Days of Our Lives - Fri. Mar. 19, 2010

O.K. you know.....I have seen this episode, which will not be shown in the U.S. til tomorrow..and no where in my summary has there been a word about Rafe influencing children. And let me make it clear, EJ does NOT support Sami's desire to work. Please do not read anything into my summary that is not there.

Actually, it would seem post #20 belongs in another thread/forum.
EJ is trying to control Sami; of course he doesn't want her to work, wants her dependent on him. 1st rule of abuse is to isolate your victim. That's what he kept trying to do by getting her to break up with Rafe...take away Sami's support system. Unable to do that while living in the mansion, he has moved into Sami's apartment so that she and Rafe cannot be alone. It is sick sick sick. He has said he is going to make her fall in love with him and them hurt her. How anyone can actually be rooting for him is beyond me.

I totally agree with you. I have been a fan of EJ and Sami's (separately and together) for a while, but these recent turn of events don't make me root for anything between them at the moment. If they were to be together, the situation would have to be totally different. I don't like these types of lies or manipulation. It seems to me like EJ may have been delayed in his process, but he is going back to his original purpose for when he first came to Salem. He studied Sami's history prior to meeting her just so he could make her fall in love with him, have his child, dump her and destroy her. I thought somewhere along the way that was dropped when he really fell in love with her. Based on EJ's (not James) acting skills being revealed, it honestly makes me reevaluate every little thing in between. This just takes them back to that cold place of 2006/ 2007. It was 2008 that sold me, but if it was all an act...well, I think you get it.
ITA with you, Charlie. James is so good at playing EJ that I love to hate him. Unlike a few others on the show where I just plain old can't stand the character or the actor.

I love you're new meaning for what EJ stands for. :clap:
Cbutton - sometimes we just love the bad boys! LOL

EJ has been annoying lately though. Can we please just move on from the Sydnapping and maybe re-visit the storyline about him being a major drug lord or something?!
That would certainly be a blessing.
Personally, I love watching EJ and I think he's one of the most talented actors on Days right now. Yes, he's the bad guy but someone has to play that role and he's very good at it. I can't even begin to imagine how boring Days would have been all these years without having the bad guys and gals. Yes, it's nice to "love" the Hortons and the Bradys but they don't make a very good storyline without having all of the conflicts they've had over the years.
Thanks for the recap Barb boy that pier is a character all on its own. I really do hope that Vivian doesn't try to hurt Melanie again...and if Carly and Vivian had a deal with regards to Mel's safety shouldn't Carly have told Bo?

So monday do we get to hear EJ rant about how Johnny betrayed him? :)
I guess EJ underestimated Johnny's ability to keep a secret but what do you expect from a four year old.

There are no "cutesy" scenes with Sami & EJ...(and please use their full names, not combos, so everyone will know exactly who is being discussed). In fact, Sami gets ticked when EJ doesn't want her to be looking for a job, tells him to stop trying to give her orders.

Amen to this!!
EJ wants to control and manipulate Sami at every turn-- that is the ONLY way he can get her or hold onto her. He has done this since day one that he waltzed into Salem and hasn't stopped. That's what an abuser does to his victim- torment, isolate, and manipulate them until they have no other life and no one else to turn to but the abuser. EJ is well on his way to doing this to Sami-- again. How anyone could want him in Sami's life is beyond me, but I guess everyone has their own opinion of great chemistry. I will stick to Sami and Rafe for mine!!
Hurray for theo!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hurray for Theo and Johnny!!!!!!!!!! Out of mouths of babes is right! Now all Theo has to do is tell Abe and not Lexi and they've got EJ nailed! I believe Lexie would keep EJ's dirty secret out of family loyalty but we know that Abe wouldn't!!!!!!!!!
There are no "cutesy" scenes with Sami & EJ...(and please use their full names, not combos, so everyone will know exactly who is being discussed). In fact, Sami gets ticked when EJ doesn't want her to be looking for a job, tells him to stop trying to give her orders.

Actually I just saw the canadian show and was delighted with the cutesy scenes between EJ and Sami. I loved the cute bantering about who could better handle Stefano and Sami was actually defending EJ to Brady and reminding him of his crazy defense and loyalty to nicole. Sami seems very comfortable with more sickening groveling to keep a man happy....she is at ease. Loved it. Ejami is coming
Actually I just saw the canadian show and was delighted with the cutesy scenes between EJ and Sami. I loved the cute bantering about who could better handle Stefano and Sami was actually defending EJ to Brady and reminding him of his crazy defense and loyalty to nicole. Sami seems very comfortable with more sickening groveling to keep a man happy....she is at ease. Loved it. Ejami is coming
OK then, can I have Rafe? I hate to see such a gorgeous guy go to waste. I hope he stops being such a goody two shoes and somehow nails EJ to the wall, and Anna too. I know everyone thinks EJ and Sami will start something but I just can't hope that is anything more than a weak moment or two (or more) from Sami. Maybe Nicole will put the moves on Rafe just to upset Sami and POW - we have another catfight! And EJ realizes his efforts are for nothing - ???!?!? I can dream can't I? :(
TPTB need to get EJ out of Sami's condo and start writing lines for EJ and Stephano. Give the Sami/Rafe/EJ thing a rest. I think Sami should insist EJ go live at home, and then the sparks between Stephano and EJ can begin. That would be a good break from the Sydnapping s/l and the Carly/Bo s/l. Let Rafe keep working on finding the kidnappers, just not all the drivel we hear over and over.

The only other reason I can see Sami letting EJ stay at her place, is maybe she's afraid if she kicks EJ out, then the fight for custody of Sydney will begin.
OK then, can I have Rafe? I hate to see such a gorgeous guy go to waste. I hope he stops being such a goody two shoes and somehow nails EJ to the wall, and Anna too. I know everyone thinks EJ and Sami will start something but I just can't hope that is anything more than a weak moment or two (or more) from Sami. Maybe Nicole will put the moves on Rafe just to upset Sami and POW - we have another catfight! And EJ realizes his efforts are for nothing - ???!?!? I can dream can't I? :(

There's been nothing romantic about the current Elvis and Sami relationship IMO. He's been doing a mental rape job on her for months (using the threat of her daughter's life against her) and consistantly lying and manipulating her so that he can insinuate himself into her life in an attempt to ruin her relationship with Rafe. When Elvis told Sami over the phone that Syd was dead she nearly became catatonic. Anything that results from such nefarious efforts is forced IMO and force is not romance, let alone love. I really can't see a real relationship between Elvis and Sami resulting anytime soon from the current storyline.
Actually I just saw the canadian show and was delighted with the cutesy scenes between EJ and Sami. I loved the cute bantering about who could better handle Stefano and Sami was actually defending EJ to Brady and reminding him of his crazy defense and loyalty to nicole. Sami seems very comfortable with more sickening groveling to keep a man happy....she is at ease. Loved it. Ejami is coming

Hmm, interesting. You had not seen it tho, when you wrote what I replied to.....and since you are in Rhode Island, guess you have a way to get the show a day ahead. Good for you.
However, the scenes were not, in my opinion, cutesy at all. However, the majority of those able to see the show, will see it today....and see for themselves, won't they?
Well Poroit, you know some people are into pain...whips chains, strangulation, that sort of thing. Probably think Stefano and Marlena made a great couple too. :D