Days of Our Lives - Fri., July 3, 2020


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, July 3, 2020

If you missed the end of yesterday, fret not, as the scenes are shown today, in their entirety. Will & Sonny talking to Eric, Rafe leaving with Allie to go get something to eat, her asking him to adopt her baby, Gabi talking Jake into going in to see Vivian. Yep, all there.

Meanwhile, Eli & Lani are in the hall, him trying to decide whether to carry her over the threshold or not. He does, the place is all rose petals and lit candles, courtesy of Julie. Eli figures she snuck over here during the reception. They talk a bit about the reception, the events that nearly ruined their wedding. Very loving, kind, wedding night. They talk about different things, proclaim their love for each other several times, she marches off to get her surprise for Eli, he grins, unbuttons his shirt, sprinkling rose petals on himself. Lani returns, black lace bra, black bikini panties, garters, stockings & sheer black robe. Yep, the hooker look, surprising the pregnant lady pulled it off so well. This leads to bedtime, more kissing, and ….well, you know.

Jake walks in to see Vivian, whose jaw drops. My son, Stefan. He just stands there, says his name is Jake, and he never saw her before in his life. She tells him to hold her hand, close his eyes, he will feel her blood coursing thru his veins. That's it, he is outta there, starts to leave, but Gabi, who had been watching thru the window, rushes in, stops him, scolds Vivian for letting him leave. Viv notes she is handcuffed to the chair, can't quite pull out the family album. Gabi does her usual stupid yapping, tells Viv to talk of things as Stefan was growing up. She can't. Oh, yeah. They bicker, Viv tells of being told her son was dead, finding him as adult, Sam Maitland, & got his rightful heritage and changed his name. Does this sound familiar? Oh, yeah, because Jake read it all in article, yells at Gabi about giving the heart to Julie, but he still has his. Viv & Gabi go at again, Jake says it is like watching a train wreck, and he is really outta there. He is out the door, Gabi chases after, but he is gone.

Eric talks to the Hardy boys (Sonny and Will), learns they want to adopt Allie's baby, takes Eric a bit, but he lets them know Allie would like Rafe to do so. They know there are other options, Eric mentions a contact at the Horton house who could help, and isn't against same sex couples adopting.

Hope arrives at Julie's to help clean up, tis all done, she asks how the wedding went, Julie fills her in on all the drama. Hope's turn to jaw drop, she asks what the heck was Gabi thinking, Julie says just wanted to gloat over being found not guilty, what the heck was wrong with that jury. She tells the rest, fortunately off camera.

Allie sits with Rafe, who got her something to eat, she is sorry he lost custody of David, might be able to help, asks him to adopt hers. Rafe is surprised, but not sure is he would be ready for this, after what happened to David, He needs time to think about it. She understands, praises him for how he treated her when he was step-dad, he always listened, her parents never did. He has time, she is not delivering tomorrow, lol. She lightly kisses his cheek, love you, and leaves.

She returns to Eric's just as the guys are about to leave, surprised to see them, they tell her about wanting another child, and thought maybe they could adopt hers. Allie already said she told Rafe, and now is floored.

Gabi returns to talk to Vivian, they try to figure out how to help Jake regain his memory as Stefan. Gabi wants Viv to go see Rolf, have him get Jake's memory back...they are friends, he brought her back to life. Viv says he cheats at games, but she has these charges now. Hey, maybe Gabi can get her brother to just make them go away.

Jake is back at his apt., downing some booze, someone comes in, he tells Gabi to go away, he has had it now. But, it's Gwen, who asks about the DNA, Jake says it was a match, apparently I am this guy. He is swilling the booze, Gwen just wants him to be himself, remain who he is. He kisses her, and they are both in lust, onto the bed.

Over at Eli/Lani 's bed, things are slow, romantic, loving, but they get very passionate as well.
I don't get why they have to replay the last 8-10 minutes of the previous episode so often these days. The show is only 38 minutes long after commercial breaks. When they replay that 8-10 minutes, then the show only has 30 minutes of new scenes.
Thanks, Poirot.

I guess it's only the 4th of July where Lani and Eli were because nowhere
else in Salem did fireworks go off.

Lani and Eli were trying to figure out when Julie came and decorated their apartment.
It was probably the Salem elves.

It's going to get interesting to see who's going to adopt Allie's baby. Will Rafe
change his mind? Will Allie decide Will and Sonny can have the baby, then Rafe
changes him mind?

Jake was funny again today saying Gabi and Vivian bickering reminded him of
a car wreck.

Line of the day goes to Jake to Gwen "test done at a reputable lab" I laughed.
Lani and Eli were trying to figure out when Julie came and decorated their apartment. It was probably the Salem elves

I want to know who will clean it up?? Real rose petals are a pain in the rat's patootie to clean up. Silk ones are only slightly easier. But then again, the Salem elves are brilliant at cleaning up cocktail glasses thrown at fireplaces and walls. No one EVER gets cut walking around that fantastic deep carpeting so I guess they will get the place all cleaned up.
I don't get why they have to replay the last 8-10 minutes of the previous episode so often these days. The show is only 38 minutes long after commercial breaks. When they replay that 8-10 minutes, then the show only has 30 minutes of new scenes.
It's got to be lazy writing, the same reason why the viewers were forced to witness the criminal cop who helped Kristen escape, Lani, roll around atop rose petals with Julie's grandson, Eli -- each minute taken up with this stuff is less time that dialogue is needed.
I literally looked up from my work and laughed out loud at that line.
The idea of a reputable anything in Salem is a joke. In addition to crooked labs:
  • the police force is inept and employs part-time felons;
  • the hospital is a center of quackery;
  • bridal shops get nail polish on dresses;
  • automotive repair shops take forever to complete work;
  • restaurants neglect to bill their customers;
  • necktie shops sell ties by the dozen to would-be stranglers.
  • the University and high school tolerate no-show students;
  • judges and lawyers seem to know very little about the law.
As for the baby sweepstakes, cluelessness and presumption abound. Allie shouldn't be so cavalier about Sami's reaction to Rafe adopting the baby. The last thing Salemites need is an enraged Sami roaring into town laying waste to everything in sight. And Will and Sonny were a trifle presumptuous about thinking they'd be the oh-so-perfect adoptive parents for Allie's baby.

Speaking of presumptuousness, Gabi (who else) wins the prize for assuming that Jake would be eager to turn into the perverted Stefan Zero and for lecturing Vivian on the duties of motherhood. (This from a woman who regularly endangers her child's welfare by engaging in criminal conduct that could leave Arianna II without a mother.)
So, are we done with Eli and Lani for a while now? I sure hope so. I wonder if Lani is going to tell Eli about her visitor and that she let her escape AGAIN? Did Brady even say goodbye to anyone or did he just take off with Kristen? I know he will be back, but I guess it is his turn for some time off now. Long, long week with not much happening.
Thanks, Poirot.

I guess it's only the 4th of July where Lani and Eli were because nowhere
else in Salem did fireworks go off.

Lani and Eli were trying to figure out when Julie came and decorated their apartment.
It was probably the Salem elves.

It's going to get interesting to see who's going to adopt Allie's baby. Will Rafe
change his mind? Will Allie decide Will and Sonny can have the baby, then Rafe
changes him mind?

Jake was funny again today saying Gabi and Vivian bickering reminded him of
a car wreck.

Line of the day goes to Jake to Gwen "test done at a reputable lab" I laughed.
I think the actor is doing a terrific job. His expressions are so real. Somebody tell me his name
Brandon Barash plays Jake
So you’re saying Gabi, Gwen, and Vivian aren’t a collective picture of mental stability and good behavior? Jake seems like he thrives on drama. He probably loves it secretly.
I agree. I know more time was spent directly on Johnny/Rafe's relationship, due to the ongoing feud with EJ (as EJ/Sami fans remind me hourly on twitter), but it's not that much of a stretch that he was a great parent to Allie, too, even if we didn't always see those interactions.