Days of Our Lives - Fri., June 12, 2020


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, June 12, 2020

Long replay of Eric, Nicole, Allie at the end of yesterday's show. Lucas is pounding on the door, Allie wants Eric to ignore, they will go away, no they won't. He opens the door, Lucas rushes in, seeing Allie, starts the 3rd degree on her. She only says she had to get away from Mom, just couldn't stay anymore, you know how she is. She asks how he found her, he tells of tracing the items & places on that credit card, Kate says sorry, Allie, was forced to tell. So they all go round and round with this, til finally Allie tells her dad she is pregnant, Lucas about has a stroke, Kate reminds him he is the pot calling the kettle black. He wants to know who the guy who did this is, she is mum. Eric tells him to calm down, he yells he is calm, (LOL) Eric takes him aside, telling him to listen to his daughter, that he reacted the same way Lucas is, did not work. Lucas agrees, gets much calmer but then, Allie says she doesn't know if she will even have this baby. He asks how far along, she avoids replying, saying she is on the edge for an abortion, but there are other options. Lucas realizes she is talking of giving the baby up, she has not made up her mind, Kate tells Lucas to give Allie some time, he should leave now. Lucas will, but is returning tomorrow. Allie pleads not to tell mom, but after he is gone, she figures he will do so anyway.

Sarah is with her mother, having tea, going over events, yapping about Xander, Maggie sort of defending him, but mildly. Sarah just complains, then tells Maggie about going for the abortion, Xander plotting with Kristen to take the fetus to where Kristen had her doctor and he would implant it in her. Maggie is appalled, they talk about baby switching, and then how much Xander loves Sarah, how both Victor & Xander were trying to protect their women. Maggie brings up Brady, warning Sarah tis a big mistake to either have an affair or pretend to have one, as Brady is out for revenge, when hurt, goes to a dark place, others get hurt. He should be attending meetings, talk to a sponsor, not to Sarah.

Ciara has confronted Brady about throwing away her plans/suggestions folder. She is on to Brady, questions why he wanted back in the company after both Granpa & Xander did him dirt. Brady invents excuses, Ciara discards them, thinks he really wants to ruin the company, reminding him Titan employs thousands of people world wide, who would all lose their jobs and paychecks if he proceeds. They eventually come to an understanding, she won't mention this to Grampa, he has to review and really look at her suggestions. She hands him a copy she happens to have with her.

Xander finds Jack at the Pub, wants to talk, needs help getting Sarah back, she won't even talk to him. They do have a nice conversation. Jack says he is not Dear Abby, but this huge ad Xander wants to put in the paper saying I'm Sorry, is not the way to go. Xander asks about jewelry, nope. Xander came because they are friends. Jack says one guy with key to locked door, with the other inside, locked not friends. Xander wonders how Jack got his family to forgive him. Jack reminds him that tho Xander saved him from the burning warehouse, he sold him to Eve, who lied to him about his past, reciting some things. And when Jack's memory did return, he got rid of Eve, then did all he could to try and show his family his sorrow & regret for what he did and said under Eve's control. He tells Xander to think about what Sarah really needs. Xander thanks him, will think this all over, saying we got to do this more often. Jack did save me from that burning warehouse, yes, we should do this more often!

Shawn has brought Claire to John & Marlena's, John is absolutely ecstatic, hugs, suitcases in her own room, Marlena getting it ready, talk of Uno games, tho John wonders if she now is too old for that, he has to teach her pinochle. Shawn leaves to go see his mom, tell her about Claire. Marlena comes out, asking where Claire got the Save the Date card. Did they send it to her. Nope, her parents gave it to her, had told her of the wedding. She figures if Ben makes Ciara happy, that is all that matters, she wants her to be happy. They all get into a game of Uno, Claire wins, John is laughing, Claire wants to go lay down for a bit is tired. She goes. Marlena talks with Kate on phone, learns Allie is in town, at Eric's. Shawn returns, Mom is glad Claire is back, he learns Claire went to take a nap, will go check on her.

Ciara on phone with Ben, yapping about something, knocking at her door. She hangs up, opens the door. Hello, Ciara! It's Claire!
Long replay of Eric, Nicole, Allie at the end of yesterday's show.
What in the world is with these super long replays of the previous day's scenes? Geez.

Allie looks ready to pop and she's still only far enough along to get an abortion (even if she's "on the edge")? Wonder if she's pregnant with twins? She can give one to Will and Sonny, and the other one to Rafe. Heck, maybe she can have triplets and give the third one to Sarah. :rolleyes:

I had to laugh when they were looking for Allie and Marlena/John ruled out Kate, then Will and Sonny, saying the only other option would be Uncle Eric.

Yeah, sure, because she doesn't have any other family in Salem. For Pete's sake, she's half Horton and half Brady. Not like she has Grandpa Roman, Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Jack, Cousin Hope, Cousin Julie, Aunt Kayla, Cousin Ciara, Cousin Sarah, "Aunt" Maggie. She was also a step Hernandez, so there's Rafe, too.
Allie looks about 7 mos. pregnant. So, this means she was in London for those months, and could not hide out there from mom, but had to run back to Salem?? She was talking abortion, but that cannot be done after 3 months. This show gets so confusing, for sure. Maybe she just meant she had considered it......but decided against it, and now is thinking about relinquishing her rights???

I really did like the Jack/Xander conversation...well done. I meant to check who did the dialogue script today, but forgot. Loved Lucas.......gosh I hope this is a longgggg visit.
Late-term abortion is legal up to about 24 weeks in many states.
Allie looks ready to pop and she's still only far enough along to get an abortion (even if she's "on the edge")? Wonder if she's pregnant with twins? She can give one to Will and Sonny, and the other one to Rafe. Heck, maybe she can have triplets and give the third one to Sarah. :rolleyes:
This is a great idea. Imagine Xander approaching Lucas and saying, "Mate, you've got to convince your daughter to give Sarah triplet number three. It would be my best chance to win her back."

Here are a few comments about other characters.

Eric. So he's afraid of Sami. The fact that a man who is not afraid to confront the glowering Xander fears Sami says a lot about the screecher's ability to intimidate.

John: It's good of him to take in the former firebug, Claire, but to be on the safe side, he ought to make sure that the townhouse's smoke detectors are in working condition.

Lucas: He ought to tell his daughter to forget any ideas she might have about hiding her baby's existence from Sami. Any woman who was on the wrong end of the infamous Sydnapping and hid from EJ the fact that he was Sydney's father is too experienced in baby chicanery to be taken in by any story Allie might tell.

Ciara: She's way too smart for the kind of clueless dolt who fell for the likes of Kristen. Brady better drop his plans to ruin Titan immediately. Even worse than Ciara telling Victor about his plot would be if she told those 1000s of angry employees that he wants to take away their jobs. Imagine if there was then a big fuss at corporate headquarters, followed Roman exclaiming to people at the Pub: "What da hell? Titan employees have tarred and feathered Brady and run him out of Salem on a rail."
So, Ciara and Ben are LIVING in the hotel? And, as large as Allie is, she is on the border of being able to get an abortion??? And, she read that, so I am guessing she hasn't even seen a doctor yet.

Was John always that giddy and goofy to see Claire? That was way too much and seemed so out of place of John's behaviors. He was almost skipping! And, what the heck does Sarah hope to accomplish now with that kiss? Is she trying to spite Maggie now, since Maggie recommended that she not see Brady?

(Haven't actually watched the show for a few days but saw it today.)
Always glad for the recaps. I had company. I wanted to see Kate and Lucas' reaction to Allie. Sorry to have missed Jack and Xander. Obviously Claire
is still a fruitcake, and Allie is way past an abortion. We shall see.
Wow Sarah sure likes to sleep around. I hope she really gets Brady in the sack and Kristen catches them. Or at least Xander snaps a pic and sends it to her.

I am going to hate if they brought Claire back just to cause trouble. But since she's lying I'm thinking probably.
Thanks, Poirot.

As soon as Jack asked Xander what would Sarah want, I thought a baby. Then I wondered
where Xander might go to find one. I enjoyed their whole conversation.

Allie looks too big to get an abortion. Since she's a twin, could she have have two babies?

I'm glad Ciara told Brady if he ran Titan into the ground how many employees would
lose their jobs. Did Brady even think about that?

John and Marlena already have a problem with Claire. She lied about where she got
the "Save the Date" card. Then Claire went to see Ciara.

So how did Claire leave the apartment? Does the townhouse have a back door or
a fire escape?
So today, I decided to watch the show. As usual, I FF most of it. But I did stop to see the interaction between Jack and Xander. First of all, because hello! Eye candy! :love: Two terribly handsome men, great actors, great characters, with flaws, but probably two of the few I still root for. Anyway, I loved their interaction, and I do hope they become great friends. Maybe, just maybe, they could be an incentive for me to watch again... sometimes.