Days of Our Lives - Fri. July 23, 2010

there goes Rafe again - no search warrant. Anything he finds on EJ won't stand up because of this. If feel like that's where the writers are going.......
@Steffee....Nicole's baby COULD PERHAPS have been in a preemie section...incubator, etc.

LOL, Cali...I just wish if they want to use gasoline, just make it more realistic. I have seen folks pouring gasoline from a 5 gallon container into a boat gas tank without spilling a drop, and yet they will reek of it. Get a drop on work gloves, the smell/odor wwill waft thru the air into my house thru open window.

Daniel comes in that house, and the first thing he should have noticed was the gas smell. Oh, no, he first does the CPR several times, before he sniffs a bit, saying that is gas. Wasn't it all over the floor, too?

Of course Days overdoes or uses the same method much too soon after a previous one. :)
Re Daniel and the gasoline: yes it was all over Bo and the floor and would have been very strong, and the fumes alone could easily have ignited when Hope lit matches- twice. She also stepped in a puddle of it with both shoes and it splashed on her feet,and she would have reeked of it as well as tracked it out the door and it would be on her shoes tracking through the hospital and maybe even traces at the K-mansion even "today." Maybe her "goodbye" is to her alter ego, and she'll be a suspect with no memory. I remember thinking that they must have given Bo a thorough bathing to make it safe for all the medical equipment, but there didn't seem to have been time! LOL:confused:
@Steffee....Nicole's baby COULD PERHAPS have been in a preemie section...incubator, etc.

From the interview Rafe did with one of Baker's nurses or office workers it didn't come across as a Clinic with long term care, that would require round the clock care. He may have had equipment for preemie's but then the mother and baby would be transfered to a hospital....this would be my take on the Clinic. I quess I'll have to wait for the answer to this question...if I'm not to senile by the time the writer's get around to confirming one way or the other Sydney is Sami's or Nicole's.

PS: Kathylu...I know there has been many threads written about this subject. I only bring it up again because the writer's continue to slip in Sami's bonding issue with Sydney.
@Steffee.....Baker could have had a special area that one nurse was not privy to....he even could have had another bldg. I am not saying he did, just that he could have managed it. Just remember, Rafe had no reason to ask about preemies, and he would only have had the baby 2 months. If it went that way.
get on with it

Does anyone else feel the EJ-SAMI farce has gone on for way too long?