Days of Our Lives - Fri. July 9, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Friday, July 9, 2010
Episode #11,371 Taped 5/4 Director –Herb Stein

Confrontation day all over Salem. Daniel is carrying a large box as he enters the K mansion, greeted by Victor. He talks of when his parents died, and then he lost Rebecca, and after a few false starts, is starting a new, happy & fulfilling life. Victor wonders if he is thinking of giving Chloe some family jewelry, thinks that would be a mistake, makes a crack or two about Chloe. Daniel takes his box, and leaves, telling Victor to just be happy for him.
Melanie & Philip are in the hospital, having a day off, but she wanted to pick something up. She goes off, Philip checks his phone, wondering why Chloe has not replied. Stephanie comes up, Phil drops the phone, clearly nervous, Stephanie starts her butt in routine, something is up, he is hiding something, yada, yada. Melanie returns, asks what is up, nothing replies Stephanie who takes off.
Chloe is alone as she gets a call from Carly, who is on the same “tell him” merry go round. Chloe is begging Carly to keep her mouth shut, to stop torturing her, etc. etc. Carly wants to finish this conversation in person, Chloe tells her to come over. Kate walks up as Carly is hanging up, having heard enough to know that something is going on with Chloe. She begins harping on how Chloe treated 2 of her sons already, Daniel is next, snidely warning Carly to not trust Chloe, or help her in any way. Having planted her seeds of doubt, Kate takes off.

Nathan is talking to Caroline about some forms she has to fill out, as Maggie walks in, overhearing remarks about up to date vaccinations, etc. Seems Caroline is volunteering at the hospital, indicating to Maggie that someone has to take up the slack for her. She mentions coordinating the Outreach program with other hospitals…Nathan leaves, Maggie wants to know what is bugging Caroline about her. Well, seems Caroline is furious that Maggie has not taken her advice, is seeing Victor. Maggie denies this, Caroline talks of the quiet booth Victor has reserved there, Maggie explains about the scholarship programs being set up in Mickey’s name, and reminds Caroline that Victor just married Vivian. Caroline retorts that everyone knows she roped him into that, he did not want to, lol, as these two go at it. Maggie still can’t understand why Caroline is angry with her, and behind her, Victor says…it isn’t you, it’s me. And now Victor enters the fray. Maggie gets indignant and leaves, Victor is telling Caroline to stay out of his business, she accuses him of threatening her, he denies this, they go back and forth a bit, with him firmly telling her to butt out of his life, as he walks out.

Nicole stands in the middle of the woods, contemplating all she overheard at the DiMera mansion yesterday. She doesn’t know why she did not see it before. And he is eveil, pure evil. She calls EJ, reading him a riot act over what a scumbag he is, he hangs up on her, she calls back, telling him she wants to see him in person. She is going on and on over what he has done, but never saying it, he tells her to come to the mansion. Nope, wants a public place, no goons, no one to overhear. LOL, as he suggests the pier in 10 minutes.

Nathan & Stephanie sit in beach chairs, with their glasses of alcoholic beverages, kissing a bit as we hear Melanie giggle, and along comes Philip & Melanie, not too pleased at seeing them. Melanie suggests going further down closer to the lake, Philip says no, they will do something else, and they leave. Stephanie mentions to Nathan having seen Philip earlier, is glad they left, just claims Philip is arrogant as ever.

Daniel returns home with the box, telling Chloe how Victor had been storing his parents belongings on the Kmansion grounds, and he could never bring himself to go through them, but did today, and …..opens the box, revealing a beautiful christening gown, everyone in his family always christened in it, would like their child to be, too. Chloe is touched, happy, hugs, kisses, exchanges of I love you. He has to get back to the hospital, opens the door and there is Carly. He whispers to her thank you for doing this, leaves. Chloe asks about the whisper, Carly says he thinks she is there to mend fences with Chloe. Now they get into it again, keep your mouth shut, but Carly brings up the fact she realized that it was Vivian who set up Chloe’s suspicions. Chloe agrees, saying it was all her fault, Carly reminds her she made bad choices, too. She spots the christening gown, asks what that is, Chloe explains, Carly decides she just wants Daniel to be happy, she cares about him a lot. A relieved Chloe is happy Carly is not going to tell, is going to let them have and raise their child without saying anything. Carly drops the bombshell…yes, as soon as the results of the paternity test are known. She insists Chloe have one.

Melanie & Philip have gone home, talk of going to the gym and then lunch, or maybe skipping the gym, then deciding the gym is a good idea, won’t feel guilty about the big lunch. Melanie goes to get something in another room, Philip thinks he left his card in her gym bag, calls to her, then grabs the bag, opens it, and right on top is the “I’m the Big Sister” pink t-shirt (Melanie had showed it to Daniel). She returns, he asks what that is, she starts saying he was not supposed to know….but then tells him that her father is going to be a daddy again, she is going to be the big sister, as her dad and Chloe are expecting a baby. The look on Philip’s face – Priceless!

Daniel runs into Kate at the hospital, she had her checkup, is still in remission. Doesn’t take Kate long to bring up Chloe who made her two sons lives miserable. Daniel reminds her she is the one who put Chloe into a coma and got away with it, marrying the nasty Stefano, who covered it all up for her. Kate did not mean to upset Daniel, figures Chloe has to be doing something right now if Vivian is after her. When Daniel asks how she knows that, Kate does her Cheshire cat smile….Carly told me.

EJ has arrived at the pier, as has Nicole. And this is some confrontation, tho is true soap opera fashion, it is all talk, no specifics. Nicole rakes EJ over the coals but good, talking of how he pretended to have something on her connecting her to Arianna’s troubles, but had nothing. EJ denies this, they both dance around the truth. She talks of not sleeping all night, wondering what to do with the bomb she has, knowing that using a bomb against the DiMeras is extremely dangerous. She calls him evil, despicable, and a parade of nasty adjectives, constantly referring to what he did. EJ is getting angry, one point starting to either poke or grab her, but she slaps his hand away. EJ is filled with bravado, not worried at all, until she finally tells him that she had to do what she had to do. Visited the DiMera mansion last night. She is smiling as she tells him of hearing him and his father talking….of Sami, Arianna, even of Sydney. EJ’s face has been changing as she goes on, and now hers does too, as she gets up close, has her hand on the side of his face, gives it a pat as she says.... you paid Anna to kidnap Sydney.

For once I am routing for Nicole. EJ time for you to go down
The best part of Days is trying to predict what color Philip's face will turn on any given day. The man is so good at looking like he wants to puke, die, sink into a hole, burst into flames etc...sometimes all at once. I can only imagine his face when he finds out about the pregnancy. Kudos to Jay Johnson.

Thanks for the write up.
Not to worried as Nicole always goes too far. wonder what Stefano will do to her when he finds out she has this info and broke into the mansion. Brady should be finding out pretty soon what she has done too. I know EJ will be revealed to be the kidnapper at least to Sami but a Dimera will never pay for their crimes so he will get off legally. Nicole on the other hand appears to be losing her grip on reality and could easily be confined to a mental ward..just saying. Thank god the pace is beginning to be picked up . Love to watch how EJ will now have to regroup and try to turn the tables on nicole..this is how I enjoy EJ and Nicole ..both scheming to bring the other down. Ofcourse I love EJ and know he will never be the loser long term so its all good for me.
I'm no fan of Nicole's by any means and I do think she shoudl still pay for kidnapping a baby, but at this point I'll pull for whoever is going to bring this whole babynapping storyline to an end and quickly! Can't wait to see EJ's face once the realization hits!! :)

all I gotta say is Chloe better go out of state for a paternity test. Salem Hospital is not known for accuracy or tamper resistant on those things!
The look on Philip’s face – Priceless!

LOL! Can't wait. This repetitive, monotonous storyline definitely needed some new stakes.

I don't see Nicole as losing her grip on reality at all. To the contrary, she appears perfectly sane--she is taking steps to protect herself from anyone finding out her secrets and crimes, just like EJ has done. Well, EJ of course had daddy take care of Anna but he approves of it. If she's going to a mental ward for committing crimes and covering them up then EJ should be going right along with her, because they're doing exactly the same things.

Thanks for the writeup, Barb! Lately I've actually been motivated to watch and not just rely on your summaries. :)
I think I like the Victor Caroline interatction. I am a die hard fan of these two & I still want them together. It would be nice to see a triangle for the vets rather than the young crowd. I have always loved Victor & Caroline together!!

Yikes...Nicole just made EJ soil his shorts!!

Can't wait to se Philip squirm a little too!!
I have to strongly disagree here. I do not think Nicole is ready for the Mental Hospital. She has the goods on Ej and she was in shock over what he did. I'm glad she's gonna nail him. She needs to go right to Rafe with this and get some protection.
Thank you, Barb. Sounds like another good show.

I am so sick of the "you tell, or I will" stuff spewing from Carly. This woman needs to be gone. If not, they need to write different dialogue or put a muzzle on her.


Oh Caroline, looks like your eyes are turning green, green, green. That's fine, but don't take it out on Maggie.
It almost seems like we're getting a Caroline/Victor/Maggie triangle . . . or maybe a Caroline/Victor/Maggie/Vivian story? Never in a million years did I ever dream we'd be seeing these characters interacting in this way. I'm loving it!

I'm still bothered that Kate tried to kill Chloe, and now she has conversations with people who know she did it. And they don't even blink an eye. I wish Kate had said at some point that she never intended to actually kill Chloe, just hurt her, but that's not the way it played out.

And as for that paternity test . . . I'm a little worried that Stephanie may get her hands on those results before anyone else does.
Thanks for the write up. I will get to see this one and really looking forward to it. Can't wait to see EJ's face when Nicole tells him that she knows.
I've been dying to use this emoticon:
I think that :EJ: will be "leaving the building" - Nicole's got the goods this time! Go Nicole!

...on another topic:
:idea:I think DOOL happened upon a "winning" quad with Viv/Vic/Caroline/Maggie...I hope it continues and develops into a better quad than we've had in a long, long time.
Really this is Salem.... do Paternity tests really mean anything? Results seem to change with the writing staff... and just how does Chloe go about getting one without Daniel knowing... or is Paternity testing a routine pre-natal test in Salem??
thanks for the great write up. I cannot wait to see the show.
Pleeeeease. Big deal Nicole has something. Nothing will be done about it. Elvis is not going anywhere. Days would be a bore without him.
Really this is Salem.... do Paternity tests really mean anything? Results seem to change with the writing staff... and just how does Chloe go about getting one without Daniel knowing... or is Paternity testing a routine pre-natal test in Salem??

Paternity and DNA results aren't worth the paper they're written on in Salem.

I'm trying to think back; who was the first to purposely switch paternity results on Days? Sami?
Paternity and DNA results aren't worth the paper they're written on in Salem.

I'm trying to think back; who was the first to purposely switch paternity results on Days? Sami?

Probably was Sami when she switched the results to 'prove' that Belle was Roman and Marlena's daughter as opposed to John and Marlena's daughter.

I can' remember anyone doing it before that.
When Kimberly was pregnant with Andrew, Shane's ex-wife, Emma, switched the paternity test results so Kim would think Victor, not Shane, was her son's father. That's the first time I remember a paternity-switching story.
When Kimberly was pregnant with Andrew, Shane's ex-wife, Emma, switched the paternity test results so Kim would think Victor, not Shane, was her son's father. That's the first time I remember a paternity-switching story.

That's right! I forgot all about Emma. I do remember Kimberly (and everyone else) "knowing" Victor was Andrew's father, due to the switched results, and then finding out later that he was actually Shane's son.