Days of Our Lives - Fri., Jul. 24, 2020


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Fun note: This was not originally a Friday episodes. It (unless I'm reading #47's chart wrong) should have aired 8/12/2020, as a Wednesday episode.

Hospital: Will is keeping tabs on Allie as they banter and recap. Outside, Sami stomps in, demanding Marlena tell her where Allie is. She enters later, interrupting Will's flashback of Sami telling him to keep quiet about her talk with Rafe. They get a wedding recap after Sami does a mini-rant about how stupid they were to be in Ben's wedding; later, Sami's upset that Allie passed out and nobody told her, and gets in a dig about Allie keeping her baby. Allie recounts a wedding moment that strengthened her resolve to let Rafe adopt her baby; Sami makes another plea for Will & Sonny. Allie says it's Rafe's decision now.

Townhouse: Belle texts Shawn-D, she's going to sleep; John enters, Belle learns what happened. As John is recapping, Claire enters, wants details. She gets lots of one-shot reactions as John lays out what happened.

St Luke's: Ciara is frantic as the rubble is cleared, and Ben is unfound. She and Hope go to look around, assuming Ben might have been injured and is wandering about. Rafe and Shawn-D begin a canvas.

Square: Hope and Ciara are trying to contact Ben. Ciara lost her phone in the explosion. Shawn-D arrives, says there was a bomb. Ciara is convinced she's the target.

Townhouse: Belle has spoken with Marlena; Claire enters, crying. Ciara enters, Claire is happy to see her. Ciara accuses her of planting the bomb and really rants and raves about it; Shawn-D and Hope arrive and try to get Ciara out of there, but she keeps on ranting. Claire tries to lay out the case (e.g., even if she wanted to hurt Ciara, she wouldn't have endangered Shawn-D, Marlena, John, etc) for her innocence. Ciara KNOWS Claire did it, demands Claire be arrested; Hope takes her out of there...but not before Ciara says Claire will be locked up for a long time & she'll do everything in her power to keep her there forever. Claire wants her parents' full support, knows she doesn't have it.

Hospital: Rafe tells John and Marlena about the wedding disaster. Over by the coffee station, Sami makes jokes about Ben's disappearance to Rafe's disgust. She wants to talk about the adoption, he shuts it down, she lost the right to interfere in his life when they divorced. Sami won't give permission/her blessing, again requests he not adopt the baby.

Allie's Hospital Room: Allie is prepared for Lucas to make a pitch like Sami's; he isn't going to, he was just worried about her. (Great scene.) Lucas does have his opinions, but he's not pressuring Allie. Later, Rafe drops by, tells her Ben is still missing and he's flattered, but he won't adopt her baby. He's not ready to raise a child yet after what happened with David.

Hospital Waiting Area: John is picking at his bandage, Marlena scolds him. John is thankful that they are all right, worries about Ben and Ciara, is glad Claire can't be blamed.

Townhouse: Shawn-D says to Belle that even if Claire drugged Ciara, ruined the dress, and stole the ring - she couldn't have planted the bomb since Belle watched her all night. Belle has a flashback, says...well, not exactly.

Salem Inn: Ciara wants to be alone, Hope will be close by. Hope sits in a chair in the hallway; inside, Ciara sees a romantic layout Ben prepared earlier. She flashes back to their ring exchange. She sobs on the petal-laden bed.

Location Unknown: Close-up on Ben. Someone closes a trunk as the camera pans out. END.
Well Ben is not what I expected. Think I know who has him. But I thought for sure it was going to be stupid and he took off for the prison to confront his father who he was blaming for the bomb without telling anyone.

Seriously Ciara. You think Claire built a bomb?! In like a day since she was fired? I know there's a lot of stuff on the internet but come on!! I feel bad for Claire because I do think she is innocent of everything. And sadly her parents are doubting her too. I don't see Claire and Ciara ever being friends again though.
I must say the last few days of the show have been the best in a long time. I enjoyed most of today, I could have lived without Sami ranting like a crazy lady, but overall it was good. I feel sad for Rafe, but understand not wanting to adopt again so soon after losing David.
Why does she pretend to back off, then 10 seconds later is back to yapping at him again? I like Ali Sweeney (Sami), but sure wish they wrote differently for her instead of the same "my way or the highway" screeching.
Thanks for the summary and all the comments. For the last 3 days I lose NBC at 1 p when it is shown here. NBC is back on for the nightly news and from then on. It was on this morning for Today show.
Just watched the show on Peacock. I didn't realize the final scene was on Ben in a coffin and the lid being closed.
Ciara: She really needs to get a grip. She knows an awful lot that isn't so. Claire wouldn't have the contacts to buy a finished bomb and certainly didn't have the time and skill to build one herself that was powerful enough to wreck St. Luke's. (If she tried to build one by following instructions that she found online, she'd be highly likely to blow herself up.) Ciara might as well visit tthe Salem Zoo and blame the chimpanzees in the ape house or go over to Smith Island and rage against the Horton Cabin Raccoon Team. And if she had any self-awareness, she'd realize that her ranting about Claire sounds just like her mother when she was oh so sure that Ben tried to kill her daughter.

Sami: She had some nerve saying that the world would be better off without Ben. Doesn't she realize that a lot of people could easily say the same thing about her? And where does she get off dumping on Ben because he was a murderer? Has she forgotten that it was only happenstance that she didn't become a murderer when she tried to burn EJ alive and then later shot him in the head, and finally when she was part of the group who dumped Tricky Nicky in the icy Salem River and left him to die? She also was off-base when she called Ben a "convicted serial killer." Ben was never convicted of killing Will, Paige, Serena, and midwife Wendy. Instead, he was sent to Bayview. The murder he was wrongfully convicted of was that of his loony sister, Jordan Ridgeway.

Lucas: He gets kudos for being a badly-needed voice of sanity at Allie's bedside. He really needs to be onscreen a lot more.

John: Whoever grabbed Ben from the wreckage of the church had best beware. With John on the case, they're a lot more likely to be found out sooner rather than later.
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@Barbara S. I did not think that was a coffin. Looks like the back of an SUV, down came the door. Tho others say it is the trunk of a car. ????
I am not a Sami fan, but the show is going on too strong with everyone saying how horrible she is. Enough. They found a way to make it all about Sami when she is not even on screen and it is annoying.

And, seriously, Hope is sitting in the hall of a hotel? She could have gotten a room or else told Ciara to call her if she needed her.

I am hoping that once Allie finds out what Sami has been up to, she will insist that Rafe take her baby and he will do it. I would like him to have a child to raise.
I went back and watched 3x to make sure. It's the trunk of a vehicle.

must say the last few days of the show have been the best in a long time.
Tuesday was the Olympics cliffhanger, with the return episodes airing Wednesday, Thursday, and today. They were bringing their A-game after what was supposed to be a drought.