Days of Our Lives - Fri., May 19, 2017

Sorry to say my opinion is pretty much the same as it has been: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Have to think that writers hire on a show with good intentions that don't last past the first hour at work. When do the new people take over?? "This is another fine mess......" Think that producers have a revolving door to building and have taken lessons from Casey Stengel (baseball player) on changing people. I recall that he was forever changing managers, had Billy Martin 4 or 5 times as manager and didn't change outcome.
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I am going to cut Theo a whole boat load of slack. He is a man trying to deal with emotions and grown up decisions. He doesn't have the same skills as someone without autism. He is being played by Claire who is such a self-centered twit. Everything is centered around her ups and downs. She gives lip service to caring about Brady, Ciara, Victor, Marlena and last of all Theo. Petulant and shallow.

Theo gets frustrated with her but she is his first girl friend. Ciara is his best friend and her tried to help her. It blew up and he's just trying to make it right again. Theo is the only teen I pay serious attention to on a regular basis. Joey and the rest who mumble and grit their teeth can shove off.
OK, finally caught up. Thanks again to all who did the summaries. All I can say for the past few episodes is that, besides a few bright spots here and there, incredibly boring. I know we always joke about how terrible the Sweeps/Sleeps periods have been for the past few years, but this one is truly terrible.