Days of Our Lives - Fri., May 11, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, May 11, 2018

In Mexico City, Chloe is asleep on the bed, wakes up, saying Theresa's name. Where is she? There is a food cart, with a meal on it, Chloe wrinkles her nose, goes to the door, hears someone, grabs a butter knife, stands waiting, as Theresa comes in. Chloe relieved it is not Mateo, Theresa sarcastically asking if she intended to butter Mateo to death. LOL. They talk, Theresa is scarfing down some of the food, has warned Chloe that Mateo will kill family members if he doesn't get what he wants. She has a plan, says he writes every transaction down, doesn't trust computers, e-mails, etc. He has office in basement, locked, they need to get the key. Then she can give it to her father, and they will be freed. There IS a door to the outside downstairs, with a broken lock, they could escape, but would have dead family before they could check luggage. One of us has to distract Miguel, while the other gets the key.

Miguel comes in, what is going on, what are you doing here, Theresa. She claims she wanted to see who Mateo is obsessed with now, finds it is her old rival from Salem. Both women begin to insult each other, it gets physical, they are on the bed, Miguel is pulling them apart, telling them they have to stay away from each other. Theresa secretly shows Chloe she has lifted the key. She & Chloe exchange a few more insults, Theresa leaves. Miguel has brought a dress for Chloe to wear tonight for Mateo. Out in the hall, Miguel tells Theresa that now that she is no longer the favorite, better be nice to him, she will need a friend.

Kate comes into the study at DiMansion, sits down, sees big blood spot on carpet, stares, then touches it, pulling her hand back as she realizes it is still wet. She grabs a towel/napkin (??) is wiping her hands, in comes Lucas. (he had been having coffee at Pub, reading Chloe's note again, then comes there). Kate doesn't want to talk about it, says they were arguing, old grievances, blah, blah. And before you know it, she has changed over to dissing Chloe. Lucas only came to see she was alright, and though he loves her, he is not going to stay and listen to this. Kate calls him back, gives him more static, but ends up saying she just wants him to be happy, and if Chloe comes back, since she cheated on him once, and now just took off, she hopes he isn't hurt again.

Brady wakes up to find Theresa at his bedside, holding his hand, telling him she is never ever going to leave him again. Ooops, now he wakes up for real (was dreaming), and it is Eve holding his hand, telling him he said Theresa's name. They have a long conversation about what if Theresa returns, & Brady realizes he wants to be with her. Blah, blah. Brady talks of how he & Theresa connected, helped each other, had Tate, and then she became a party girl again, dumped him, their son, left them. She is out of his life, and his son's, never wants her in it again. Eve talks of how she abandoned Brady herself, he says not the same, more yada, yada on the same subject. And then out comes the engagement ring, he holds it out, Eve is touched. He tries to get out of bed, wants to do the get down on one knee thing, she deserves that. She stops him, no need.

Maggie & Victor have a long “discussion” about Brady, Eve, Theresa. Vic has no use for Eve, Maggie wonders why he keeps defending Theresa. He isn't, but she is Tate's mother, not Eve. He has a long flashback of talking to Theresa about what she was doing, her making him promise not to tell anyone, him telling her he was very proud of her and what she was doing. Maggie goes on, that Eve is so good with Tate, but Vic thinks she is a gold digger, she insists not. When she leaves the room, he ponders.

Theresa has managed to get into the bunker office, is searching drawers, etc. finally finds the locked box. She talks to herself, has what she needs. Now has to look for the key to that.

Lucas is sitting next to a fireplace, is alone, reading Chloe's note again. He crumples it up, puts it on the logs, ignites a lighter, but hesitates. He opens the crumpled letter, rubbing it on his pants leg to smooth it out. Not giving up on you yet, Chloe.

Brady is pressing Eve to give him an answer. Victor walks in, says not yet, not until I have something to tell Brady.

Chloe has unzipped the dress bag, pulling out a gown. An opera dress, I should have figured that. The door opens, a man comes in. Hello, Chloe, I am El Fideo

Theresa is now looking for the key to the lock box. She finds it, opens the box, finds all the papers, records, etc. Yes, I have all I need now to escape. Someone enters, she turns. Buenos Dias, says Xander.
Or did he just step out of the basement's secret shower?
One can only hope! He may be a psycho, but he's sure pretty to look at.

Jeannie T.: She actually thinks that if she gets Mateo's secrets to the ISA it can bring him down. Dream on. Instead of this inept organization "bringing down" Stefano, it was riddled with his spies.

Miguel: He certainly is gullible -- falling for the Jeannie T.-Chloe faux fight. If the Mateo thing doesn't work out, his utter cluelessness would make him a perfect fit for the Salem P.D.

Salem P.D.: People seem to think that its "Crime Scene -- Do Not Enter" tapes actually mean "come on in." This is another sign of the low regard which people have for this inept excuse for a crime-fighting agency.

Mateo: Who cast this guy to play the part of a ruthless drug lord? He looks more like a dancing instructor. They should have cast somebody who looked like El Guapo from the Three Amigos. And what kind of a name is "El Fideo" for a drug lord? In Spanish, this means "the noodle." A name like that must have all the other drug kingpins in Mexico shaking in their boots.:sarcasm: According to an article in the N.Y. Daily News, two real Mexican drug lords are called "El Mata Amigos" (Friend Killer) and Z-40.
What a great episode! The acting was great, mainly especially between Chloe and Theresa. Those scenes really were spot on and quite entertaining to watch, and yes I will admit Miguel is highly gullible dropping his guard. Let's just hope if Shane Donovan comes back to Salem briefly, as he should, we can FINALLY get scenes between Eve and Shane as father and daughter since the early 1990s!

I have to say I was laughing at the fact Victor was relishing and gloating over Vivian's demise. Maggie actually thought it was legitimate good news, that part was funny. Personally, I feel Victor actually was the one who sent Xander to retrieve Theresa from Mexico. Xander was holding onto luggage as if he just arrived in town.
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Thanks, Poirot.

robin, today we see Xander with all his clothes on. It's May sweeps, so there is chance
we'll just see him in a towel.

Hopefully, Xander doesn't work for Mateo.

DrBakerFan, that's so funny the name means "the noodle".

I wish Victor would have told Maggie the truth about Theresa, but he knows as soon
as he does the whole town will know.

I guess we have to wait until next week to know what Victor tells Brady. Will he tell
him the truth about Theresa or something else?
I fast forwarded most of this episode

Good use of a flashback with them showing how Jeannie T left Salem

Jeannie T didn't even touch Miguel when she supposedly lifted the key off him :rolleyes:

Still disappointed that Lucas can't seem to find a clue in Chloe's letter but I'm glad he kept it. Hopefully for a reason.

Why is Xander in Mexico?