Days of Our Lives - Fri. July 30, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Friday, July 30, 2010
Episode #11,386 Taped 5/20 Director – Phil Sogard

Bo is talking to Theo at the police station, hearing how Ciara’s treasures were wallets, ones that she got from her mommy. Abe returns, Bo sends Theo off to draw pictures at a desk, tells Abe he is really worried about Hope, and now has to go talk to Ciara.Abe offers to go along, no, you go to your ball game. Next, Bo is at the park, talking to a female cop who has been keeping an eye on Ciara….who seems to be on a campout. The cop assures him all has been o.k., leaves, and now Bo is talking to Ciara. He asks about the wallets, Ciara is reluctant, cuz last time, Daddy did not believe her. He promises he will, asks if she got them from Mommy. Again, Ciara is reluctant, and again, Bo is reassuring her, telling her he thinks Mommy needs his help, and so needs Ciara to tell. She asks if she tells him, will he promise he & Mommy won’t get divorced. Bo tells her he doesn’t know what is going to happen, but right now, he wants to do all he can to help Mommy. Ciara finally admits the wallet treasures were Mommy’s, were under her bed, she took them to play with them, and then they disappeared, she doesn’t know how. Bo asks if she knows who they belonged to….Ciara nods…reminds him she is a good reader. So, who did they belong to? Uncle Justin, Uncle Roman, Uncle Abe…Ciara trails off, looks away.

Nicole is in her room, fingers a CD, commenting on it being one of many of the copies of EJ’s conversation with daddy Steffie, and flashing back to taking it out of the bus station locker. Her phone rings, she thinks it is Baker, answers by asking if he has been arrested. Ooops, tis mom, Fay, wanting to know who she thinks has been arrested. Nicole claims it is a hot story, and she has to go, hangs up. Now she calls EJ, wants to see him right now, and they meet on the pier. He is ticked, is not going to give her more money. She doesn’t want that, she wants to borrow that guy, the “jack of all trades” he has working for him. (Marko) She tells Ej to have Marko at her place. She leaves, EJ calls someone to make sure all is ready, to bring everything down there, and not to tell a soul.

Baker is alone in his room, wavering back and forth between leaving town, or staying cause Hope is not done. He has a couple flashbacks to conversations with Hope, figures she still needs him, but then, tells himself it is no use. He has to leave, as he readies his duffle bag.
Meanwhile, Marko is at Nicole’s place, she is giving him a picture of Baker, wants him to take care of the guy. Marko asks his name…Nicole sighs, then says, Dr. Richard Baker.

Tim sits with Rafe in his office, they talk about the frustration Rafe is feeling. Rafe suddenly realizes there is some lead he can follow, back at the place where he followed Nicole when she took Sydney. He is making plane reservations, but cannot get a flight out til morning.
Sami sits with her gramma Caroline, surprised that Caroline has advised her to go ahead and marry EJ. But Caroline explains that Sami knows full well how Caroline feels about EJ and the DiMeras, and all that EJ has done to her and her family. And then is claiming EJ has changed, etc. She feels they have already had this conversation many times, but Sami is still living with the DiMeras. She goes on that she cannot even see how Sami can contemplate marriage with EJ when she is in love with Rafe. Sami begins whining how Rafe always has something else going on, talks of the visit to his office, and how he had to take the phone call. Caroline reminds her that is his job, Sami knows that, but doesn’t like always being put on hold. Caroline has attempted to reason with her, finally telling her that she is done, that when they talk about this, they just go in circles, same conversation, and she is not going to continue. She is off to start the chowder for tomorrow. She blows a kiss and leaves.

Sami gets up to leave, bumps into Rafe who has just come in. They have an awkward conversation, he liked them visiting the office earlier, Sami says Johnny is still talking about it. He misses the kids, they miss him, too. She starts to live, Rafe blurts out he misses her, too, asks if she can have a cup of coffee with him or something. Sami agrees, they sit at a table, she says she has something to tell him about her and EJ. He asks what, then gets a call, goes away, returns and Sami is upset. His business calls are more important than she is. He reminds her his job is 24/7, she knows that. He reminds her further that he asked her for coffee, he has time he wanted to spend with her, and the first thing she wants to talk about is her and EJ. He gets another call, stays at the table to take it, but only says, that is fantastic, thank you. (Guessing it is airline with earlier flight he wanted) He tells Sami he has to leave, sorry. Sami is not a happy camper.

Hope & Carly are talking at the K mansion, when Vivian appears, accusing Carly of trying to kill Bo. She warns Hope that Carly knows that Bo & Hope have this strong love, she is angry and frustrated, and is of the mindset that if she cannot have Bo, no one can. Carly is telling her to shut up, Hope saying she knows Carly didn’t do it. Carly insists Vivian get lost and she leaves. Hope is very contemplative, her mind drinking in what Viv said which makes sense, but she knows Carly has an airtight alibi, & would not hurt Bo. Now she asks about Lawrence, if Carly had planned it ahead of time, talking of the person who attacked Bo had dismantled the alarms. Carly says no, he was threatening her daughter, she just grabbed the knife (that big kitchen knife which happened to be so handy…right there in the bedroom…lol). Hope agrees about self-defense, protecting her daughter. Carly leaves, Hope is tired, needs some sleep. She goes up to her room, takes her pill bottle out of her purse, and is surprised it is empty! She begins shaking everything out of her purse, finds one pill and pops it. Later she is asleep, her eyes open, and she says something to the effect “that was refreshing…thank you Carly”, and gets out of bed.

Carly has sought out Vivian at the Pub, sits down, warning her to stay away from Hope, who is in a fragile state. She is not to add to it. Vivian is responding in a jocular manner, but Carly warns her that if she doesn’t leave Hope alone, the both of them will make sure Victor hears and will throw her out on her bony ***. Vivian now smiles, makes a reference to her supposed dalliance with Daniel, Carly knows it was Viv who paid people to lie about that, warns her again about Hope, and leaves. Viv smiles, her curiosity is piqued, she figures Carly has a secret, and is decides she is going to uncover it.

Fay has finished her break, gets up to return to work, and there is Rafe, wanting to ask her some questions about Nicole. He shows her his FBI badge.

Sami has left the Pub, and is naturally walking on Main St…..sorry, I mean the pier, and begins to laugh, as there sits EJ DiMera, bedecked in his suit and tie, wearing a fishing hat (same kind as Colonel Blake on M*A*S*H*) and sitting on the pier, supposedly fishing. At least he is holding a rod & reel. He claims he wanted to something common, unlike flying to the beaches at Monaco, even brought a rod for her. He says he did not have worms, so got some fois gras (sp?) He hands it to her, then stands up, babbling small talk, then insisting she has a bite. She denies, says the rod would bend, he claims not, that some fish take the bait, and pretend to be dead, wanting her to reel it in. She doesn’t want to, but finally caves, and what she sees at the end of the line is a diamond ring. EJ takes it, gets down on one knee, takes Sami’s hand, proclaiming his love for her, that he has always loved her, and wants nothing more than to do so for the rest of their lives. Sami is looking down, listening, reminding him they said they would wait… her face changing, and seeming to be touched by his words. He asks….Will you marry me”?

Sami is upset. His business calls are more important than she is.

I am sorry, but how childish can she get? Made all the more ridiculous and immature by the fact that: Isn't the very thing he's working on finding her child's kidnapper? What in the world is a mother of four in her 30s (who doesn't have to work at all, apparently due to family generosity and child support) doing complaining about a man having to, heaven forbid, WORK? Ugh, I just cannot stand this stupid plot point writing to keep Sami from Rafe--I haven't been a fan of Sami's in a long time but it's amazing how bad the writers are making her look.

Thanks for the writeup!
Thanks for the write-up. I just want to slap Sami. My god woman grow-up. Rafe loves you and all you see is that he is ignoring you. I hope when you find out about Sydney that Rafe is still there. Bo is finally using the salem brain. Let's see where it leads.
Can't wait to see, heard Ej isedite nervous about asking Sami,,,I need more Sami/EJ
Thanks for the write up barb! :sick: Sami and EJ. Man, Sami needs to remove her head from her hind end! Rafe is doing all this for her! To find her babies kidnapper! Oh I want to smack her!.
Sami's behavior is totally stupid. I agree with the many other posters who've written that TPTB are ruining her character. But talk about stupid.....

Let's move on to Nicole. She's got the upper hand on EJ and now she asks him to send Marko over to whack Dr. Baker? EJ will now have the goods on her, as well as his suspicions about her involvement with setting up Ariana. Say bye-bye, Nicole, to getting anything more out of EJ!

Poirot, thanks for the wonderful write-ups each day. A long time reader of your summaries - can't watch much anymore but am grateful that I can keep up with Days by coming to this site.
Thanks, as always, for the write up!

Wow, Sami is upset b/c Rafe is actually working instead of taking time with her. Now, that's the selfish Sami we know and love. Blah.

And, I'm so glad Caroline put her in her place and said essentially the same thing many of us have been saying. We're going around in circles and are done with it.

Sami-you deserve EJ. The man who will drop everything (and everyone in his path) to get what he wants from you. Enjoy each other!

Nicole (((shaking head))) When will you ever learn?

And, finally, glad there's some movement with Bo/Ciara/Theo.
Yeah, EJ the changed man.......who has just given Nicole 5 million to keep her mouth shut about the conversation she overheard.......and then agrees to lend her his hit man. Isn't it wonderful what a changed, kind and considerate man he is?
Thought you all might like to see how EJ looks when "fishing"
(courtesy - Prevuze)

O.K. I cannot stand it.......I don't usually do on the previews for Monday, as they are truly deceiving.........but I just have to.

Justin tells Bo that Hope is a changed person
Night time Hope says....Brady, you are a dead man
And an upset, tearful Sami is telling EJ (they seem to be at DiMansion) that she cannot tell him she is going to marry him when she is in love with someone else.
Great Write Up As Always, Barb!

but personally I can't wait until Monday when Sami tells EJ she can't marry him because she's in love with someone else! Good job, Sami! Finally stopped drinking that Salem Stupid Juice for once.

Seems other people in Salem have stopped drinking the Salem Stupid Juice as well but not soon enough to suit me!

Can't WAIT 'til Brady gets wise and Nicole goes down and I only pray she takes EJ with her.

EJ hasn't changed at all as we all know and him allowing Nicole to whack Doc Baker is evidence of that let alone everything else the self-serving, lying, creepy, sleazy b* * * * * * does prove that!
Thanks for the summary!!

Viv has got to get a new story!!! This going after Carly 24/7 is old & boring!!

OK...I know tomatos will fly here...but I cant help it, but I like Sami 7 EJ together. Cant explain it.

Way to go Bo....start listening to you daughter!!
Just an aside........I honestly hold no hope for that statement by Sami in the previews for I said, they always ARE deceiving, taken out of context, make you think one thing, when it is another......but.......she is saying that to him, so I just HAD to tell you.
Say, "YES!," Sami; say 'YES!!!" Let him love you the way he loved Nicole.

Nicole is not stupid enough to have Dr. Baker killed and let EJ have the upper hand on her. If anything, he will only scare Baker into leaving town.
Thanks Poirot. I am really hoping that Sami says No. Will be watching the show tonight as I had to go shopping today.
Thank you, Barb.

Oh man, it sounded like such a good episode until I got to the last paragraph. :sick: This stupid Sami may still go for "changed" EJ over Rafe. I sure hope not.

Thank goodness someong finally started listening to the kids. IMO, the real heroes are Ciara and Theo.

O k I have been trying to remember...
1. How many times has Sami been Married/engaged?
2. Who was it that she shot on their wedding day?
3. Why did she shoot him?
I think it is 6, maybe 7 times for Sami. Mostly cuz she has had a couple "almost" weddings. She did not shoot anyone, but went to jail for shooting Franco (Lucas did it, and Kate framed her). Franco was about to kill Kate, Lucas shot Franco, Sami came in, fainted, Kate took advantage. End.

I truly, truly hope Days does not dumb Sami down any further and have her either accept this proposal, or reject it, then accept it later. Ugh!