Days of Our Lives - Fri. May 14, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Friday, May 14, 2010
Episode #11,335 Taped 3/17 Director – Albert Alarr

Lots of jumping around Salem today, as EJ continues to schmooze Sami, and she repeats his great fathering abilities, claiming her kids adore him.. as Will comes in, clearly not a happy camper. He tells her to let the kids speak for themselves, and what she said is not true. Sami says he is being rude, Will abruptly leaves, going outside, where he runs into a concerned Kate. He gives her back the picture of her & Madeline, asking why she never mentioned knowing the woman. Kate evades, and next, both are at Java, with Will asking again. Kate tap dances around the conversation, claiming they run into each other at charity events, golf tournaments, etc. but really do not know each other.

Back to EJ and Sami, who is apologizing for her son, EJ claiming no need. She once more praises EJ bringing Sydney back to her, and apologizes again for keeping her pregnancy a secret from EJ, wondering how he ever forgave her for that. No need to apologize, sez EJ. Sami even claims it is not so bad living in the mauseleum, there are perks, like a maid, a chef, the heated pool. Stefano comes in, Sami takes off, showing up at Java Café, spotting Kate & Will, turns around to leave, but Kate has seen her, invites her over, then takes her leave.
Will is not too thrilled to be spending time with his mother, Sami claiming it can’t be so bad. But Will metes out the truth, since Sami can’t take a hint. “I hate you, mom”, talking of how he has twice come in to find Sami & EJ about to kiss. He asks if the problem is she cannot go two seconds without having a man. LOL (good going, Will) Sami tells him he may hate her but she will always love him. Will is clearly unhappy, spots Chad, and leaves to join in to work on their Spanish project.

Earlier, in the park, Chad & Madeline were still arguing about him wanting to stay in Salem instead of going to Wake Forest. Madeline reminds him of all the work he did to get accepted there, but he talks of how she went to Salem U herself. She says that was law school, he is on a different path. He gets upset at her insistence, is sadly telling her that with her wanting to send him so far away, it seems as tho she just wants to get rid of him. Chad seems on the verge of tears, Madeline denies this, they are walking now, and his shift at Java is almost upon them, he takes off. Madeline now runs into Kate outside, and they decide to have their conversation somewhere more private……which of course is the park where anyone can hear them. LOLOL
Both women are in a confrontational mood, wanting the other to stay away from them and their families, (I hate these cryptic conversations) each accusing the other, Madeline unhappy about the photograph which should have been destroyed years ago. They go back and forth, with Madeline referring to Kate as a whore, and Kate turning and replying “It takes one to know one”.

Brady & Arianna are in the Pub, both working with their electronic date books, excited because they were able to find a date for their wedding. He asks where she wants to go for the honeymoon….anywhere but that place in the Carribbean. Kiss, kiss. Nicole has arrived, spots them, mutters to herself about Hurricane Nicole arriving, is not happy to see the couple enjoying themselves. She calls Baker, telling him to get going. Pick any rich guy, keep the cash. Baker is not sure how his partner will take this, Nicole doesn’t care. He asks how she is going to frame Arianna….Nicole says leave it to me. Meanwhile, Arianna figures she has to get to work, Brady takes off, Ari joins Nicole, who won’t spill about the long term story she is working on. They have their usual words about Brady, Nicole decides perhaps they should have a drink. Later, Nicole is complaining about the white wine, says red should maybe have been better, mentions Ari hardly drinking…but Arianna notes Nicole has finished off ¾ of the bottle….while Nicole thinks maybe it was 7/8ths. Ari gets a call, it is Baker, talking in a low, quiet voice, asking if this is WXPR, claiming to have a tip. She can’t hardly hear him, goes outside where it is quieter. Nicole jumps up, rummages thru Arianna’s purse, pulls a plastic bag from her own purse, takes something from Ari’s, pops it into the plastic bag, stashes that in her purse, claiming “perfect”, then pours the rest of her wine into the water glass. Arianna returns, asking Nicole what the heck she thinks she is doing.

Brady has come into Java, joining up with Sami, who wipes a few tears away. Brady gives her the good news about his wedding date, she is happy for him. Hugs. No, Sami cannot help, he has everything under control, including the honeymoon plans, & Sami then offers to be in charge of Nicole, making sure she doesn’t wreck the wedding. She asks if Arianna has heard from her brother, Brady can tell Sami is upset about something, she yammers about her life, having really no where to live, wanting to be with her kids, Rafe sending a gift to Johnny, but blowing her off when she tried to call and thank him, moving to DiMansion to be near Will, but he hates her, being with EJ all the time makes her feel vulnerable. Vulnerable, Brady asks…..are you telling me you have feelings for EJ?

Johnny comes running into the room, wearing his FBI jacket, and when Stefano spots it, he has a fit, wants him to take it off, is too warm outside. Johnny claims it is not warm, but Stefano is clearly upset. EJ tells Johnny to go upstairs, get Mary to give him something else to wear, cuz he doesn’t want to get chocolate on it. Johnny leaves, EJ tells his father to NOT tell his son what to do. Stefano doesn’t like the Rafe influence, comments that will soon end. He wants the jacket burned, Johnny wearing it in the house is like wearing a Red Sox cap into the Yankee Stadium. Sami is brought into the conversation, Stefano may not like her, but he will get along, she is Johnny’s mother. Stefano gets a phone call, nearly goes apoplectic, telling the person to keep him informed, then telling EJ that Anna has missed a check-in, she had better be indisposed.

And now, back to South America where Anna has discovered that Calliope was wearing a wire, Rafe loses the connection (Anna has dipped the device into a glass of water) and is chiding an apologetic Calliope. (Love Anna in ALL these scenes!). She tells Calliope she is leaving and Calliope better not stand in her way, and takes off. Rafe is calling “Ken” to report the lost connection. Anna is in her room, pulling clothes out of drawere, then deciding the heck with that, grabs her purse, and opens the door, only to find Rafe standing there. LOL
He steps into the room, telling Anna that all he wants is to know who put her up to the kidnapping. Anna tells him he has no jurisdiction here, he can’t do anything. Try me, replies Rafe. And now, it must be “Ken”, who brings in a handcuffed and rather sheepish Calliope. Rafe is making a deal, both women can go free. Anna tells all, Calliope & Eugene’s debt to the IRS gets paid….Whoa……an angry Anna realizes Calliope’s husband did not run off with a bimbette.Calliope admits this is true. “Ken” takes Calliope out. Now Rafe tells Anna he wants to know the name of her partner. She claims it was Benny, but he tells her Benny was sprung from jail. Anna claims she did it, Rafe knows better, cuz she was already ensconced in this little hideaway when that happened. She knows he still loves Sami. Yes, he does, but he doesn’t know what will happen there. He tells her he knows it was not her idea, that she is not the one who made everyone think Sydney was dead, and that she wants justice for Tony, & he wants justice for Sydney. Anna proclaims, o.k. she will tell him what he wants to know.

I hope Anna spills the beans and this saga does not go any further. I want a new story. All though I was enjoying the scenes with Calliope I really want this to end.
Wonderful write up Barb. Thanks so much!!

Not an episode I have to get excited about watching though...noting real exciting for a Friday! :)
You just know they'll drag this out so it gives one of Stefano's henchmen time to get down there and make sure Anna shuts up. I just want this storyline to end and have Sami find out what a rotter EJ is and let us see him try to squirm out of it. And Sami being so quick to forgive the wrong people will believe in him not Rafe. After that Rafe should stay completely away from her. I am so tired of Sami and she used to be one of my favorites.
I love reading these summaries- it is the highlight of my mornings, has been for years!! I'm even a little sad on Saturday and Sunday without a summary to read!! Thank you so much for all that you do Barb.
Thank you very much for the write up!!!! I dont' always post a lot but I do read!!
I love reading these summaries- it is the highlight of my mornings, has been for years!! I'm even a little sad on Saturday and Sunday without a summary to read!! Thank you so much for all that you do Barb.

Kudos. I totally agree. Barb, you do an outstanding job.
She once more praises EJ bringing Sydney back to her, and apologizes again for keeping her pregnancy a secret from EJ, wondering how he ever forgave her for that. No need to apologize, sez EJ.

Sounds like the writers once again either missed the opportunity or purposefully decided not to have EJ show any remorse or guilt over what he did to Sami. Nicole always lost the struggle with her conscience but at least she had one. I mean, here's Sami apologizing and looking like a fool while EJ just soaks it up. Not even a, "Samanther . . . there's something I must tell you," [commercial break] "I . . . I'm so glad you moved in" or some other equally lame change-of-mind.

Thanks for watching and posting your summaries! I honestly, truly don't know how you do it right now, but your dedication is very much appreciated!
Thanks for suffering through

Barb, You do save me the drudgery of having to watch each entire episode. Your recaps are so thorough, I can fast forward to just the part I want to see.
I'm tired of all of the storylines and wish they would move onto something more exiciting and interesting. We have been in this black hole forever, so it seems to me.

Thank you.

EJ did say he was sorry for putting Sami through all this. Just not to her. Go easy on EJ.
He loves his kids and really cares for Sami. I think they make a nice couple and look so good together. EJ is up for an Emmy this year and so is Nicole. Rafe on the underhand seems to be a real jerk. Can't get over this kidnapping and just wants to get rid of EJ so he can have Sami. Not fair. He seems to have tons of money to go after Anna and he is working by himself and doesn't have any partner with the FBI. Who gives him the orders? They dismissed the kidnapping. Where is he getting his money to travel all over the place?
As far as Kate and Madeline. Do you think Kate can be Chad's mother? OR Stefano his Father? Just wondering. He was adopted if I remember right.
Well I know most of you don't like me on this board and I am sorry for that. I ask question and no one ever answers any of them. If you don't want me here just say it.
OH and Melanine and Steph are up for an Emmy as well. I hope the character Melanie wins it..
Thank you for reading.
Nicole always lost the struggle with her conscience but at least she had one. I mean, here's Sami apologizing and looking like a fool while EJ just soaks it up.

Just a heads up that I'm stealing that sentence from you the next time I debate EJ or Nicole! :D lol
He seems to have tons of money to go after Anna and he is working by himself and doesn't have any partner with the FBI. Who gives him the orders? They dismissed the kidnapping. Where is he getting his money to travel all over the place?

I'm not sure they ever dismissed the kidnapping.....the Salem pd just sort of dropped the looking/solving part once Sydney was returned home. And, the best I can figure out, there is an FBI agent in the background that Rafe communicates with so I can't see that he's working by himself, there just seems to be a lot of off camera activity on the s/l.

And while I am in no position to speak for anyone else that posts on these boards, I can speak for myself. I do not have any problems with anything you post. It's an open world and everyone has a right to their opinion and thoughts even if not everyone agrees with you. Just would hate to think that you or anyone else feels ostracized by the posters.
EJ did say he was sorry for putting Sami through all this. Just not to her. Go easy on EJ.
He loves his kids and really cares for Sami. I think they make a nice couple and look so good together. EJ is up for an Emmy this year and so is Nicole. Rafe on the underhand seems to be a real jerk. Can't get over this kidnapping and just wants to get rid of EJ so he can have Sami. Not fair. He seems to have tons of money to go after Anna and he is working by himself and doesn't have any partner with the FBI. Who gives him the orders? They dismissed the kidnapping. Where is he getting his money to travel all over the place?
As far as Kate and Madeline. Do you think Kate can be Chad's mother? OR Stefano his Father? Just wondering. He was adopted if I remember right.
Well I know most of you don't like me on this board and I am sorry for that. I ask question and no one ever answers any of them. If you don't want me here just say it.
OH and Melanine and Steph are up for an Emmy as well. I hope the character Melanie wins it..
Thank you for reading.

Yeah you're right... Rafe should just get over the kidnapping. I mean so what... Sydney is back! Who cares who did it and that they are still free! And yeah his only motivation is gettin Sami back.

lol... sorry I can't even type that with a straight face. :) A KID WAS KIDNAPPED!!! I'll tell you what is weird... what is weird is that Sami doesn't care!! And if Rafe only wanted Sami back then why did HE dump her!? She was all set wanting him back but he walked away. So I don't really get that.

And as for EJ's 'appology'... he's only sorry that what he did will harm his chances with Sami if she finds out. And EJ loves his kids the same way Stefano does.
LOL, Yep, why should the FBI even care about a kidnapping across state lines? Why should they devote any time to searching for anyone who kidnapped a baby? Heck, Daddy brought home baby safe and sound, and no one worries that it could possibly happen again, since the kidnapper is still floating around somewhere. Could be Johnny next, or Allie....Ciara or Theo. Why bother looking. All these rich people have money to ransom their loved ones.
And if that kidnapper strikes in a different town/state.....hey, at least he is not in Salem, right?

While we are at it, why bother with the serial murderers, rapists, bombers or even the serial muggers?

Sarcasm over, and I thank heavens the FBI stays on cases like this. What I hate more than anything else is that EJ won't spend a single day in jail for this. He is sooo lucky Sami lost every last brain cell she owned.
Thanks for the recap Barb..someone wake me up once we get to the Alice tribute in June. I am really starting to not even care about keeping up with the show.

What Jade and Poirot said!!!!

EJ did say he was sorry for putting Sami through all this. Just not to her.

He loves his kids and really cares for Sami.

They dismissed the kidnapping.

[Chad] was adopted if I remember right.

Well I know most of you don't like me on this board and I am sorry for that.

I ask question and no one ever answers any of them.

1. If EJ was really sorry for anything he did, he would have come clean long ago and stopped his evil ways.

2. If that is love, I sure feel sorry for Sami and the children.

3. The kidnapping was never "dismissed" and these cases stay open for decades sometimes. Rafe's traveling is being subsidized by the FBI/Government and I hope he gets enough information on Anna and EJ to fry them both.

4. There has never been any comments in the show about Chad's being adopted but there has been a lot of speculating on this board to that effect.

5. Sorry to burst your bubble, Mae, but you never cross my mind until I see one of your posts.

6. I was getting ready to comment on several items in your post before I read that no one ever answers your questions.

Just because I don't agree with every point you make and like the same characters you do, Mae, does not mean I don't like you or want you on this board. I have no feelings about you one way or the other. This is a debate and that's what we do here. I don't recall ever having said anything to you that was rude but, if you feel that I have, just point it out to me and I will humbly apologize.

I like to read all points of view.

Thanks for the write up Poirot. I did not get to see it yesterday. I sure hope Anna tells Rafe the truth this time. I am really liking the Nicole, Arianna, and Brady triangle.
Well today we found out for sure both Kate and Madeline were call girls. And if I heard it correctly Madeline made a comment about Kate killing her brother, that must be where Kate got her blood stained hands from & Stefano must of helped her cover it up. But I was curious Madeline's threat to out Kate & Stefano would destroy their life as they know it, although Maddy didn't appear to kill anyone she was just a call girl, wouldn't her reputation be destroyed also? And, it Stephano knew about Kate's brother I wonder why he didn't use this information before to blackmail Kate in some way? Oh, silly me it's a new story line the writers just dreamed up!
Speaking of the FBI and Rafe down in, South America isn't it?, pursuing the kidnapping case, why was the guy holding Calliope wearing an FBI jacket...??? Does the FBI have any kind of power there...??? Would "FBI" on your jacket mean anything to the people down there....??? :duh: Not to nit pic, but I just found it kind of strange.....

And just to add my two cents....I think you people that are mean to EJ should just stop, hasn't that poor guy been through enough...????? Bless his little heart...... :D :D :D