Days of Our Lives - Fri. Feb. 5, 2010

Thanks so much Barb...tomorrow is going to be a crazy day and I figured I would miss the I don't really care if I do or not because as usual, you have written a superb recap! Willow? Dang you remembered that whole thing with her and ej....Gads what a memory! :)
Yeah, I remember EJ making her turn around and used her back to write a check or something on, then didn't give it to her...he was really really tacky to her....imagine that...EJ being disrespectful to a woman...!!!!
oMG that's right! He was so transparent then...what the hell happened that people have forgotten that?

on another note....I am really fearful of Ana. She's not the sharpest tool in the shed and I really wish she hadn't got herself into such a twisted mess, but I hope that she doesn't pay for this at the hands of ej. I hope she can come clean on this soooooon.
Don't think so....Anna is headed for big big don't get in a sack with a rattlesnake and expect to come out on top......
I fear you are right about Anna heading for trouble, Pallison. I guess she just didn't realize what a snake EJ really is, but she is beginning to get the picture. I'm wondering just what he is going to do with/to her.
oMG that's right! He was so transparent then...what the hell happened that people have forgotten that?

on another note....I am really fearful of Ana. She's not the sharpest tool in the shed and I really wish she hadn't got herself into such a twisted mess, but I hope that she doesn't pay for this at the hands of ej. I hope she can come clean on this soooooon.

I hope Anna RUNS to Roman and they grab EJ on the way to Pirate Island! It will be tricky to file charges against EJ for kidnapping his own kid, but I think Roman will cite the FBI and the SPD and the ransom note, and EJ could be TOAST. Too bad - I think he and Ariana could have made a good couple (LOL)
What really bugs me is that Anna "used to be" the one with the Morals and always wanted Tony to be on the up and up -NOW tptb/writers are writing her incahots with EJ -how did she fall so low??? What gives?? this is not like her at all...
What really bugs me is that Anna "used to be" the one with the Morals and always wanted Tony to be on the up and up -NOW tptb/writers are writing her incahots with EJ -how did she fall so low??? What gives?? this is not like her at all...

I don't think she really knew what she was getting into where EJ is concerned. I think she was feeling very bitter toward Stefano and wanted revenge. She is now in so deep she doesn't know how to backtrack. She is seeing the real EJ, and this is now not looking like such a good idea.
I think she better throw herself on the mercy of Roman's protection (you KNOW how those Brady boys love to get personal with protection :) ) and she might just have a friggin' chance...if will be one hell of a way to go. :)
I would love to see Anna and Roman get back together. And now is the time!

Two things about Friday's show really bugged me.

1. Carly nosing into everyone's business. Melanie, Daniel, Nathan, Chloe. And please don't take your nasty bracelet off your dirty wrist and give it to me to wear. Yuck. At least put it in a box and wrap it.

2. Chloe. I think those bangs are covering up her brain. She is written like an idiot. Oh I know I can't have a baby, but hey, I got confused (like that's a news flash) so that must mean I'm pregnant. The writers are stuck in the 1940s if that's the way they think a woman's mind works today.

Thank you for the summary, Poirot. I fast forwarded all the Sami/Rafe/EJ scenes.
@ kpatch. I know a few people that were told it was impossiable for them to get pregnant. When though a lot of tests and treatments. Then when they were not thinking about having a baby anymore they got pregnant. Some knew as soon as they were late others when they started to feel sick all the time and one when she was 5 months and felt the baby move. It can happen. Of course I met most of these people at work because they were all high risk. The last one was a nurse I worked with before going to the post partum unit.
@DJM. I know it's possible. I didn't mean to imply that I thought she was stupid for that reason. She is just acting like a naive little girl and the show has made her once-well-rounded character into someone who seems very one dimensional.

Plus, I'm old-fashioned. If she wants to have a baby so badly, why doesn't she marry the love of her life first? Very few of Salem's babies have been born in wedlock lately. Salem may be reflecting today's society, but I would prefer that it provided good role models.