Days of Our Lives - Fri. June 18, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Friday, June 18, 2010
Episode #11,358 Taped 4/15 Director – Grant A. Johnson

At the Pub, Stephanie looks around, as her mom, Kayla, comes up behind her, hugs, happy talk, smiles all around. They sit at a table, Kayla starts to say something about wishing her dad & Joey were able to…..but Stephanie interrupts, she knows and understands. They chat a bit, catching up, Stephanie mentioning how she almost screwed things up with Nathan, who she feels is the one for her. She doesn’t say how, just that she was pushing, and changed her mind, and it all worked out. Nathan comes in, introductions, more chatting.

Over at Alice’s house, Maggie answers the door to find Melissa has arrived. More hugs, and lots of tears. Alice took a turn yesterday, really is not doing well. Melissa flashes back to a younger Alice giving a very young Melissa some advice about finding love. Melissa wants to go upstairs to see Alice, Maggie says Hope and Jen are up there now, Melissa doesn’t know what to say, Maggie says sometimes Alice is asleep, but if she wakes up, just hold her hand. She may smile, say a few words.

Daniel has arrived at Maggie’s house, Melanie greets him, he tells her how the wedding is postponed due to some problem with Chloe’s annulment from Lucas. He knows how Melanie misses Maggie, and he volunteers to go over to Alice’s with her, so she can see her. Melanie did not want to run into Nathan there, but Daniel assures her he is over at the Pub, visiting with his mom.
They arrive at Alice’s, Maggie asks Melanie to go finish making the lemonade she had started, Melanie leaves, and Daniel has news for Maggie he wanted to tell her in person. Of course he drags it out a bit, but seems the new meds Maggie is taking have worked, her Mysenthia Gravis is in remission. Maggie is overjoyed, Daniel leaves, Melanie comes in with the tray of lemonade, hears the good news, and is ready to start making calls to spread the good news. Maggie stops her, as this time now is about Alice, her news can wait. But she is just happy she can now stay and take care of Alice full time, just as Alice as always taken care of her. Melanie has a bit of a self pity party, figuring the Horton’s don’t think much of her, Maggie assures her she is worthy, that all the Hortons have had troubles themselves, and she is most welcome. Hugs.
Melissa comes down, Melanie is gone, Melissa in tears, as Alice was awake, asked her about Nathan, told Melissa to go to him, not to waste a single precious minute of time with your loved ones.

Brady is in his hospital bed, on the phone with Arianna, who wants Brady to admit he fell off the wagon. Brady insists he did not, why won’t she believe him. Her time on the phone is up, the guard makes her hang up, returning to her cell. Brady gets dressed, is going to check himself out. Nathan comes in, protests to little avail.
Nicole is reading the riot act to Baker, informing him Brady is an addict. Ooops, Baker did not know that, but hey, it was a case of survival. Brady was too close to learning Baker was the one with the money clip, and if Baker went down, so would Nicole. She threatens Baker about ever hurting Brady again…she will have Baker’s head on a platter, and not to forget, she always gets what she wants. She storms out, goes to the hospital, learns Brady checked himself out. As she is leaving, she hears a nurse on the phone, talking of Chloe Lane’s –rays.

Meanwhile, Father Matt has come to see Chloe, having gotten a voice mail from Daniel. He is not happy Chloe lied to Daniel again about annulment from Lucas problems, blaming Father Matt. He refuses to lie for her. She worries he will tell Daniel about her sleeping with Philip…of course not. Seal of the confessional, Chloe has got to tell him herself, she cannot keep piling lie upon lie. He is going out of town on a retreat for 2 weeks, so she is catching a break. But she had better do it soon. He leaves, Chloe curls up in her bed, and in comes Nicole, who tells her about Brady being in the hospital. Nicole claims someone did this to him as he was investigating the truth about the muggings and trying to prove Arianna not involved. Doesn’t take long for Chloe to tell Nicole of her one night stand, the whys and wherefores, (not the who), and Carly hounding her. Nicole gets the bright idea that chloe has to marry Daniel today, right now, she will take care of Carly…..leaves and returns with the news Carly is in surgery, will be there for hours.

Melissa has come to the Pub, meets up with her son, who surprises her by showing her Kayla is here. The two women hug, and hug some more, Stephanie & Nathan grin from ear to ear, happy their moms are able to catch up. They are all going to dinner, but Nathan forgot something, will be right back.

Brady has gone to the jail to see Arianna, who is still insisting Brady admit he fell off the wagon. He angrily is denying this, trying to get her to believe him, but Arianna keeps talking of him going back to rehab, etc. He knows he had a moment of doubt about Arianna’s innocence, and feels this is payback from Arianna. He still thinks she is innocent, and will try to prove it, still loves her, but with her not believing in him…it is over. He leaves, goes home. He flashes back to both he & Arianna declaring their love for each other. A knock at the door and there is Nicole, come to check on him, and of course she believes him, wondering what exactly happened.

Melanie is about to walk out the door, but when she opens it, there stands Nathan.

Daniel has come into Chloe’s room, finding her with phone in hand, ready to call a JP or chaplain or someone. He asks what brought this about, she rethought everything, he is right, let’s get married right away. Daniel is not buying it, has taken the phone from her, put it back on the side table, and sits down. He wants to know what is going on, she claims it was probably the pain meds, she was not thinking clearly….but Daniel reminds her she has a head injury and has not been given any pain medication….he wants to know what exactly what is going on and this time, he wants the absolute truth.

Great write up Barb! Cant wait to see Melissa!! So wish these characters were staying long term!!
Arianna is being a bit hard on Brady. Wonder if she is only doing this so that Brady will pull away from her??? Hmmmm
Thanks for the write up.

I feel like we are going in circles with all this "I must tell" - "I can't tell" mess. Can't they just spit it out already?

I have never been a fan of the Hortons so...just the idea of Melanie trying to fit in with that lot makes me a bit queasy and bored. Speaking of bored...cue up the Nathan and Melanie snoozefest for tomorrow. Those two are bipolar with all their back and forth interactions. Bipolar, yet dull. Sigh.

I need Philip back on my screen so I can at least drool, since the storylines are not entertaining me.
Please clarify something. Did Kayla and Steve leave Salem? Stephanie greeted her mom as if she'd been gone. Did I miss them leaving?

One day, Kayla was in the hospital recovering from surgery and, the next thing we knew, she was in Africa along with Steve and Joe.
Steve and Kayla's leaving was done as if they were just bit players, not an exSuperCouple, exited off the screen, never to be seen again. Next thing it was mentioned that they all went to Africa. What a let down! At least they were interesting, unlike Stephanie and Nathan.
Answering questions.....Stephanie mentioned that her mom had been discharged, her papa had taken her home to rest.....and as mentioned by others, a few weeks later they were in Africa!

As to the previews, love 'em, cuz there is LUCAS, asking Sami (who is standing and holding Allie) where is it she calls home now. LOLOL

Stefano & Kate sit in front of the TV I guess, probably with the tape in the VCR, cuz Stefano says......Ahhh, let the show begin

I think Chloe is in the 3rd one...but honestly, cannot remember what she says. :wink:
OMG....Chloe can't even lie right....blame it on the "pain meds" and Daniel has to remind her she isn't on!

Thanks for the great write-up Barb.
I'll be riding tomorrow but with this thorough outline I won't feel like I've missed much at all!
Thanks, I didn't see the show where it was mentioned they had left. I thought maybe they were with Don Craig trying to mail that stupid letter.
Thank you so much!!

I cannot wait to see Melissa and Kayla again- I wish these characters were long term, too.

I also cannot wait to see Lucas again!
besides maggie and alice melanie screw the hortons. they will never accept you, their judgemental, and think they can do no wrong. melanie you belong with philip and nathan can go run off into the sunset with stephanie.

thanks for the awesome writeup.
Ya know... not that I approve of her methods/behavior, but I'm starting to think Nicole did Brady a favor by framing Arianna.
I need Philip back on my screen so I can at least drool....

Ditto! It seems like he is on some kind of two days on/three days off schedule. And I didn't see his name in any of the spoilers for next week. :(

I think Chloe is in the 3rd one...but honestly, cannot remember what she says.

Could it be something along the lines of "Daniel can never find out...."? Just guessing.

I'm starting to think Nicole did Brady a favor by framing Arianna.

I think she did all of us a favor. If we are lucky, this will be one of those dropped storylines. Leave Arianna in jail long enough and before long we'll forget she ever existed.

With Maggie in remission, I wonder if that means Philip and Melanie will move out and find their own place.

Sensational summary! Thanks Barb.
On the 18th the interaction between Nicole and Dr. Baker was priceless. She changed from calling him "Dick" to "Baker" while he called her "Nic", both seemingly showing compassion for each others situation. When he was sitting up in the middle of the bed on his knees talking to her I would loved to have seen the Doc place his hands on Nic's shoulders, not in a sensual way, just as showing understand for her concern about Brady which really came through in these few moments.
I'm about halfway through watching Friday's episode and have some comments.

Kayla looks gorgeous. She is gorgeous, but she looks better than she did a year and a half ago.

I really wanted to see Maggie set Melissa straight when Melissa commented that Melanie was trouble.

I hated that Daniel had to add stress to Maggie's life at a time when she is stressed out enough. That dramatic pause before he told her she was in remission was cruel. In fact, he should have just told her on the phone. There was no reason for her to agonize over her own condition just so Daniel could tell her in person.