end up friends. Jen mentions knowing she is going out with Eric tonight, saw him earlier, wishes them all the best. Nicole is grateful for the support, is not too sure the public will appreciate seeing her out with a priest.

Sami walks into the Pub, bumping into Rafe, apologizing, looking around for his cane, learns he no longer needs it. She is so happy, hugs him. They exchange "how are you doing", great!. She mentions hearing he was dating Jordan, yep. She is happy for him. He asks about her & EJ, she tells of the upcoming May wedding. Rafe says he just wants her to be happy. She is. He then says he has to tell her that he is not going to stop trying to "get" Stefano.....or EJ either. Sami isn't too happy to hear that, and is back to EJ has changed, loves his children, and would never hurt me. Rafe isn't too sure of that. She starts questioning him about Jordan, commenting about her not having an accent, even tho she is from Birmingham. Rafe shrugs that off, and leaves, both wishing each other happiness.

Abby is in Horton Square, spots EJ on his cell, has flashbacks of sex with him. She goes up, wants to talk, they sit on a bench. She goes thru a whole litany of their encounters, and blames herself for thinking that perhaps EJ did not really love Sami. She doesn't know why he lied to her about not wanting her to talk to Hope about Nick. He starts saying something, she tells him no, don't lie again, don't say anything. He admits he did, doesn't say why, but does say it was the only thing, that he has otherwise been completely truthful with her. She knows that. goes on and on, basically saying, she understands, knows it is over, and she won't be trying to see him again.

Ben has tapped Jordan on the shoulder, startling her. She asks what he is doing there. He says she left, he did not see her. But you knew where I was. She is not happy about it at all, scolding him. (the conversation makes it sound as if they were romantically connected at one time). He comments about seeing her with this guy, saw what they were doing. She has to go to work, and rushes off. Later, at the hospital, Rafe comes up behind her, placing his hand on her shoulder. She whirls, "What"? Then apologizes, saying she did not realize it was him, was caught up in something else. She has to rush off to work, can't go to dinner, gives him a quick kiss and takes off. Rafe seems a bit puzzled.

EJ comes into the Pub where Sami is working on her computer. Amazing how these huge companies have their powerful officers using restaurant tables for offices. She tells him of seeing Rafe, no cane. EJ says Bully for him, Sami thinks he is not being nice. She then, of course has to tell him about Rafe still going to come after him, and his dad, and also that Rafe thinks EJ is going to hurt her. EJ gets ticked, blaming Rafe for them not being married by now, because she would have been in prison. She reminds him that it was not Rafe's fault, that he was in a coma, had nothing to do with it, then assures him that she loves him, is happy they are getting married in May, and that she knows he would never hurt her.

Daniel is fixing the champagne in the ice bucket. Knock, knock. He opens the door. Jen stands there, big smile.

Nicole sits at a table in the Club, looking around, getting nervous. Her phone rings, she figures he is cancelling. The text says, turn around. She does, smiles, and there is Eric, smiling down at her.

Abby is in the square, again having flashbacks of sex with EJ. She pulls herself together, shakes her head. No. No. It is over, It is definitely over.
And the scene changes to a handful of photos of her & EJ, taken on Smith Island, kissing, being thrown down on a table.
Love your review, as usual!! I still don't believe Abby....I think that while she wants there to be peace and while she also hates being involved in something where they don't see a happy ending, she still wants EJ. AND, that's no matter whether he loves Sami or not!! I think she deeply believes that they could overcome his words because of what they have had while together. He's happy that she's "come to her senses", so to speak...but IMHO will be thinking of her constantly. AND, looks like those pictures are getting closer to being out there in the world.
Poor JJ -- washing public rest room walls. However, if he wanted to yank Theresa's chain, he could tell her that he washed "For a Good Time Call Theresa" off the walls of several of them. As for the Stefano-Marlena connection, if John Black was dead, he'd be spinning in his grave over his wife seeking help from the Devil himself. For the Phoenix, however, this is a dream come true: his Queen of the Night seeking his assistance. Finally, why is EJ annoyed that Rafe says he's still "coming after" the DiMeras? Nothing is more empty than a threat by a member of the Salem P.D. that he/she is investigating Stefano and family. Accordingly, EJ should have laughed instead and said that he'll enjoy watching Rafe beat his head against the wall as Bo Brady did before him.
Thank you, Poirot.

Public restrooms in Horton Square? Boy, that place just keeps getting bigger.

I'm glad that JJ is doing his community service instead of making excuses to get out of it. Seems like Ann thought she'd stick it to him, but he fooled her by doing the yucky stuff.

I'm still disappointed in Nicole. She better step up, and do the right thing.

I wish this May wedding was going to be Sami with Rafe instead of EJ.

The only thing even remotely interesting to me about Jordan and Rafe is the arrival of Ben. I sure hope he's here to shake things up. Otherwise, the three of them can get lost in a snow storm.

Abby gave up on EJ? I bet that lasts about 5 minutes.
I loved when Sami and Rafe were talking and she broke into her usual song and dance ("EJ has changed") and Rafe said something like "yeah, just like Nick Fallon". And when Sami got bent out of shape that Rafe compared her sweet smoochy-moochy to Nick, Rafe said it was more of an insult to Nick! LOL
Well Rafe/Sami still light up my screen and still have amazing chemistry, one of the best couples that DAYS ever put together, and then screwed it up. Sami sure can’t acknowledge the truth about junior, everyone has told her what a snake he is but he is a “changed man”! Rafe is in a coma but junior is blaming him for Sami almost going to prison and the reason they aren’t married! But his family is innocent, Kristen didn’t rape and drug Eric, and Stefano didn’t hire someone to harm Rafe. I guess stupidity is bliss!

Eric/Nicole and Daniel/Jennifer are like brothers and sisters, no chemistry MEH.

How did Marlena make it through college and become a psychiatrist, all her children are totally screwed up, and after everything the DiMera’s have done to her and her family she thinks Stefano is going to help her. She and Sami need to start drinking bottled water.

And now the angst begins for Rafe/Jordan!

SERIOUSLY, could someone please tell me why Marlena is so hell bent on going after Nicole after she helped Marlena by pretending to be drunk so Marlena could get to Kristen's phone to tap it? Or how Nicole was tied up with Eric and left to die? Or how Nicole and Daniel risked their lives to help Eric be exonerated. Marlena doesn't know anything about Chyka yet she still wants to vilify Nicole. If someone went to so much trouble to help my kid, I would be praising Nicole but nope........not Marlena because the writers make her out to be perfect and know what is best for everyone. In my opinion, Marlena is the one who needs shrink. Never mind her daughter is going to marry the son of the man who held her hostage on an island, had a hand in getting her possessed, and a number of other things. I guess she can only be there for one child at a time.

In my opinion they've written Eric as weak and cannot handle things on his own like some of the other characters IE - Daniel, Rafe, Bo, John. . I find the writing of Eric's character boring and bland.
Enjoyed sami and rafe today. Sweet, no screeching. Still have chemistry on screen.

Liked seeing nicole and jen being friendly today; it was nice. Nothing over the top with
Marlena and stefano; he was totally in his "godfather" mode today.

Abby is not ok, not by a long shot.

JJ handled things well in spite of one thing after another today.

Re: anne. She is definitely good at being bad. Occasionally, something happens or someone comes along that, IF this were real world and not a soap, I would probably be provoked into
an extreme response (don't want to say violent, might be inappropriate) , but some people
geez...makes me just want to pinch her head off.
Marlena is beyond annoying when it comes to Nicole. There are no words for how agitated I become watching her look down her nose at Nicole, who has done more than anyone else (Daniel aside) to clear Eric, who lashed out at her when all of this even started. Marlena should be grateful. Not like she's lifted a finger to help Eric.
I really hated Marlena seeking Stefano's help in order to "get" Nicole. She absolutely refuses to believe Nicole actually had her life on the line in re: going after Chyka. Or that Nicole HAD been trying so very hard to clear Eric.
I truly hope she is able to really, somehow, get whatever is needed to clear him.
It would be funny if at some point, Rafe got his hands on the EJ/Abby pictures and he was the one to show them to Sami (and stop the wedding). It would the second time he stopped her wedding to EJ with proof of EJ's "misdeeds"! EJ would blow a gasket!
I usually root for Marlena (and John), but going to Stefano is a real low. I agree she used Nicole when it suited her and is now trying to screw her over when things aren't going her (Marlena's) way. Perhaps John can set her straight!
The Jen/Nicole exchange was just painful to watch...Awkward!

Sami, doesn't like EJ to be compared to Nick Fallon...Nick and EJ are a lot alike when it comes to the women in their lives!

Sami tried to shift blame solely on Stefano for what happened to Rafe/Rafe2, when in reality it was EJ who locked Rafe in the basement & replaced him with a creep and inserted in your life and bed... Stop putting it all on Stefano!
I hate what Anne did to JJ and hope she gets called on the carpet for it...but JJ handled it very well and is fighting to make his community service work out. His boss, Russ, is not going to be easy to work for, and JJ has to tell Rory and Bev to completely stay away from him while he is working, lest they jeopardize everything.

Separately, I think JJ and Bev are cute together, as long as she doesn't do drugs while she is with him.

I like this version of Jennifer and hope she stays, but I hope her summer wardrobe goes!:eek:

Only in Salem can someone get a job so easily. However, since I'm not competing with Eric, I'm glad he landed a gig. It looks like he is starting to embrace his new life, and later he might be embracing Nicole.

More cat and mouse with Stefano and Marlena, what will they think of next? I think Marlena wants to get Nicole more than she wants to clear Eric. I also hate that her suspicions are correct, even though Nicole did not let Chyka go on purpose.

As mature and reasonable as Abby was acting, I don't believe that she is over EJ and will eventually snap. It would just be too easy for the affair to go away without any ramifications.

I want Jordan to tell Rafe about Ben ASAP before he sees them together and assumes the worst, or someone else (like Kate) sees them and reports back to him...but this is a soap opera, after all, that will never happen.

Sami was foolish to tell EJ that Rafe is going after him and his family, not the first time, and won't be the last time, she said something she shouldn't have.:rolleyes:

Nicole and Eric looked fantastic for their date, but still on the fence about this relationship. "Careful what you wish for" comes to mind, since Nicole has wished for this since Eric returned to town. I am still hoping that Nicole is able to do the right thing, and if the evidence does come to light without Nicole being found out, and Eric still wants a relationship with Nicole and not return to the Church, I guess I will accept this despite Nicole's initial actions.

I keep forgetting about those photos of Abby and EJ...I guess they will rear their ugly head very soon.
I loved watching Sami and Rafe today, really miss them as a couple . Rafe comparing EJ and Nick was so right . Sami still got her brain gone when it comes to EJ . I get sick of her saying he is changed, he won't hurt me and he loves the children . Then her saying she loves him, How do you love a man that as raped, lied, manipulated and kidnapped your child, a man that you shot in the head? I am still shaking my head .

I am looking forward to Jennifer and Daniel , I also liked JJ and Bev .

I don't understand Marlena going to Stefano for help, after all he has done to her and her family, guess Marlena and Sami are both sipping on on the same stupid juice.

Looking forward to the Ben and Jordan stuff .

The EJ and Abby fling is far from over , EJ is going to come running for her before long .
I would really love it if Stefano were the one with the Abby & EJ Pictures!!

EJ had so many different emotions and doubts on his face at the end when he was with Sami!

I was happy to see Nicole's hair was release from its severe confinement, but those little tight ringlets weren't any better!