Days of Our Lives - Fri., Jul. 17, 2020


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Townhouse: Claire is on the couch, looking sad. Ciara is at the door. Claire assumes she's there to fire her as maid of honor. Ciara can't ignore the coincidences since Claire became maid of honor, wants her to pinky swear she's innocent. Claire swears she's innocent, but not with her pinky. Later, Claire shows her the repaired dress and they plan an evening of drinks, reminiscing about stealing drinks from Edge of the Square when Belle owned it. They'll meet at Julie's place in a bit. Ciara leaves, Claire's one-shot makes her seem happy.

Hotel Room: Ben is on the phone with the jewelry store, hoping they have found the ring. They haven't. Jake shows up. He needs to talk to a friend about his DNA results. Ben wonders if now that Jake's Jake, Gabi will stop pursuing him. Jake claims he's glad.

DiMansion Study: Gwen enters, shocking Gabi. Gabi wants to know why she was there. An embarrassed Chad enters, noting he invited her. Chad invited her there because she was too drunk to go home. Gabi updates them about Jake over a few scenes. Gwen's glad, lays into Gabi a little bit (although Chad tries to stop it), Chad's driver will take her home. Gabi asks Chad to gloat, but he seems less thrilled than one might assume.

Rafe's Office: Rafe's on the phone with Zoey, David has sent him a picture. He hangs up with her and Sami enters to discuss his stealing her grandchild. As usual, Sami rants, doesn't listen, etc. After about 400 scenes of her screeching, Rafe points out he's had this talk with Lucas, Allie came to him, and he hasn't even made up his mind yet. There's some back and forth before Sami tells Rafe he should tell Allie he's made up his mind against adopting Allie.

Pub: Allie and Will talk about Sami's insanity, and which if any way she might be leading in the adoptive father/s of her baby. She admits she asked Rafe first, and it might be too weird to have her brother raising her baby.

Townhouse: Claire comes upon Allie, they recap Eric/Nicole's wedding, Claire is no longer sick (her excuse for missing Nicole/Eric's wedding). After the recap and reaction, Claire invites Allie to come out with her and Ciara.

Pub: Will and Ben are having drinks. Ben updates him on the Claire situation. Sami enters. She thinks Will's crazy for being friends with Ben, Ben tries to apologize, Sami hopes Ciara wises up. Ben leaves. Will and Sami recap. Sami tells Will to keep quiet about her request/order/psychotic demand that Rafe withdraw his interest in Allie's baby. Will does not want to agree.

DiMansion: Chad admits that Stefan was a monster, he's glad he's dead. And glad he'll keep DiMera. Gabi thinks Jake will forego his profession to take over DiMera.

Rafe's office: Ciara arrives and asks Rafe to walk her down the aisle. He agrees. Later, he gets a shocking call.

Julie's Place: Allie has a soda while Claire and Ciara have Zombies. Claire brought the drinks over.

Jake's: Gwen arrives, glad he's Jake...DiMera. "We're rich!" she declares.

DiMansion: Chad says they'll have to wait for Jake's next move, cackles as he leaves. Rafe calls Gabi, he has news for Jake. (Rafe's sorry about Jake's not being Stefan.) He tells her Vivian's dead.

Julie's Place: Ciara gets a call before she's apparently had a sip. She tells Ben that she's keeping Claire. They look forward to the best day of their lives. Ciara sips her drink as she looks at Claire. END.
Who wants to bet that Ciara gets sick from the drink? They keep making Claire look guilty so I bet she's not. And did she have to say it would be the best day of their lives? Jinx!

Sami, Sami, Sami. She is just too much. Really got to Rafe and say he's trying to steal Allie's child? Just stop.

Vivian dead? Again? And I bet not really. Just fake dead to get out of jail.
I'm impressed with toddler David's artwork:

Well, that was a quick return for Vivian (and Ivan?). I kind of figured it would be her when the spoilers for Monday say that Gabi gives Jake devastating news. I don't know how devastating it is for Jake since he just met her. I wonder if there will be a seen funeral or offscreen, since everyone will be getting ready for the wedding. Not looking forward to the screeching or Gabi. It seemed like Jake was being kind to her and she got snippy again.
Yep, Sami has already overstayed........But am guessing her mission this visit to make every single person she knows in Salem, completely miserable, (and probably a few she doesn't know). She has stormed and ranted her way around town just too much already, and betting she is not done.
I agree that she's not dead, although if she did "die" while sitting in that interrogation room unsupervised, someone could sue! I guess that would be Jake.

Also, since Allie will probably have her baby soon, I wonder if Sami will try to take it and wait for Allie to come to her senses and want to raise it?
Why do people like Sami, Kate, Vivian seem to think they have the right to run their families' lives? As I've heard many times, if Allie is old enough to have a baby, she's old enough to decide what she wants. (Maybe I should have said too young to be pregnant, she ought to know if she's mature enough to raise the baby).
Sami has yelled/complained to every single person she has come in contact with since she arrived? She knew darn well Allie had asked Rafe to take the baby, but instead accused him of badgering Allie, etc. Then she sees Will with Ben, & sounds off again.......let's not forget that Sami hired a couple goons to kidnap Ben from Bayview, so he could pretend to strangle Will. Sami did that herself!

Did she come back to America to see her son while he was in prison? Heck, no. But now she is going to run his life, Allie's, Rafe's, Ben's, Ciara's, Eric & Nicole's.....Roman's, Marlena & John's......she needs such a reality check, a comedown, something. I know there are those who enjoy her.....but I don't care for anyone who does nothing but cause heartache, & is such a control freak.
How the Sami/Will/Ben scene should've gone:

Sami: Will, I can't believe you're friends with the man who tried to murder you.

Will: Mom, I can't believe you married the man who raped you, twice.
It could also have gone something like this.

Sami: Will, how can you be friends with the man who tried to kill you?

Ben: This is big talk from the woman who once tried to burn EJ alive and later shot him in the head while he lay in bed dead drunk. And weren't you part of the group who threw poor, dorky Nick Fallon into the icy Salem River and left him to die?

Sami: How dare you. We're nothing alike.

Ben: Really? Weren't you also almost executed? It's a bummer, isn't it?

As for loudmouth Gabi and golddigger Gwen, they should forget about Jake getting rich by making a move on DiMera Enterprises and/or the DiMera fortune. Unless Stefano or Stefan Zero made provisions in their wills for currently unknown DiMera relatives who might appear in the future, Jake is shut out. And there is no obligation to mention children or siblings in a will. The only person who can't be disinherited is a spouse. As far becoming CEO, even Mr. Shin and the imbeciles on the board wouldn't select a rough-around-the-edges mechanic for the job.
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Thanks, Jason.

Gwen better watch what she says because Jake wasn't happy when she
said "we're rich"

Who called Rafe to say Vivian was dead and why did he believe it?

It's been a long time since we heard "The Edge of the Square". That
was interesting place.

Will Rafe listen to Sami and tell Allie he's not interested in her baby? I want
him to say he does want the baby to make Sami mad.

Line of the day goes to Will "To the groom getting everything he deserves"
You can interpret that a couple of ways.
As usual I was rushing through some of the Sami scenes once she started screeching at people so did they explain why Will wasn't at the wedding? He managed to make it to that wild bachelor party at the pub just hours later.
Will & Sonny went with Justin to a baseball game, but Will did tell Sonny that he did not want to go to the wedding for fear his mom would be there, & he did not want to run into her.