Days of Our Lives - Fri., Mar. 24, 2017


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, March 24, 2017

Be sure and have tissue handy for Adrienne scenes, what a powerhouse of an actress! Hope & Rafe come into the Pub, spot Deimos at another table. Rafe goes to confront Deimos (too bad he was not able to beat the you know what out of him), but Deimos smoothly denies having anything to do with what happened to Rafe's sister, while Hope stops him from taking Deimos on, and tells Deimos he is not welcome there, to leave.

Back in the station, Rafe says no help from Raines, who wants damning proof that Deimos was responsible, Rafe figures they are going to have to do this themselves, need someone on the inside, he calls Sonny.

Hope calls Deimos, wants to see him, Deimos agrees.

At the hospital, Adrienne is keeping a stiff upper lip, as she talks with Lucas, Justin & Kate. She is fine, all is going to be well, etc. etc. The doctor comes in, reviews what will happen, the mastectomy and reconstruction, but Adrienne understands, has gone over it, thanks her. When the doc leaves, she asks for a moment alone with Kate, the guys leave, close the door, and Adrienne breaks down completely. She is crying and sobbing over losing her breasts, her plastic surgeon talking of skin expanders, bags of liquid. She wants her body whole, what is she going to be, she cries and cries, and a compassionate and understanding Kate listens and holds her as Adrienne sobs.

Outside, Sonny has arrived, Lucas goes for "real" coffee, Sonny fills Justin in on what happened with Chad, Abby & Gabi. It seems Abby has recovered enough to have been released and gone home, but Gabi has not yet regained consciousness. Sonny blames himself for misjudging Deimos. He knew he was going after Chad, thought he could give him enough rope to hang himself, but instead, it led to this. He talks of Arianna being at the house, keeps asking when she can go home, see Mommy.

Kate comes out, thinks Adrienne will want to see Sonny, who goes in. More tissues needed, as Sonny tells his mom how she always worries about him, which drives him crazy. Well, he needs that, needs her, wants her to worry and drive him nuts. She now has her IV in, to knock her out, assures her baby she will always be there to worry about him, will be fine, big hugs, etc.

She is getting drowsy, wants to see Kate again for just a minute. Kate comes in, Adrienne has a message she wants Kate to deliver "just in case". Later, Adrienne is out like a light, Attendants come in to take her to surgery, as they all watch. Justin & Lucas want to know what Adrienne said, Kate is hesitant, but tells them Adrienne said to "tell him I love him" but went unconscious before saying who she meant.

Nicole has just gotten Holly to sleep, when here comes Hillary to the door. She is going to town, does "Bridget need anything. No. Hillary starts with the questions again, asking about Freddie, why he is gone away so much on business. A flustered Nicole makes up some excuses, says he does a lot of consulting. Hillary is assuring her the neighborhood is safe, then pulls a gun from her purse, to show she can protect Nik and her baby if necessary, when Freddie is not around. Nicole wonders if the area is so safe, why does Hillary have a gun in her purse. Hillary replies that she is on a 3 month leave of absence, and is a cop in her other life.

Eric is on phone with a girl, who needs help, talks her into coming to see him, he will help. Jen overhears, comes in, praising Eric, who, of course, feels he does not deserve it. She tells him fine, go wallow in your misery, and leaves as Brady arrives. Eric is glad to see him, wants to talk about Nicole being in trouble, Brady admits to helping Nicole, but not much more.

Later, in the square, Brady runs into Sonny, who mentions something about Brady being in love with Nicole, he denies it. Wishes people would just stop with that. Later, he runs into Jen, who figures everyone in town knows it, except maybe Brady himself. They sit and talk of Eric, she realizes she was too harsh, and goes to apologize to him.

Brady has been playing telephone tag with Nicole, who called him, only to have Hillary knocking on her door again, sorry for pulling that gun out, should not have done so, it is locked away in her house now. wants to know if Nik wants to take Holly for a walk, go for something to eat. Nicole declines, Hillary is gone, Brady is on the phone, she spills about Hillary being a cop, and she is very scared now. Hillary just asks too many questions. Brady tells her to calm down, let him process all this, he will come up with what they should do now.

Rafe & Sonny meet up, they talk of Deimos, of Gabi still not coming out of this, of getting the goods on Deimos. Rafe figures Deimos has people he pays to do stuff, wants the list, and how he pays them, From Titan account or other. Sonny agrees, will do his best.

The dr. comes out, surgery went well, Adrienne is undergoing reconstruction now, no results yet from lab on surgery, will let them know when she has the information.

Hope arrives at Kmansion, wants to know if Deimos is planning retaliation against Rafe for his threat. Deimos sidesteps as usual, she notes he did not say whether he would or not. He again makes nice talk without saying yes or no, gets a phone call, tells her to let herself out, as he goes to his office. She opens a desk drawer.

Later, Deimos is on the phone, telling his flunky to forget Nicole, just follow Brady. And outside, with a gate door behind her, earbud in her ear, Hope smiles, as she listens in.
Hope can't order Deimos to leave the pub since it's a public place. I would think that she would know that.
Except it is the Brady Pub, Hope is a Brady, and who know what Caroline has designated for the running of it while she is away. There is always that "we reserve the right to refuse service"........I see that sign in various restaurants.
There were highs and lows today.

The real highlight was the realistic portrayal of Adrienne's anguish as she faced her mastectomy and breast reconstruction. This was a standout scene. Also positive were the efforts of Sonny and Kate to provide Adrienne with emotional support.

Also of note on the positive side was Deimos actually being thrown out of the Pub (Hope was within her rights to do this, but if had been the Town Square it would have been another matter.) Even Stefano, EJ, and Clyde were inexplicably never deprived of the opportunity to partake of Brady Burgers, clam chowder, and Wanchai Ferry Chinese dinners.

And then of course there were the lows.
  • Sonny barking at Brady about Deimos. His overbearing behavior made it seem as if he'd taken a seminar in how to lose friends and alienate people.
  • Rafe failing dismally in his attempt to intimidate Deimos and moaning that Commissioner Raines actually wants "hard" evidence. How unreasonable of Raines. :sarcasm:
  • Hillary being so pushy and nosy that it was almost as if she'd taken lessons in being an intrusive busybody from Maggie and Jenny.
  • Hope bugging Deimos. She apparently confuses "hard" evidence with that of the illegally obtained, inadmissible variety. The spirit of Bo Brady might be proud, but if Raines finds out about this stunt, Hope could be joining Roman behind the bar at the Pub.
Hillary is definitely OVERLY nosy & pushy. Who the heck asks all those kinds of questions to someone you have known for less than 5 minutes? (O.K. yes, I am guessing they want to "move" this story quickly, but wow!)

Too bad they did not have Nicole asking Hillary the same questions 2 minutes after Hillary started. You married, when did you move here, what does your husband do, how come he is never around...even today, oh, why are you on a 3 month leave? What happened, do you have kids, what did you have for breakfast? LOL.

I don't ask my kids, or best friends the things Hillary was asking a woman who just moved in next door a few minutes ago. Sheesh. Even that "I just baked some banana bread, mind if I wait here while it cools"? Huh? Why not wait for it to cool, and then bring it over. (that was yesterday)

And totally agree about Adrienne, which is what I said first sentence in the summary. Fabulous. I do like that Kate was there, listened and held her. No babbling away. Well done.
Hillary is VERY nosy and pushy. Its ridiculous and what was with whipping out her gun! I had to laugh when Brady finally realized he does love Nicole. Reminded me of Rachel yelling at Phoebe "why didn't you tell me??" (on Friends)

It is funny and so sweet how close Adrienne and Kate are now. Kate hated her with Lucas. It's nice that Kate is supporting her through all this. So did Adrienne actually say tell him that I love him or is Kate making that up to torment the guys? :rotfl:

Rafe is an idiot just attacking Deimos, then being miffed that Raines wants hard evidence. Hey in Salem even with hard evidence people still get off. cough cough Hope cough cough. First off all I couldn't believe Deimos left Det. Brady to find her way out and couldn't she hide that any better! Maybe inside the flower?
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Thanks, Poirot.

I enjoyed all the scenes with Adrienne especially with Kate. I hope they
stay friends.

Glad to see Brady with Tate.

Will Jennifer open the drawer and read the note Eric wrote Nicole?

It's springtime in Salem, Hope and Jennifer wore sleeveless tops :)
Thanks for the write-up. This was actually a pretty good episode, and a nice way to end the week. Rafe and Hillary might be a bit ridiculous, but the overall storylines in this episode are entertaining. Hopefully Deimos' reign of terror soon comes to an end.