Days of Our Lives - Fri., July 31, 2015


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Western Wisconsin
At the Kmansion, Justin and Kate are working. Narita tested through the roof, people love the name. Kate jokes they should give Will a cut, gives Justin credit for hiring Paul. He suggests cocktails, they talk about the CW lawsuit, which is done, Justin knows a guy in Brussels. They joke about Kate being dangerous, she's about to go, but he wants to talk about Clyde. Kate goes on the defence, thinks Vic is behind this, this is from me, Justin says. Clyde smells like trouble. Trouble doesn't scare her, he's no different than any of the men she's been with, wants to know if Vic really put him up to this. Vic doesn't give a damn about you, I do, Justin says. She's been good at MadWorld, her being there keeps Lucas off balance, and you're a friend to me, Justin explains. Be careful. Kate says she will, leaves.

In the park, Hope and Aiden are enjoying the night sky. He never thought he'd find this kind of happiness again. She feels the same, never thought she'd find this again. They cutely joke, look at the stars (he's using an app), more jokes. They play some music and dance, talk about doing this again. Aiden's dropping hints about long-term plans through these scenes. They keep dancing without music. Later, in the square, they joke about Aiden walking her to her car. He leaves. She flashes back to the Rafe/Aiden scene she overheard.

At Will & Sonny's, replay of Chad pleading to Abigail that what they have is better than what she has with Ben. Meanwhile, Ben arrives, is about to knock but his phone rings. Inside, Chad and Abby are kissing, Abby hears the ring, looks outside. Nobody's there. A few feet away, Ben answers his phone. Clyde needs to see him right away. Back at the front door, Abby knows she heard something, Chad writes it off. Abby says she was about to make a big mistake. Chad thinks differently, they both felt something. Abby denies, Chad calls her a liar. She can't deal, flashes back to talking to Will about the paternity test. She wants to go. He declares his love, wants to know if she feels it, too. This is the wrong time for this, Abby protests, Chad worries he's too late. They've not lived together long, Chad thinks that Abby moved in with Ben because of what he said, she hollers for him to stop. Chad wants her to know that he didn't use her, he wanted to be with her because he loves her. She needs time. He tells her he's here, she leaves.

At Edge of the Square, replay of the scowling men tossing slurs. Outside, John and Marlena arrive for a night out together, run into Will and Derrick outside. They exchange hellos. Will and Derrick go inside as the scowlers are mocking Sonny (who told them to walk away), call Sonny Paul's girlfriend. Will angrily says, "That's my husband." Insults are hurled, Paul tries to get an apology. Basically, a fight breaks out, Derrick gets punched, Paul punches the puncher, and it's a brawl. Rafe and John break it up, John flashes his badge, the guy keeps hurling insults as Paul admits he punched him. The guy learns that John is Paul's dad, more insults, Rafe tosses him out. (No mention of Derrick getting punched.) [Sorry folks, I'm only watching this once.] John wants details, Sonny said it's nothing they haven't heard before. Paul tells "dad" not to worry, it's over. Derrick laments that they came after Paul for being famous, Will is surprised this has never happened to him before, goes to get ice for Derrick's eye. Paul needs a minute. Marlena offers to talk to him.

Later, Rafe tells the Will, Derrick, & Sonny that those two goons have been trying to pick up girls all week in here, no luck, Derrick jokes about this. Rafe says the next round's on Victor, but they pass. Derrick says he shouldn't have said anything, Sonny says the guys were looking for trouble the second they saw Paul.

Rafe and John toast, John deals with ignorant criminals all day long, shouldn't be surprised people are stupid. Rafe jokes that stupid doesn't always dress up nice, LOL, it's different on the job. John admits it's hitting close because it's his son.

Outside, Marlena talks to Paul, who's not fine. He's lived in a bubble, people treated him nicely because he could throw a ball. Marlena asks if he wishes he still were in the bubble, points out he helped a lot of people when he came out. Doesn't want him to forget that. Paul goes in and talks with John for a minute, thanks him for his intercession, then goes to Derrick, advises him on how to take care of the bruise. Derrick doesn't want it to ruin the evening; Will & Sonny have to leave because their babysitter needs to get up early. It was a fun evening, despite the fireworks. Sonny goes to say bye to Rafe, Paul also gets up, Will wishes Derrick luck.

In the bushy clearing, Clyde wants to talk about Abigail, reminds Ben it's his mother's birthday. Ben can't believe he forgot. Clyde gives him a ring, which had belonged to Ben's mother, which Clyde claims he had been saving for Ben's mother's birthday, and she never wore. Wants Ben to put the ring on Abby tonight. Ben's shocked. Clyde lays it on thick about how great Abigail is, don't let her get away, etc. Ben gets a text that Abby's en route to the apartment, scoots.

At EOTS, Marlena is outside on the phone, Clyde walks up, has made an appointment. They enter; John and Rafe at the bar see it, there's a stench about Clyde. They've both talked to Hope about Weston, but she clams up. What do you think, John asks Rafe. Marlena comes up, wants to dance. Rafe thinks back to Hope & Aiden dancing, Rafe gets called back to work by Clyde. Rafe asks if Kate stood Clyde up, or finally kicked him to the curb. Clyde boasts that Kate likes powerful men, that's why she kicked Rafe to the curb. You mean criminals, Rafe interjects, then tells Clyde to enjoy his drink.

In the clearing, Derrick and Paul talk about how responsible Paul's presence was for what happened. Derrick discounts this idea, those guys would have spewed their ignorance even if Paul wasn't there. Paul says, "You set me straight," they laugh, sit down. Derrick asks if this was the first time this happened to Paul. Derrick talks about this happening to him before, at "bars on the South side," how he usually handles it. Paul handles Derrick's bruise, Derrick jumps, says it doesn't really hurt. Takes Paul's hand, and they kiss.

At Will & Sonny's, Will arrives, Chad was about to leave (a bit teary). Will wanted to make sure Abby & Chad had time, so Sonny's picking up Arianna. Chad owes Will, Abby heard him out, knows Chad loves her. He'll respect her decision, but Chad felt the connection was still there. Will warns him to be careful, Chad is sure they were meant for each other. Abby knows it, even if she denies it tomorrow, Chad says. He's convinced they'll be together, despite Will's cautions.

At Ben & Abby's, Ben is looking at the ring when Abby arrives. He pockets it, she says she can see it. He won't hide anything, we made a promise to be honest, shows the ring. Abby is shocked, did he buy that? Ben says it was for his mother, who died before she could be given the ring. Clyde gave it to him, in case he wanted to give it to her. Abby thinks it's nice Ben has something to remember his mother. Ben declares his love, thinks about her all the time, would like her to wear the ring, marry him. After the break, he jokes it was a lousy proposal, she disagrees. He doesn't want to get married tomorrow, will do things right, big family wedding, everything perfect. He starts to kiss her as she holds back. He just wants her to think about it. Later, Will calls her, tells her that Chad's cautiously ecstatic, thinking they're on the same page. Abby cries, this is a mess. Will tells her things will be clearer tomorrow, after the paternity test. Abby wonders why she does this to herself.

Marlena & John are dancing, she can feel him thinking, John worries about why "the kid" has to deal with this. He's no kid, Marlena points out. John should have been there when he was a kid, maybe.... Marlena questions this, John backs up, knows Paul's not gay by choice, but thinks he could have helped him be OK with who he was (as a kid).

Derrick pulls back, knows Paul just wants to be friends. Paul tells him to stop talking, more kissing. Sonny (carrying Arianna) sees this.

Hope calls Rafe, Rafe can't tell him what Aiden said, can't talk about what Tim said right now (since Clyde is sitting at the bar). Rafe has to visit Gabi tomorrow, they'll talk soon, he promises, looking forlorn. In the park (where she called Rafe from), Hope looks worried for a second, then picks up a flyer for the Bicentennial.
A big huge
to Jason D. for volunteering, on his own, to do most of the month of July for me, which helped me out so much. Wasn't asked, and I cannot begin to say how much I appreciate it. A busy time for me.

So, while I do thank anyone who fills in for me, truly I do, this was out of the ordinary, so, Jason.
& just in case .

Am so glad both John & Rafe were there to throw those ignorant bullies out on their ear. Too bad those jerks did not get a black eye as well. The scenes were handled well, I thought.
Chad was just terrific again today, and so was Abby (the actors, I mean).
Want to bet ol Clyde never bought that ring for Ben's mama, but just got it the other day. Too bad Ben is so easy to manipulate, and fell for Clyde's babble about Abby being the perfect one. It definitely IS a bit soon to be proposing, Ben knows it.
I really am glad Sonny was not injured in the fight, as some speculated.

Boo, hiss on Justin being able to squash the law suit from Countess Wilhelmina so fast and easily. Double boo,hiss on Kate & Justin getting to be so friendly! (sorry, just do not trust her). Hated when he praised her for being able to outsmart her son.
@JS.......Paul called him dad several times during the show, so not a mistake. John doesn't hesitate to refer to Paul as "Son", so, guess since Paul never had anyone to call dad, it fits.
Better than Daniel calling Maggie "mom", in MY opinion.
Chad and Abby are breaking my heart.:cry: Wonderful performances yet again! Hope and Aiden, watching these scenes is so bittersweet. Ben and his old man can leave. I am sure the whole story he told Ben is a fabricated lie.:sick: As to the Justin and Kate scenes, I liked them even though it was surely for plot point purposes only. Marlena and John actually together?! My eyes must be seeing things.:sarcasm::love:Sonny's green eyed monster is coming out lol. Rafe's lines to Clyde were :love:
@JS.......Paul called him dad several times during the show, so not a mistake. John doesn't hesitate to refer to Paul as "Son", so, guess since Paul never had anyone to call dad, it fits.
Better than Daniel calling Maggie "mom", in MY opinion.

I agree completely. Especially the part about Daniel and Maggie. But I do wish there was a "moment" between John and Paul when Paul called him dad. I would have liked that. Just as I like the character of Paul, and his interactions with both John and Marlena. Paul seems to be an all around good guy (despite his affair with Will, which was not his fault, since he thought Will was single, or his declaring his feelings for Sonny, which, to me, is the proof that he's decent since he backed off). Anyway, I'm getting off topic. Let's say I'm glad the vets are on more.

I like the bullying scenes. Handed well indeed. And I kind of like Derrick now. He's growing on me. Now, Sonny... What's going on ? Wow ! Make up your mind, dude ! Another Abigail, I guess (see below).

Ben, Clyde : Both creepy. Ben is an idiot, easily manipulated indeed, with a volatile temper and I'm pretty sure soon we'll see it in his interactions with Abigail. Heck, it's already started with the app on her phone. Clyde is just plain evil and I don't enjoy him anymore.

Rafe : I love him ! And, again, I may be the only one, but while I like Hope and Aiden, I could also see a pairing between Rafe and Hope. They're friends, "partners", why not more ? Let's see what happens. And if it gives Rafe something to do, other than tending the bar, why not ?

Chad : Wonderful ! :clap: Both the character and the actor. Abigail : actor, yes, character, not so much. Still too fickle (her and Sonny should compare notes). I can see her going further with Ben (because we all know Ben's going to be declared the father), despite her feelings for Chad. Again, like mother, like daughter : remember Emilio, anyone ? When Jennifer accepted to marry the guy simply because her and Jack could not be at the time, because Jack pushed her away ? :rolleyes: I mean, God forbid a woman should choose to be on her own, right ? Why not be with someone she doesn't love ? No biggy. :beat:

Oh, and don't get me started on Kate and Justin. NO, just NO ! :sick:
My take on the bullying previews was that something disastrous was going to happen which lead me to believe one of them was going to be fatal. I speculate that the bullying isn't over and Paul and Derick are going to be attacked while in the park. Anyone else with me on that?
A few topical comments: 1) Beware of creeps bearing gifts: Did the ring that Clyde gave stalker Ben really belong to Mother Weston or did he just buy it at a pawn shop? (Ciara would know.); 2) Lucky losers: the homophobes who were in the Club brawl were lucky that pistol-packing, trigger-happy Hope had gone to admire the stars with Aiden. If she'd been there, they might have shared the fate of the Smith Island convict and the killer of Mayor Marino; 3) Stay out of the woods: Salemites spend way too much time in the woods. If Sonny had stayed home, he'd never have come upon Paul and Derrick kissing; and 4) Waste not want not: When Kate was with Justin, was she really going to walk away from an unfinished martini? She better be careful. It's the martinis and her blue chunk, which provide her with her potent scheming powers. Without them, she might sink to the level of Eve and Bluebird.
Well at least Ben THINKS it's his mothers ring... because there's nothing more romantic than proposing with a ring daddy bought from the jeweler at the Square because you couldn't afford your own. I don't believe for a second it's actually his mothers but he believes it so I'm going to give him a pass.
How in hades did Ben make it to the park bench by the time Abby opened the front door. Do Will and Sonny live in the middle of the park :rotfl:

Someone should warn Justin, drinking with Kate is the quickest way to end up in bed with her.

John just ain't here for anyone insulting his son. I love his protectiveness of Paul and his feelings of having missed out on so much. "Dad" did come out of nowhere, but I liked it a lot.

Sonny's face when the idiots were insulting them looked as if he'd endured insults like that before. It was so sad. Freddie Smith's facial expressions just stab me in the heart.

I wouldn't be surprised in the least if that ring of Clyde's has a listening device in it. And I agree, he ran out and bought that thing right after he finished threatening Martin. Ben is dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, DUMB! He believed the sappy story coming from the man who made his childhood so miserable that he and his sister were forced to go on the run.
Today wreaked of rewrites and inserted scenes. I'm wondering if Lucas and Adrienne scenes were cut. I hope so.

Is every episode until November 9 going to end the same way? This was a Friday for crying out loud.

I think the stuff with John/Marlena, Rafe, Hope/Aiden was all either tweaked or rewritten. I'm not interested in seeing Rafe in a dead end romance. Hope is happy with Aiden right now and if Bo were ever to come back, he would likely be in her orbit too.

No interest in Justin and Kate bonding. I would rather see him with Eve but I'm equally happy to have her and her sister on backburner. Maybe they can try him out with Jen for a while. I'd rather see that over Kate.

Lots of romance today. Definitely not a Tomlin/Whitesell show.

I was caught off guard by Paul calling John "dad" as well. But I think that is normal on soaps. Look how fast Daniel and Melanie and even Chelsea integrated into their birth families. Changing last names, identifying with new parents, etc. I'm not saying I agree just that this isn't really any different in soap land. I wasn't around for the Melissa adoption but I imagine it was a similar situation as well.
Forgot to mention, the expression on John's face when that dirt bag asked what he did to turn Paul was classic. The way he lifted his arms and closed his eyes, I swear it looked like he was doing all he could to keep himself from hitting the rat turd. That was a show of self-restraint lol.
It seems like Ben has totally forgotten why he and Jordan were on the run for all those years. It would be one thing if Ben was actually struggling with how far to let "You Know Who" back into his life. That he was torn between wanting a father and knowing he can't be trusted. We got some of that in the very beginning but it was quickly dropped for some reason and now Ben practically lets his demonic daddy do his thinking for him. All that does is make Ben look stupid and very hard to root for. And I'm saying this as someone who actually likes Ben. Such a shame. :cry:

I have to wonder does anybody own a car in Salem or is everything within walking distance so they just don't need one? What were the chances of Sonny just happening to walk across Paul and Derek on a park bench apparently deciding to move past just "being friends?" Who else was floored by that unforeseen development? :eek:

In fairness I did actually like this episode but when I see contrivance like that I just have to call it out. That's just the way I roll.

I thought Abigail asked a very good question about why she does those things to herself. If I didn't know any better I would say it was like she was living in a soap opera. But that's just crazy talk.
Couple observations: First, Ben is dumb as a rock.

And why would Sonny be walking through the park? With little Ari? In the dark? It's not like he's unaware that bad things happen there. Contrivance indeed. And an idiotic one at that.

Someone should warn Justin, drinking with Kate is the quickest way to end up in bed with her.
Oh, you betcha, Cryin'! :wine:
How in hades did Ben make it to the park bench by the time Abby opened the front door. Do Will and Sonny live in the middle of the park :rotfl:...

They might, if we look at how quickly Will got there on Wednesday.

Sonny, Sonny,'re just like every other Salemite now (i.e., poorly drawn and personality fluid to fit a dumb story). Go away, take Will with you. I don't care where.

Speaking of the dunderheaded Kiriakis...this park is like, 5 feet from where you were stabbed. How bout you walk through it with your daughter?

Meanwhile DA PLOT dictated the babysitter had to work in the morning. Why did they not know this in advance? Their evening amounted to maybe 2 drinks, no meal, no movie? OY VEY

I know I've been rough on Paul but he's grown on me, now that he's stopped pining for Sonny. I liked his scenes with John, and later Marlena, and of course Derrick. :love:

I think they handled the goons scenes pretty well, I was afraid there'd be a stabbing or something, but no.

All I can say is...let's hope the new writers don't change character motivations on a dime to suit their stories, but instead write stories that fit and advance characters. has truly been my pleasure to write the summaries every day, though I suspect my husband would have preferred I used the time elsewhere in the house, LOL. And lucky me, we got to see the start of BETTER DAYS under my run. :)