Days of Our Lives Fri., July 19, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, July 19, 2019

The “comedy” continues. Replays of yesterday's closing scenes. Gabi has grabbed Xander's briefcase, wants to see what he is hiding. He wants it back, she refuses to do so, he threatens, she knees him, down he goes, she runs off.

Rafe is going thru his mail, gets his “final divorce papers. Answers the door to find Ben, who hasn't heard from Rafe, who promised to ask Jordan if Ben could see his nephew. Rafe did so, she said no. But Rafe says he has applied for guardianship, and if it all goes thru, they can talk about this then. Baby is crying, Ben wonders if he can take just a peek.. Rafe doesn't want to jeopardize anything in re: the guardianship, so sorry, but not now. Ben thanks him, leaves.

Rafe goes into another room, Gabi comes in, tries to open the briefcase, no luck. Grabs butter knife to pry it open No luck. Rafe comes in, what is she doing. She claims she forgot her combination to her new briefcase, trying to open it. Rafe knows that is a lie, not her taste at all, gets her to tell it is Xander's, and why she has it. He won't help her open it, anything inside would not then be admissible, she should return. She protests, he persists, will do it himself. No, she will, takes it, leaves.

Will & Sonny have found a gun in Susan's purse, and when Sonny pulls out the magazine, realize it is loaded. Stupidly, in my opinion, they put the magazine back in, go to find Susan. (who is really Kristen). Of course she is throwing herself at the nearly naked Brady, who is trying to fend her off, to no avail. The guys walk in, see this, including Brady's towel dropping. They give each other looks, “Susan” realizes they are there, they want to talk to her, why does she have the gun? (Brady retrieves his towel) as Susan talks of her 2nd amendment rights, protecting herself, Salem not being safe, even Dr. Marlena Evans was shot during her wedding. She waves the gun around, pointing it at the guys, then Brady, back at the guys. No, she won't give it back. They note she needs a carry permit, she claims she has one, but of course cannot find it. Sonny notes it is surprising she got one, given her history. (having been in mental hospital). She laments they are calling her a liar, no, of course not. But she better have it. She rummages thru the purse, they convince her to give them the gun, which they will put away til she finds the permit. They try to get her to come with them to put in safe, but no, she is not leaving Brady. With them gone, she is all ready to jump Brady's bones again, but he manages to escape, claiming he is on a break from women, made lots of bad choices. She finally leaves the room, Brady goes to get dressed, she mutters how he will be hers in the end.

Replay of Ted coming into the club, sitting with Hope, they kiss, but Ciara interrupts. Hope quickly says her divorce from Rafe is final, Ciara doesn't care, and as to Ted, is of the belief that love can make someone a better person, so she doesn't hold his blackmailing of Will against him. Wishes them all the best. Hugs for mom, love you. Later, Xander runs into them, they chat cautiously about his part in Ted & Kate's captivity, he is testifying against Stefan, yada, yada. Hope doesn't think his story is all that true.

Ciara & Ben are at the Pub, having finished their meal, ask Uncle Roman for the check. On the house he says. She protests, especially since she has not been the best employee, sorry for not showing up for my shift last week. Roman figures, very nicely, Ciara has a lot going on, and tho he hired her 6 mos. ago, can count on one hand the times she showed up for shifts she signed up for. He is going to have to let her go. She understands, is all smiles, no hard feelings at all. Thanks him. Later, at Ben's place, he says they both have to figure out what to do now. He has no idea what will happen with his job, if it is still there, she doesn't know what she wants to do, but now we have more time to spend together.

Kristen has called Xander to meet her in park, he does, she wants her mask back and NOW!

Gabi runs into Brady, is looking for Xander. Brady says he was home, but left. She gives the briefcase to Brady to return to Xander for her.

Will & Sonny have put the gun away, talk of how weird Susan was acting, are kissing, and about to go upstairs. Doorbell. Will answers......SURPRISE! There is the REAL SUSAN!
I absolutely expected Rafe to be the one to walk up on Hope and Ted.

I really can't stand Kristen's obsession with Brady. She knew him as a child! She has to be 25-30 years older than him.

Was not expecting Susan to show up unexpectedly!! I thought for sure Will would just call to check. Yay! Hopefully Kristen gets caught ASAP!
I really can't stand Kristen's obsession with Brady. She knew him as a child! She has to be 25-30 years older than him.

And here's a little refresher of Brady and Susan:

Wretched excess: Susan, real or impersonated, can be entertaining in small doses, but after a certain point today her presence became akin to the sound of fingernails scratching on a blackboard.

Don't push your luck: Brady-addled Kristen still seems to think that she has the upper hand in her dealings with Xander. She should guess again. If she keeps pushing him, the mighty X-Man just might be tempted to wring her neck. Similarly, Gabi better not push her luck with Xander. Stefan Zero is an empty suit, but "Xandy" is the real deal.

Employment discrimination?: Roman fired Ciara because she didn't show up for work? How about gloom-and-doom Eric? How often does he actually show up at the Pub? (His absence is probably a good thing. One look at Eric's pained face and the average customer would lose his/her appetite.)

Strong stomach?: Zero make's Gabi's "skin crawl?" If so, how does she get through their frequent bedtime follies -- self hypnosis?
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Please let this mean they're going to unmask "Nicole" next week. Please! Please! Please! In the meantime, the antics today made me laugh as did the return of the Towel and naked Brady.

I like feisty Gabi. And I don't think the poisonous tree stuff applies if the people opening the briefcase aren't police officers. If I steal a car from a drug kingpin, can the kingpin not be prosecuted if I find drugs in the trunk and turn them over to police?
Gabi wanted Rafe to open the briefcase, which she had stolen from Xander, and Rafe was aware of that. Thus, since he is a cop, any "evidence" would have been inadmissible. And if there was nothing in there but private papers, big trouble.
@TinaY, you could NOT turn over drugs you found in a car you stole and expect the police to go after the person you stole the car from! If the police don't find the drugs through a proper search warrant, they would have no idea if you planted them or if they belong to the owner of the stolen car. So, yep, the fruit of the poisonous tree absolutely applies.
Thanks, Poirot.

It was funny when Roman told Ciara she couldn't work there anymore since
she's only worked a handful times in 6 months. We always talk about people
not working in Salem. Who will Roman hire?

Gabi told Rafe since Eve is commissioner the Salem PD is a big joke. It was
a big joke before Eve got the job.

It's going to be interesting next week when Will and Sonny wonder how Susan
came back so fast in different clothes.

Will Rafe let Ben see David if Rafe gets temporary custody?

Will Ben and Ciara find new jobs/careers or will they spend all their time in bed?

Brady told "Susan" he was taking a break with women. How long do you think he
can go before he's with someone?
Will Rafe let Ben see David if Rafe gets temporary custody?

Will Ben and Ciara find new jobs/careers or will they spend all their time in bed?

Brady told "Susan" he was taking a break with women. How long do you think he
can go before he's with someone?
These questions, and many others, will be answered in next week's episodes of Days of Our Lives.
I like feisty Gabi. And I don't think the poisonous tree stuff applies if the people opening the briefcase aren't police officers. If I steal a car from a drug kingpin, can the kingpin not be prosecuted if I find drugs in the trunk and turn them over to police?
Gabi wanted Rafe to open the briefcase, which she had stolen from Xander, and Rafe was aware of that. Thus, since he is a cop, any "evidence" would have been inadmissible. And if there was nothing in there but private papers, big trouble.
Here's the general rule on the admissibility of evidence found during an illegal search by a private citizen: "In general, whatever a private citizen—rather than a police officer—uncovers through an illegal search is admissible in court. But if the private citizen acted on behalf of the government, a court will likely suppress the evidence just as if the police had found it. That’s because the "exclusionary rule," providing that evidence found as a result of an illegal search is inadmissible, is designed to deter government agents—not private citizens—from unlawful snooping." Accordingly, if Gabi found any incriminating evidence by breaking into Xander's case, it would be admissible as evidence. This would not be the situation if police officer Rafe did the same thing.
Really loved the Gabi/Rafe stuff. Too bad we don't see them together more often. That said, I'm over this Jordan's baby story. Time to move this along.

I also was not expecting to see Susan at the end so congrats Days! You got me! However, I think Kristen as Susan is my favorite iteration.

I can't take Hope seriously. The day before she was "devastated" over the granddaughter she doesn't care about in the first place and then immediately was chasing after Ted. Then she's kissing Ted. But I'm supposed to feel bad for her because Rafe signed the divorce papers THAT SHE SENT TO HIM?! And seriously, why can't Ciara be unhappy about Ted? Somebody should.

Interesting discussion at the Pub about the job. I wonder if that is setting up a new story?
I'm torn about Hope/Ted. I actually prefer "looks-like-a-bad-guy-but-he's-gray-or-good" characters to the other way around (which are usually just harsh rewrites, but that's a different issue). Plus Ted's done fewer bad things than Hope, I'm guessing. Perhaps we can learn that Ted has a chip in his tooth that made him listen to Xander? And I'm with Heather, Hope's line isn't consistent. I think she needs a little rest from the front burner.
Thanks for the summary!

Stupidly, in my opinion, they put the magazine back in, go to find Susan.
So VERY stupid!
...she is not leaving Brady
Anyone hear of sexual harassment? This scene was despicable, in my opinion!

She gives the briefcase to Brady to return to Xander for her.
IF ONLY Brady would look inside!!:whack:

I really was beginning to like Hope again last week - then Ted came back into the scenes and it seems we lost the strength and humor Hope had earlier. I want that Hope back. I want Ted to LEAVE (with Eve, Kristen, Stefan and Sarah).

I'm still having trouble liking Gabi again - maybe it's just one more liar that bothers me - maybe she and Stefan deserve each other. But, I will continue to FF their scenes.
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