Days of Our Lives - Fri., Feb. 8, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, February 8, 2019

And the fruitless search continues for the kidnapped victims. Ben is checking his phone, no message from Ciara, answers a knock, Chad bursts in, attacking Ben, where is my daughter. He ignores Ben's denials, is choking him, pushing him across room, up against wall, Ben did not even know Charlotte was missing, Chad continues his attack, Eli comes in, pulls Chad off finally. He tells of them already questioning Ben, having a tail on him, etc. Chad leaves. Ben talks to Eli a bit, learns Jordan is in town, but Eli doesn't know where she is staying. Ben then takes off.

He goes to see Abby (Chad is there now) to tell her in person he did not take Charlotte. He wanted her to look in his eyes, see he was telling the truth.

Haley is going out, won't say where, JJ apologizes for how he pestered her. She needed to talk, he needed to listen, and instead went all over the place. Your sister is family, your loyalty is to her, she helped you, and she is now running for mayor. Haley agrees that JJ went off, talking of lawyers, etc. She probably needs to get on apology train as well. JJ gets call from his mom, telling about Charlotte.

Abby has been all upset, wants to do something, anything. Jen says she has to stay there. Chad returns, tells of seeing Ben. Jen wants to leave, will be back, tells Chad to stay. Abby chides him, doesn't need a babysitter.

Eve sees on her tablet that Charlotte was kidnapped. Oh, no, Jack's granddaughter. He comes in, she doesn't tell him, pretends she was reading about Trask & Abe running for mayor, how Jack will be the better man, and they have to knock one of them out of the running. Jen arrives, tells Jack about Charlotte, tells him he needs to go see Abby, who needs her father. He does, much to Eve's chagrin.

But when he gets there, Abby rejects his visit, berates him for never seeing Charlotte, or even Thomas, not even asking. He doesn't remember them, considers them strangers, so go. He says this was a mistake, leaves. JJ had come in, asks for details. It is mentioned that Jordan was there, besides Ben.

Over at the cabin, Charlotte is fussing, Jordan holding her, while trying to apply lipstick. Ciara watches them..........then pretends to be asleep, begins yelling, as tho waking from bad dream. She says Ben was trying to kill her, setting the fire, she thanks Jordan for keeping her safe, she realizes Jordan was right, Ben set the fire, she was wrong to trust him, and more in the same vein. She thanks Jordan, a few times, understands why Jordan wanted to keep her safe, is grateful, realizes she is keeping her safe. Now she wonders if perhaps Jordan might untie her, she needs to go to bathroom. She also says she can help with Charlotte, as all this is a lot for Jordan to handle, promising she won't do anything, just stay, help, etc. Jordan unties her, and stupid Ciara immediately picks up her phone. Jordan questions, Ciara says she wanted to call Chad, tell him Charlotte was safe. Jordan doesn't like that idea, but Ciara says she will text him, Jordan can read it before she sends it. Fine. She starts working on her phone, but gets weak and dizzy. What is going on. Jordan smiles, she had given her something, took longer than she expected to work. Ciara is holding on to the bed, falls down on it. Jordan smiles, grabs the phone.

Melinda runs into Abe in the square, makes her usual snide remarks, chiding about the inept police dept. filled with his family and friends. He is smiling but gets a couple back at her. Eve comes up, yaks at them both, asks what they think of drug cartel, illegal immigration. Melinda says she has a meeting and walks off.

JJ leave the Horton house, Abby is sniffling, telling Chad she knows she has been horrible to everyone. They are being kind, concerned, and she has been just awful. Chad comforts her, tells her that he is the one who took Charlotte out of her arms, and he promises, he will be the one to put her back. He holds her, kisses her forehead.

JJ shows up at Ben's room, wants to toss it, Eli stops him, they argue, Eli reminding him he is not a cop any more, has no authority, knows he wants to help, do something, but has to leave.

Melinda has comes to see Haley, not happy she is still staying with JJ. She will help her find some where else. Haley insists JJ is a friend, she is safe there. She admits she told JJ the secret, he will never tell anyone.

Jack comes home, tells Eve the visit was a failure. He cannot help Abby, be a father to her. Cannot help JJ with his immigration problem. What immigration problem, replies Eve.

JJ returns home, is all upset because he wants to do something, no longer a cop, cannot do anything. Haley calms him down, they kiss.

Ciara comes to, is tied up again (her hands). She calls for Jordan...silence.

Ben returns to his room, opens the door. Jordan is there, looking rather guilty.
I got impression, she left that baby with the tied up, unconscious Ciara

She did not have the baby with her in Ben's room, or is she running around town, leaving this very young baby in her car in the cold-mid winter of Salem.???
I'm betting she has Charlotte is gonna frame Ben for it now. This everybody blaming Ben for literally everything has got to stop!!! I know Ciara was lying about being afraid of him to get untied though it did not work for her.

Eve not telling Jack that Charlotte was kidnapped. Is he gonna catch her at that? I thought he heard her say "Jack's granddaughter" but guess not.

Ben is right. Of all people Abby should understand being mentally ill and then not. She killed someone too! Not her alters! At least Ben was sick when he killed people. Abigail was such a you know what today!!! First to Jack, which was totally uncalled for!! Then Ben when he asked if she knew where Jordan was staying. She flipped out! Gee Abby maybe she mentioned it when you were chatting!!! Before Charlotte was missing! I'm about done with Chad and Abigail. Let them reunite. Don't really like either one of them. They deserve each other.
Same old Salem P.D.: Today, Chad illegally entered Ben's motel room with the intent to assault him. That fits the definition of burglary, which is a serious felony. Of course foolish Eli didn't arrest Chad. Instead, he questioned the victim, Ben. Then Eli typically continued his investigation in the usual way: wandering about aimlessly, chatting up various Salemites. If he and his inept colleagues used the method endorsed by the Tommy Lee Jones character in The Fugitive, they'd be searching every motel, rooming house, cabin, barn, warehouse, hen house, and outhouse in a twenty mile radius, and would soon find Ciara and Charlotte.

Whatever Hope has is catching: Now Chad, JJ, and Abigail also all seem to have Ben disease, whose chief symptom is the irresistible tendency to blame him for everything, including the weather and an increase in the price of fish. Marlena needs to start a support group for this people ASAP.

Much ado about very little: What's the big deal about Haley's undocumented status? According to what's been shown on-screen, she was brought into the country as a child, which puts her in the Dreamer category, a huge group that nobody is currently talking about deporting.
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I can just see it when Ciara is eventually rescued.

Ciara: Oh [insert rescuer's name], thank God you found me! Jordan Ridgeway kidnapped me from the airport, kept me tied to the bed and then kidnapped Charlotte, all in the name of "protecting" us from Ben.

Hope (arriving on scene): Honey, I'm so relieved you're OK. I just knew Ben was behind this! He will pay for kidnapping you and Charlotte!

Ciara: No, mom, it wasn't Ben, it was his sister Jordan. She's gone cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.

Hope: Shhhhhh, it's OK baby, it's all over. You're safe, Charlotte's safe and I'm going to lock up Ben for what he's done. I finally have him right where I want him.

Ciara: But you're not listening to me! IT WASN'T BEN!

Hope: Sweetheart, I know, I know. I know it was Ben and rest assured he WILL be punished for this.
Spot on, JS, and as Ciara passes through the Town Square on her way to the loft she meets Chad and JJ.

Chad: Ciara, you're free! Has Ben been arrested, and did he say where he's keeping Charlotte?
Ciara: Ben didn't take your daughter.
Chad: Yes, he did. I KNOW it.
JJ: Chad's right Ciara. Ben took Charlotte, we're going to find her, and Ben will pay.
Ciara: Both of you people are sick.

And back at the loft.

Trippy: Ciara, you're back and safe? Did Ben harm you in any way?
Ciara: No way. It was his batty sister, Jordan, who kidnapped me.
Trippy: Jordan? No way. Did Ben drug you?
Ciara: You're the one who sounds like you're on drugs.
Claire: Oh Ciara, I'm so glad you're back safe and sound (while thinking, "Rats, I had hoped Ben would hold her captive long enough for me to get a firm grip on Tripp's affections.")
Thanks, Poirot.

It's a new day in Salem.

Why did Chad wait until morning to see Ben? How did he know
where Ben lived?

Interesting Eve brought up illegal immigration with Abe and Melinda
before Jack opened his big mouth at the end. Will Jack tell Eve
everything JJ told him?

Nice to see dolly in the blanket again.

Abby had the best line "What is wrong with this town?"